"Uncle Shi, this is Baibao soup! It's rubbish! "

Jia Le clutched his chest as if he was overturning, frowned and said.

"You know what!"

Uncle Nine was in no mood to pay attention to the other party, but asked:

"How many things did I just add?"


Qiusheng covered his nose and was the first to shout.

"That's right, it's ninety-eight!"

Wen Cai also echoed on the side.

Jia Le and Ah Fa had actually been messing up for a long time, and when they heard the two of them say this, they also nodded.

"There are still two kinds of missing!"

Looking at the empty sack, Uncle Nine frowned, then glanced at Qiusheng next to him, and said:

"Come here!"

"What are you doing, master?"

Qiusheng was puzzled, but he still obediently walked to the front of Uncle Jiu.

"I'll lend you something!"

As soon as Uncle Nine said that, he pointed at Qiusheng's hair, and a golden light flashed, and a strand of hair fell into Uncle Jiu's palm.

"Master, the body is skinny, and the parents who are affected dare not destroy it!"

Qiusheng saw that a strand of his hair was taken off by Uncle Jiu, and he was so frightened that he retreated again and again, waving his hand constantly.

"Ruined fart! You've grown so big, you haven't cut your hair yet! Stand up for me! "

Uncle Nine glared at Qiusheng, grabbed the other party's palm and swiped it gently.

A long opening appeared in Qiusheng's palm.



As the wound in his palm opened, drops of blood fell into the boiling water in the pot.

Qiusheng seemed to be about to cry, but after seeing Uncle Jiu's serious expression, he still held back aggrievedly.


As the blood dripped into the waste water in the pot, the firewood under the pot also instantly rose into flames.

For a while, the already boiling hot water became even more turbulent.

The rotten, sour, disgusting smell grew stronger.

The four Qiusheng, who had been working hard, finally couldn't help it, and ran outside the hospital to breathe in the fresh air, as if they had been reborn.

Only Uncle Nine is still stirring all kinds of garbage in the pot with a big iron spoon, and his face is full of sadness.

Qiusheng and the others wanted to step forward to help Uncle Nine, but they had more than enough heart and strength.

"Qiusheng, what are you doing here? What about Uncle Nine cooking at home? "

By this time, more and more passers-by had noticed the thick stench coming from the courtyard and the gray smoke that filled the courtyard.

", what a mess! My master makes stinky tofu! "

"Oh my God! Uncle Nine still has this craft! It smells so bad, it must be fragrant when the time comes! When you go back and open, don't forget to send me two! "

"Go, go while it's cool!"

Qiusheng was not tired of driving away the lively people who had come to the prelude, looked back at the smoky courtyard, and hurriedly asked:

"Master, okay, if you keep up, our brothers' lives will be left here!"

"Yes, uncle, I can't hold on anymore!"

Qiusheng and the others seemed to vomit out the overnight meal at this time, if it weren't for the fact that the person in this courtyard was Uncle Nine.

I'm afraid that the four of them will have to leave this place immediately, and they will no longer be affected by this unbelievable stench.

"That's it! Come in! "

I only heard a low voice from the ninth uncle in the courtyard, and the gray smoke and thick stench that were still floating disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared.

A few people took a closer look, and there was still a trace of the garbage in the pot, replaced by the crystal clear hot water of the pot.

If it weren't for seeing Uncle Nine throw the garbage in the same way, I'm afraid everyone wouldn't believe that this would be true.

"My God, master, you're playing tricks on us!"

"It's amazing, my God!"

"What a fart trick!"

Uncle Nine knocked on the heads of several people and said angrily:

"Go find a few bamboo tubes and put this treasure soup into the bamboo tubes!"


When the four of them heard this, they didn't dare to be careless, and in less than a while, everyone filled the bamboo tube in their arms with Baibao soup.

"Although Shi Shaojian is a corpse demon, but after all, the climate has not been completed, as long as this treasure soup is poured on his body, he can break his evil arts!"

Uncle Nine looked at the four of them in front of him and continued:

"Go back and go to the street to find the whereabouts of Shi Shaojian, as soon as you find him, pour this Baibao soup on it, do you hear!"

"Yes! Master (Uncle)! "

The four of them were obedient and nodded in unison.

However, Wen Cai was a little curious, and asked Uncle Jiu:

"Master, since you know that Shi Shaojian is a corpse demon, just kill it, why bother so much!"

"The master has his own measure in doing things, which turn is so questionable to you!"

Uncle Nine glared at Wen Cai, and continued to command: "After the corpse demon's evil art is broken, you don't care about this matter anymore, just go back to Yizhuang when the time comes!" Do you understand? "

"Got it!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Seeing the four of them walk out of the courtyard quickly, a trace of sadness swelled in Uncle Jiu's heart.

Immediately, he also turned around and walked in the direction of the house where Shi Jian lived.


Uncle Jiu had already arranged everything here, while Ye Tian and the Four Eyes Dao people were still waiting for the final reply in Yizhuang.

"It's been half an hour, why haven't I heard a reply yet, I'm in a hurry!"

Looking at the restless appearance of the four-eyed Taoist, Ye Tian comforted him on the side and said:

"Senior brother, don't worry, after all, this is involving the senior brother of this sect, and the situation is serious! It is reasonable that the head of the sect has been discussing with several elders for too long! "

"Yes, senior brother, don't be in such a hurry, just wait with peace of mind!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian and Qianhe Daoren persuaded themselves on the side, shook their heads helplessly and said:

"I'm not in a hurry for this final reply, but I'm worried about Senior Brother Lin's safety! In case he and Senior Brother really had a big fight, with Senior Brother Lin's cultivation, he would definitely not be the opponent of the other party! "

"Don't worry about this! I have already given Senior Brother Lin a golden needle.

Once such a situation happens, even if Senior Brother Lin is defeated, he can leave safely without worrying about his life! "

"Hey, at this time, I can only rely on you, junior brother!"

"It's all my own brothers, and it should be like this!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, there's movement in the incense burner!"

At this time, Aunt Sue's loud voice shouted on the side, and several people ran into the house in unison when they heard this.

Seeing that the incense burner on the offering platform was buzzing again at this time, Ye Tian and the others knew that this was a manifestation of the great virtue in the door who was about to show his true body.

In an instant, the four of them fell to their knees together, not daring to have a trace of slackness and disrespect.

I saw that the incense burner instantly rose three golden rays, and the true images of the three elders of Maoshan appeared in front of several people again.

The second elder Tianyi Zhenren led by him saw that there was no trace of the ninth uncle among the few people below, so he asked lightly:

"Where did Xiao Jiu go?"

"Back to the master, Senior Brother Lin, he has left temporarily for some things, I hope the master will forgive me!"

The four-eyed Taoist did not explain the whereabouts of the ninth uncle, but made a vague brush.

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