"There's dead in town! It's strange to die! "

Uncle Nine sat down at the table with a frown, nodded and replied.

"Strange to die? What's going on? "

Seeing that several people were looking at him in surprise, Uncle Nine opened his mouth to tell what had just happened.

"Senior brother, did you think it was the corpse demon who did it?"

"Yes, I think so too!"

Looking at Aunt Sue's speculation on the side, Uncle Nine heard this, nodded, and continued:

"Zombies are different from zombies, they are no different from ordinary people in their normal state, and they can absorb the blood of living people at close range without causing any wounds.

I observed the condition of the corpses, and in addition to the blood on their bodies, even the essence of their bodies disappeared.

If such a situation can cause such a situation, it should be a corpse demon! "

"Fuck, who the hell made such a wicked thing? Deliberately find fault! "

The four-eyed Taoist was originally hot-tempered, and when he heard that the corpse demon was in the world, he couldn't help but slap the table and scold.

"You say, could it be the elder brother's doing?"

The speculation of the Thousand Crane Dao people instantly surprised everyone.

"Probably not, we have also quietly looked at the mansion of the senior brother in the past two days, and we didn't find out what he is doing!"

"Stupid, if he really refines the corpse demon, will he let you find out?"

Su Gu glared at the four-eyed Taoist and continued: "The evil of the corpse demon can be well hidden in the lives of ordinary people, and it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is really difficult enough!" "

"That's right, Senior Sister is right, but even so, we have to try our best to find this evil and not let it harm others!"

Uncle Nine nodded in approval of Aunt Sue's statement, and then said:

"But I have a suspicion now, I don't know whether to say it or not!"

"I said senior brother, don't sell it, hurry up!"

"Yes, senior brother, when is this, and are you still in the mood to play dumb riddles!"

"I suspect that this corpse demon is related to Senior Brother's apprentice Shi Shaojian!"

"What? Really? "

Shi Shaojian is Shi Jian's only apprentice, will Shi Jian really be ruthless to refine Shi Shaojian into a corpse demon?

"Senior Brother Four-eyed, maybe what Senior Brother Lin said is right!"

Seeing that the four-eyed Daoist didn't believe what Uncle Nine said, the Thousand Crane Daoist opened his mouth to explain:

"In the past few days, you and I have only seen the figure of the senior brother in that courtyard, but have you ever seen that apprentice Shi Shaojian?"

"Hey, when you say that, it looks like we haven't seen him yet!"

Seeing the Thousand Crane Daoist analyzing like this, the four-eyed Daoist couldn't help but nodded.

"I asked Qiusheng and Wencai to lead the way to the place where Shi Shaojian's body had appeared on the second day of the incident, in addition to the foul-smelling feces, there was also a lot of blood that had long dried up!"

The more Uncle Jiu said, his face was a little gloomy: "At that time, I guessed that Shi Shaojian's body should have suffered other damages, and it would definitely not be as simple as being splashed with feces." "

"At that time, I questioned Qiusheng and Wencai, and the two of them firmly denied that they had used sharp weapons to destroy Shi Shaojian's body. Most likely, his flesh was later torn by wild beasts. "

"If it is really analyzed like you, Senior Brother, then Senior Brother's statement of refining corpse demons is established!"

"Yes, I also went to find the senior brother at that time, and he said that Shi Shaojian's soul was unstable, and his body also needed to recuperate. I believed him at the time, and I didn't think much of it! Who would have thought that this would be the case! "

"Damn, I'm going to go find that bastard right now and ask for clarification! If it had been his disciple's doing, I would have destroyed him at once!" "

Seeing that the four-eyed Taoist was about to rush out to find Shi Jian's theory, Uncle Nine and the others stepped forward and pulled him back again.

"Why are you so impulsive! This is all Senior Brother Lin's speculation, if this situation is not like that, wouldn't it be difficult to end! "

"Simu, our relationship with Senior Brother is stiff enough now, and if we are not completely sure, we must not act recklessly!"

Listening to several people shouting to dissuade themselves, the four-eyed Taoist felt both helpless and angry.

He slapped the table vigorously and shouted:

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what the hell should I do!"

"Right now, as long as the identity of that Shi Shaojian's corpse demon is confirmed, you can ask Senior Brother for questioning!"

After saying that, Uncle Nine stood up and said to a few people:

"Now, I need Senior Brother Ye's help."

At this time, Ye Tian was treating patients in the hospital, while Hua Yanyan was working on the sidelines.

Seeing Uncle Nine walk in but didn't speak, but stood aside with a frown, Ye Tian knew that something must be in trouble.

After quickly diagnosing and treating the patient in front of him, he asked Uncle Jiu:

"Senior brother, have you encountered any difficulties?"

"Senior brother, I need you to come out this time!"

Hearing this, Uncle Nine nodded, and told Ye Tian what happened this morning and the speculations of several of his own people.

Sure enough, it was really the same as in the movie, Shi Shaojian was finally refined into a corpse demon.

And now if you want to verify the identity of his corpse demon, you need to pierce the yang hole on his back with a golden needle.

Observe if the color of its blood is really human-like.

And the only one who can do this, and he doesn't know it, is Ye Tian.

"It's up to me!"

Ye Tian nodded and agreed to Uncle Jiu's request, and then asked:

"If it's really Senior Brother's doing, what are you going to do, Senior Brother?"

"I will report to the master immediately and follow their arrangement!"

After all, Shi Jian is the senior brother of the inner gate of Maoshan, even if he wants to clean up the portal, it is not the turn of the ninth uncle to call the shots.

Therefore, the reason for this matter can only be informed to the elders of the sect, and they can make a decision.

"Okay, in that case, senior brother wait for my news!"

Ye Tian knew that Uncle Nine still couldn't bear to turn against Shi Jian, so he didn't persuade him much.

"Okay, thank you Senior Brother Ye! We wait for your news! "

After that, Uncle Nine walked out of the hospital with a heavy heart.

"You say, will this Shi Jian really refine his apprentice into a corpse demon?"

Hua Yanyan didn't quite believe that what Uncle Nine said would be true.

As the senior brother of the Maoshan faction, refining such an evil as a corpse demon is really unimaginable to others.

"If it's true, try it and you'll know!"

With that, Ye Tian took Hua Yanyan's hand and walked towards the courtyard where Shi Jian's father and son were.

"It's out, it's out!"

Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan stayed outside the courtyard for a while, and then saw Shi Shaojian walking out of the courtyard with a smile on his face, as if he was in a particularly relaxed mood.

Looking at the girls walking back and forth on the street, Shi Shaojian's eyes once again showed a greedy gaze.

"Bastard! Still thinking about these things! "

At this time, Shi Jian also walked out, looking at Shi Shaojian's evil expression again, he couldn't help but scold.

"Dad, I don't dare!"

Shi Shaojian was so frightened that he hurriedly flashed to the side, not daring to show any greed.

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