Seeing Ye Tian say this, Uncle Nine didn't ask any more questions, and opened his mouth to answer the other party's request.

"In that case, then I'll go back and tell Shime and Chizuru to keep an eye on them!"

"That's great!"

After discussing this matter, Uncle Nine stood up again and said to Hua Yanyan:

"Yan Yan, your aunt is looking for you for something, tell me that after I see you, I will call you back."

"Looking for me? What's the matter? "

Hua Yanyan was a little curious, and asked Uncle Nine in a low voice.

"I don't know, it seems that I received a letter from your family, and I don't know the specific thing!"

"Well, well! I'll go back with you! "

When Hua Yanyan heard this, she turned her head to Jingjing and said, "Jingjing, I'll go back, you can help him here." "

"Huh? I? "

Jingjing was extremely surprised, thinking that she would have to be alone with Ye Tian for a while, her heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate.

The whole person lowered his head, not daring to look at Ye Tian on the side.

"yes, what are you afraid of!"

Hua Yanyan patted Ye Tian's shoulder angrily, and said pretending to be serious:

"Don't bully Jingjing, otherwise I won't be able to spare you!"

After speaking, Hua Yanyan turned her head and smiled evilly at Jingjing, and then pulled the confused Uncle Nine out of the hospital.

"Ye... Dr. Ye, can I do something for you? "

Seeing that there were only two of them in the room at this time, Jingjing couldn't help but feel a little cramped, and asked Ye Tian in a low voice.

"No, I'm not your boss, why are you so serious, come, sit down and drink tea!"

"Good, good!"

Seeing this, Jingjing rubbed her hands on the placket of her clothes, looking embarrassed.

"Doctor Ye, I heard that you and Ren Tingting, the young lady of the Ren family, are you a couple, is there such a thing?"

Finally, Jingjing mustered up her courage, looked up at Ye Tian, and asked curiously.

"Well, that's right!"

Ye Tian nodded and asked with a smile, "Why did you suddenly ask about this?" "

"Nothing, nothing, just curious, just ask!"

Seeing this, Jingjing hurriedly waved her hand again and again, and said no more.

"Ha, I'm kidding you, why are you so serious? Do I look that serious? "

Ye Tian smiled and poured another cup of tea for Jingjing, and said:

"I still remember the last time I was at the Four-Eyed Senior Brother Dojo, you had a fierce temper with me!"

"Huh? It was a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! "

Jingjing suddenly felt extremely embarrassed, her cheeks instantly became a little hot, and she hurriedly explained.

"It's okay, it's all over, you happen to be here, tell me if anything interesting happened after I left."

"Well, that's a lot of fun!"

As soon as Jingjing heard this, she instantly seemed to open the chatterbox, and told Ye Tian interesting things with emotion.

Of course, this is mainly based on the story of the four-eyed Taoist and the master of Ikyu who fell in love and killed each other.

"I'm annoyed!"

Just as the two were talking happily, a scream from Hua Yanyan suddenly came from the door.

Suddenly, the pedestrians on the entire street looked in the direction of Hua Yanyan, as if they thought she was crazy.

"What a situation! Shocked! "

Looking at Hua Yanyan, who is a little frizzy on weekdays, but is quite stable, is now very out of grace.

Ye Tian was a little puzzled, and asked curiously.

And Jingjing was also taken aback by her, and quickly stepped forward to grab Hua Yanyan's arm, and asked with concern:

"What's wrong, Sister Hua? Is something wrong? "

"How can this be true? Outrageous! How could he do that! "

Hua Yanyan shouted angrily, as if she was going to cut the person she was talking about with a thousand knives.

Jingjing was a little overwhelmed by the fright, and hurriedly pulled Hua Yanyan's arm tightly, for fear that she would do something stupid.

"What the hell is going on with you? A person is nervous here! "

Seeing that Hua Yanyan finally became honest after making a noise, Ye Tian sat aside and asked in a low voice.

"My dad sent me a letter and asked me to go back!"

"Oh my God, it scared me to death, what a big deal I thought!"

Hearing Hua Yanyan say this, Jingjing let out a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said:

"Sister Hua, you have been away from home for so long, and the family misses you, so you should go back to visit them!"

"It's just, just go back, what's the fuss?"

Ye Tian couldn't figure out what kind of temper this Hua Yanyan was, but she was called home by her father, what was the big deal.

"What do you know?"

Hua Yanyan muttered angrily, and continued:

"My father is not too young after saying that, and he wants to set a family affair for me!"

"Oh my God, it's fake!"

Jingjing covered her mouth in disbelief, and Ye Tian also looked at Hua Yanyan in surprise, not knowing what to say.

In this year, the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker are still very useful.

Especially the yin and yang family like the Hua family, which has been inherited for thousands of years, is also extremely important for family marriage.

Thinking about the marriage arranged for her by Hua Yanyan's father this time, it should also be such a marriage.

"Of course it's true!"

Hua Yanyan slapped the table vigorously and scolded loudly:

"My father actually wants to marry me to the Xiang family's Xiang Dingtian! I saw him once a few years ago, and he looked like an orangutan! Ugly! "

"Xiang family? Is your Hua family powerful? "

Hearing Hua Yanyan say this, Jingjing was a little curious.

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile:

"The marriage that Ling Zun arranged for you is still quite right!"

"Phew, nasty! Why are you smiling so happily? What good is it for me to marry him! "

Hua Yanyan slapped Ye Tian's juniors angrily, as if venting the boredom in her heart.

"Doctor Ye, what is the origin of this family, I feel quite powerful when I hear you say this!"

Jingjing was very curious on the side, and she couldn't wait to ask Ye Tian a little impatiently.

"The yin and yang family in the world, there are not only the Hua family who enters yin and yang in medicine, but also the Zhuge family who enters yin and yang in Qimen Dunjia, and the Xiang family enters yin and yang with martial arts!"

"Martial arts into yin and yang? Can martial arts also slay demons? "

Jingjing was puzzled and asked again.

"That's right, the martial arts powerhouse's own qi and blood can be said to be very powerful, and this powerful qi and blood has enough lethality for ghosts!"

Ye Tiandian was already a martial arts powerhouse, so he also had some understanding of these things, and continued: "Back then, the descendants of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, were obsessed with martial arts, and practiced a strong qi and blood, and they also made a name for themselves in this yin and yang world!

However, martial arts is only a low-level cultivation method after all, and once you meet a powerful cultivator or a ghost king, the existence of a demon king will not get any benefits.

Xiang Wuji, the head of the Xiang family who is now in charge, is the powerhouse of the Martial Arts King Kong Realm.

Although it is impossible to compare with famous schools such as Maoshan and Longhu Mountain, it is also a top-ranked existence in the world of the Yin and Yang family. "

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