Seeing that the second elder Tianyi Zhenren opened his mouth to speak, the sixth elder Tianxuan Zhenren put away his uninhibited appearance just now, glared at Ye Tian fiercely, and stopped talking.

"Xiao Jiu, let's talk about it, what's going on!"

Of the five people in front of him, the ninth uncle Lin Fengjiao had the highest qualifications, so Tianyi Zhenren opened his mouth to ask him.

"Master, disciple and others want to report something to you and the two uncles!"

Seeing this, Uncle Nine opened his mouth and told the three elders exactly what had happened in the past few days.

For a moment, each elder's brows gradually tightened together.

Everyone in the Ninth Uncle's moral character is known, and he will definitely not lie about this kind of thing.

If it is really as Uncle Nine said, then this inner door senior brother Shi Jian has already embarked on an evil path.

"That's the way it is, this matter involves the senior brother of this sect, and the disciple does not dare to make an assertion, and I also ask the master and the elders to discuss and decide."

"How could this happen?"

The four elders shook their heads, a little melancholy and hesitant.

And the six elders were frowning, not knowing what to say.

After all, Shi Jian has a certain status in the Maoshan faction, not like the Dragon Slayer Daoist.

Moreover, Shi Jian is still the descendant disciple of the Great Elder Heavenly Apocalypse, so I am afraid that this matter will not be easy to decide.

"Xiao Jiu, I already know what you said, but this matter is very involved, and we still need to report it to the master, especially to let Senior Brother know about it!

I'll let you know the outcome of this later! "

"Yes, master!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, he didn't dare to say more, so he bowed and nodded.


The three real people nodded, and the figures gradually became ethereal and ethereal, and there was no effect.

"Whew... I'm so nervous! "

Seeing the true manifestations of the three elders leaving, the four-eyed Daoist let out a long breath.

Qianhe Daoist was also relieved, looked at Ye Tian on the side, and said jokingly:

"The sixth senior uncle still hasn't changed at all, and he always likes to teach the little junior brother no matter the occasion!"

"No way, my master has such a weird temper!"

Ye Tian spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

And Uncle Nine sat down at the table and said in a deep voice:

"Now we have to wait for the results of the discussion between the head of the sect and a few elders!"

"That's so, but if you let that corpse demon go out and don't stop it, I'm afraid there will be a bigger problem!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but open his mouth and continued:

"If Shi Shaojian wants to maintain the state of a normal person, he must continue to kill people and suck blood!

The more time we delay, the more chance we give the other party to kill! "

"That's right, I agree with Senior Brother Ye's statement!"

At this time, Aunt Sue also came close and expressed her opinion:

"We can't just wait for the decision of the head and the elders in this matter, after all, the seriousness of this matter cannot be delayed!"

"I also agree with Senior Brother Ye's statement!"

"Me too!"

Seeing that the Thousand Crane Daoist and the Four Eyes Dao also stood firm in Ye Tian's opinion, Uncle Nine heard that he would no longer delay and took the case:

"In that case, then you continue to wait here for a reply from the elders!

Leave the matter of the corpse demon to me! "

Saying wow, Uncle Nine turned around and was about to stride away from Yizhuang.

"Senior brother, bring this with you!"

Ye Tian saw that Uncle Jiu was resolute, and he didn't stop him, but just handed a golden needle in front of the other party.

"Okay, thank you, junior brother!"

Seeing this, Uncle Nine nodded gratefully, and then strode out of Yizhuang.

Looking at this scene, the Four-Eyed Daoist and the Thousand Crane Daoist couldn't help but sigh.

And Aunt Sue put on a relieved expression and said:

"Don't worry, Senior Brother has his own opinions, let's wait here for the elders' reply!"

"Hey, that's all there is to it!"

"This Senior Brother Lin always likes to carry things by himself, hey...

When the Thousand Crane Daoist and the Four Eyes Dao people heard this, they no longer asked, but sat down and continued to wait for the elders' reply.

Ye Tian also didn't understand what Uncle Nine would do when he went.

But he knew that the reason why Uncle Nine took the matter on himself.

It's just that I can't get over that hurdle in my heart.

Because it was himself who invited Senior Brother Shi Jian to come this time.

It was also his two apprentices who accidentally destroyed Shi Shaojian's physical body.

Regarding Shi Shaojian's transformation into a corpse demon, someone in Renjia Town died unexpectedly and tragically.

Uncle Nine thinks that he has a great responsibility.

That's why he is so stubborn and takes everything on himself.

This is Uncle Nine's kindness, and it is also his heart disease.

Ye Tian knew that he was not good at interfering rashly, so he complied with the other party's request.

Stay in Yizhuang and wait quietly for the final decision of the elders!

After Uncle Nine left Yizhuang, he turned around and went to the mansion where Ren Fa borrowed it.

"Qiusheng, Wencai, Jia Le, Ah Fa! Come here! "

"Master, what's wrong?"

Qiusheng and a few people also knew that this Shi Shaojian was very likely to be a corpse demon, and when they saw Uncle Jiu walking into the courtyard with a serious face, they hurriedly greeted him.

"You guys go find some messy garbage! Just go! "


When several people heard such an unreasonable request from Uncle Jiu, they looked at each other for a while, as if they were wondering if they had heard it wrong.


Seeing this, Uncle Nine roared angrily.

"Yes! Master (Uncle)! "

Looking at Uncle Jiu's terrifying and serious face, no one in Qiusheng dared to delay.

Immediately ran out of the house and looked for garbage according to Uncle Jiu's instructions.

Qiusheng and a few people left the house, and Uncle Nine was not idle.

He turned around and went to the kitchen, carried a large cauldron, set it up in the middle of the courtyard, and boiled hot water.

After a while, Qiusheng and a few people walked in with a hemp bag and said excitedly:

"Master, we're back!"

"Okay, bring me something!"

"Yes, master!"

With that, several people walked quickly to Uncle Nine and put the sack aside.

"Master, what are you doing here?"

Wen Cai was puzzled and asked curiously.

And Uncle Nine frowned, and replied without raising his head:

"Boil Baibao Soup!"

"Baibao soup?"

Several people were puzzled and didn't understand what this Baibao soup was.

"I'll put this garbage in this pot of hot water later, and you can count for me how many kinds of garbage I put in! Did you hear me clearly? "

"Hear me clearly!"

Hearing this, several people hurriedly nodded in response.

Seeing this, Uncle Nine began to take out the garbage in the sack and throw it into the cauldron in front of him in the same way.

For a while, rotten fruits, rotten shoes, dirty clothes, and even women's menstrual belts were all thrown into the hot water in the cauldron by Uncle Jiu.

Before the thing was halfway in, a disgusting smell of rancid acid emanated from the entire courtyard.

Qiusheng and the others frowned, suppressed the thought of vomiting, and helped Uncle Nine calculate how much garbage they had thrown into the cauldron.

Soon, all this garbage was thrown into the pot by Uncle Jiu.

And the faces of Qiusheng and the others became more and more ugly.

Everyone seemed to be poisoned, and their cheeks were a little blue.

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