Everyone is happy to eat this meal tonight, and Aotianlong, who rarely drinks alcohol on weekdays, can be described as drunk.

And the cream didn't seem to know what she was thinking, and she was a little drunk.

Xiao Hai is like a pig's head, as long as he eats and drinks enough, even thunder and rain will not affect his sleep at all.

Because he had to go to the township office with Xiao Zhu to do some things tomorrow, only Ah Bao didn't drink too much, and he was in a daze in the room alone.

Listening to the gentle knocking sound at the door, Po muttered a few words impatiently, and walked quickly to the door.

"Who, don't let people sleep at night!"

Po complained in annoyance as he opened the door.


As the door slowly opened, a familiar figure appeared in front of Po.

"Father-in-law? Why did you get here on the big night? "

Boss Zhu suddenly got married, which caught Bao by surprise.

Although he didn't understand why he came to him at such an hour, he flashed sideways to the side and said with a smile:

"Father-in-law, please inside!"



Seeing Ah Bao appear, Boss Zhu couldn't help but shiver twice.

Immediately, his eyes stared at each other tightly and he walked into the gym.

"Father-in-law, what's the matter with you coming to me so late?"

Ah Bao hurriedly led Boss Zhu to the stone table and sat down, asking curiously.

"Hehe, you want the same thing!"

Boss Zhu grinned, showed a mouthful of rotten teeth and said with a smile.

"Want something? Father-in-law, what are you going to want? "

"Hey, hey, I want your life!"

Boss Zhu smiled and raised his right hand in an instant.

A bright kitchen knife was presented in front of Bao.

Under the illumination of the moon, a sharp cold light appeared on the blade of the kitchen knife.

Po looked at this scene and felt extremely surprised!


On the other side, not long after Boss Zhu left the Shi family, Shi Gongzi followed the head of the master to the foot of a remote mountain outside Gejia Town.

"Come in!"

The head descender walked in front and stomped his foot gently.

The intertwined branches of the dead trees in front of him scattered as if they were alive.

A cave with a faint glow and a miasma appeared in front of the two of them.

"No, it smells bad, I'm going to be smoked to death!"

Looking at the black miasma that permeated the cave, Shi Gongzi took two steps back a little timidly.

"Swallow this!"

The head lowering master was helpless, took out a black pill from his arms, and threw it to Shi Gongzi.

Seeing this, the other party did not hesitate, and swallowed it in an instant.

Sure enough, after swallowing this pill, a faint cyan gas appeared on Shi Gongzi's body.

The black miasma in the cave instantly retreated after touching the cyan gas, as if to dodge.

"Hey, hey, it's useful!"

Shi Gongzi saw that this method was strange, and excitedly followed behind the head descender and walked into the cave.

As the cave got deeper and deeper, Shi Gongzi's originally excited expression gradually disappeared.

A foul smell of blood came to the face, and there were white bones everywhere.

Can't tell if it's an animal or a human skeleton.

The walls of the cave are crawling with spiders and geckos, and scorpions and poisonous snakes crawl under their feet from time to time.

Shi Gongzi was so frightened that he hurriedly hid behind the head descender, not daring to continue to look left and right.

"What? Scared? "

"Mage, when did you get this place, it's so scary!"

This head descending master was invited to this Gejia Town by himself for only about ten days in the world, and he unknowingly made such a gloomy and terrifying place.

This made Shi Gongzi feel a little chill in his back, and he became more and more unfamiliar and scared of this head lowering master.

"It's just a casual mess, and it can't be compared with the cave I arranged in the South Seas!"

The head descender waved his hand disdainfully, and then came to the deepest part of the cave.

At this time, two blackened coffins came into view.

I don't know where it was dug up, but the coffins were rotten and moldy.

Far away, you can smell the smell of corpses.

"Alright, you can stand here!"

Seeing this, the head descender gave an order to Shi Gongzi, and walked quickly to the front of the two coffins.


Shi Gongzi didn't want to continue to move forward, and stretched his head out from afar, watching the head lowering master's every move.

The head descender pushed open the coffin at this time, and two dried corpses covered in rotten bodies and rotten holes appeared in front of him.

"Ula Ula Ullah! Quack, Quack, Quack! "

I saw that the head descender shouted strange words in his mouth, and then took out the tambourine and beat it non-stop.

A faint black gas spread out from the tambourine and sank into the bodies of the two dried corpses.

Bang bang!

Then, the head descender beat the drum violently.

Those black qi poured into the dried corpse continuously, and gradually, the hands and feet of the dried corpse began to react slightly, and they all moved slightly.

Seeing this, the head descender came to the other corner of the cave.

He took out a jar of wine, and walked quickly to the two dried corpses.

"Mage, why are you still drinking at this time!"

Seeing this, Shi Gongzi couldn't help but complain on the side.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he instantly regretted it.

I saw that the head descender turned around and glared at him viciously, and then lifted the lid of the wine jar and poured it towards the two dried corpses.



Instead of wine, hundreds of huge cockroaches poured out of the jar.

Each cockroach was the size of an adult's finger, and in an instant, it completely covered the bodies of the two dried corpses.

Squirming back and forth densely, Shi Gongzi who watched it felt as if his stomach was overturned, and he couldn't help but vomit.



After the cockroaches landed on the two dried corpses, they didn't show a tendency to crawl around.

Instead, he searched for every hole in the corpse's body, and got into the corpse's body.

In less than a moment, the almost skinny, dry corpse instantly swelled a lot.

The dense cockroaches all burrowed into the bodies of the two dried corpses.

Wandering under the black, rotten skin, it was extremely terrifying.

"Wow Ka Ka Ka! Wow Ka Ka Ka! "

At this time, the head descender began to chant strange spells again, and the two dried corpses sat up from the coffin in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, he jumped out of the coffin, ran out of the cave with a quick step, and disappeared without a trace.

"Wow! It's incredible! It's incredible! "

Shi Gongzi, who had just finished vomiting here, ran out of the cave as if he had come back to life, and exclaimed:

"Mage, are the two of them going to kill that Ye Tian and Wen Cai?"

"That's right! It won't be long before the two of them will be gnawed by the dried corpses and cockroaches, hehe! "

The head descender nodded in satisfaction, then sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes.

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