Listening to Ye Tian explain this, Jingjing suddenly realized, and said with some amazement:

"In this way, this family is really powerful! No wonder Sister Hua, your father plans to marry them! "

"What a fart!"

Seeing that Jingjing actually grew up with other people's ambition to destroy her own prestige, Hua Yanyan glanced at the other party unhappily, immediately looked at Ye Tian, and said:

"Say, what should I do about this?"

"I say?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, and helplessly spread his hands and said, "This is the marriage of the two yin and yang families, what does it matter to me?" "

"Why is it none of your business? I'm your assistant now, the person from your hospital, and you'll be in charge of my affairs! "

The more Hua Yanyan spoke, the more angry she became, and immediately grabbed Ye Tian's arm and said loudly:

"I don't care, I'm here anyway, I don't believe you can bear to watch me marry that chimpanzee!"

Looking at this Hua Yanyan's rogue behavior, Ye Tian was angry and funny.

To be honest, since Hua Yanyan came to her own medical hall, it has been much more lively than the original deserted medical hall.

is different from Ren Tingting's gentle and elegant, Hua Yanyan's personality is slightly more lively.

If she was really taken away by the Hua family as she said, she was really not used to it.

"After all, this is your family's family matter, by the way, what is my senior sister's opinion?"

Ye Tian didn't know how to persuade Hua Yanyan, so he had to ask Aunt Sue's opinion.

"My aunt helped me reply to a letter and said that I would think about it for a month.

It was just my dad's idea, but I knew he would do it! "

"Doctor Ye, otherwise you can help Sister Hua, if you marry someone you don't like, it will become a lifelong regret!"

Looking at Hua Yanyan's encounter, Jingjing couldn't help but think of herself.

In case he can't marry Ye Tian in the future, then what kind of pain and discomfort will it be.

"Anyway, there's still a month, and it's too late to figure out a way by then!"

When Ye Tian heard this, he had no choice but to nod and answer, and said: "When the time comes, it's a big deal that your father is here, and I will intercede for you with my senior sister and them!" "

"I don't care, I don't care! I don't want to marry that chimpanzee! Don't marry him! "

After that, Hua Yanyan ran straight into Ye Tian's bedroom and lay on the bed.

At this moment, Ye Tian and Jingjing were both shocked, and they were reluctant to show up when they saw each other's quilts on their faces.

Ye Tian smiled wryly and said with a smile: "Why don't you rest for a while, I'll call you when you eat!" "

With that, Ye Tian and Jingjing turned around and closed the bedroom door.

Listening to the sound of the two walking out and closing the door, Hua Yanyan lifted the quilt covering her face.

On his face, his eyes were already hazy with tears.

"Fool, do you know who I like? I've just said so much, you don't understand what I mean! "

Hua Yanyan looked around the bedroom, as if the air was filled with the smell of Ye Tian.

Gently wiped away his tears and said sadly:

"Why am I so stupid, I know my feelings for you in my heart, but I don't dare to show it!"

Hua Yanyan muttered a few words in a resentful whisper, and then gently smoothed the quilt on her body, as if she was lying next to Ye Tian.

"Stinky guy, you're such a stinky guy...


Ye Tian and Jingjing returned to the hall of the medical hall, looking at Ye Tian's helpless appearance with a wry smile on his face, Jingjing's heart was a little mixed.

If it was yesterday, Jingjing might still be able to believe that Hua Yanyan didn't like Ye Tian.

But looking at what happened just now, Jingjing has already determined that Hua Yanyan has Ye Tian in her heart.

For a while, Jingjing didn't know what to do, and she didn't dare to express her feelings for Ye Tian.

Just stood aside in a daze, staring out the door in a daze.

"Jingjing, what's wrong? You don't talk anymore? "

Seeing Jingjing wandering in a daze, Ye Tian patted her shoulder with a smile and asked.

"Doctor Ye, can't you see it? The person Sister Hua likes is you! "

Jingjing didn't know why she said this, but she still mustered up the courage to say it.

Then he stood up, turned around and walked out of the hospital quickly.

"Like me?"

Obviously, what Jingjing said made Ye Tian very surprised and surprised.

He couldn't believe that this girl who was always by his side, no matter how big or small, would like him.

For a while, Ye Tian's heart surged with thousands of thoughts.

He couldn't be sure if he also fell in love with Hua Yanyan, and fell in love with this girl who was always around him.

"I didn't expect this stupid girl to see what I buried so deep in my heart!"

Just when Ye Tian was in a daze, Hua Yanyan's helpless voice came from the door of the bedroom.

At this time, Hua Yanyan seemed to be relieved, and her face was a little pale.

Immediately strolled to Ye Tian's approach, and said:

"Don't worry, I know that you only have that Miss Ren in your heart, I'm just a crazy girl, you can't look down on me!"

After that, Hua Yanyan stood up, looked at Ye Tian tenderly, and said with a wry smile:

"How could I have fallen in love with you stinky guy, I didn't even notice it myself!

But forget it, after all, I'm the one who wants to be used as a tool for family marriage, so how can I talk about whether I like it or not! "

After saying these words, Hua Yanyan's eyes began to become a little moist and slightly red.

Then he gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and showed a smile:

"I'd better go back tomorrow, I'm afraid that if I continue to stay with you, I won't want to leave!"

It seemed like a final goodbye, Hua Yanyan said this, and then turned around and walked towards the door.

"If you don't want to go, then it's better not to go!"

It's just that what Hua Yanyan didn't expect was that she had just taken a step, and Ye Tian's voice came from behind her.

"You... What did you say! "

Hua Yanyan turned her head in disbelief, looked at Ye Tian's cheeks, and asked in surprise.

"I said I didn't want to go, so I didn't want to go!"

Ye Tian was still smiling brightly, and Doudou was also nodding again and again on the side.

"What you said is true?"

Hua Yanyan's voice trembled a little at this time, and she instantly sat in front of Ye Tian, asking with teary eyes.

"Why should I lie to you?"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, reached out and grabbed Hua Yanyan's hands.

"You... You... "

Hua Yanyan couldn't believe everything in front of him, he looked at Ye Tian and took the initiative to hold his hands.

For a while, tears couldn't stop flowing, and he said excitedly: "Are you going to accept me?" "

"I want you to stay with me."

Ye Tian still had a bright smile, and then gently hugged Hua Yanyan into his arms, and said gently:

"Don't worry, if your father comes to take you away, I'll stab him with a needle!"

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