
In Aotianlong's gym, I saw that Boss Zhu was raising and falling with a knife in his hand.

Fortunately, Po reacted in time and dodged, but a wound was still cut by the blade.

Seeing that Boss Zhu split the wooden chair behind him in half, Ah Bao couldn't help but ask in exclamation when he saw this:

"Father-in-law, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, hey, what! I want your life! "

Boss Zhu's eyes were already bloodshot at this time, and black marks began to appear under the skin on his face.

It was as if all kinds of strange runes were instantly painted all over his body, and in the dark moonlight, it looked extremely terrifying.

"Father-in-law, you have fallen into evil!"

Ah Bao has been practicing with Ao Tianlong for a while, and seeing that Boss Zhu has become like this in an instant, he immediately saw the clues.

And Boss Zhu seemed to ignore Bao's surprise at all, raised the kitchen knife in his hand again and slashed it.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! "

Today's Boss Zhu seems to have become a killer in the night.

The original clumsy skills instantly became much more flexible, and the strength was also amazing.

Although Bao was strong and kept dodging, he was still defeated by Boss Zhu, who had fallen into the head-lowering technique.

For a while, there was a trend of rout, and many wounds were cut out of his body by a kitchen knife, and Sen Sen was bleeding.

"Father-in-law, father-in-law! You are sober and sober, I am Bao! "

While dodging in the courtyard, Ah Bao shouted loudly hoping to awaken Boss Zhu's consciousness.

But the other party didn't take care of himself at all, and still blindly slashed with a knife and rampage.

"Bao, you don't sleep at night, what are you tossing around in the yard!"

At this time, Ning Shuang rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked out of the bedroom, shook her head, which was a little sore from drinking, and complained unhappily.

"Little sister, help, my father-in-law is going to kill me!"

Po saw Ning Frost appear, and instantly ran towards the other party.

And when Ning Shuang heard this voice, he also woke up instantly.

I saw Ah Bao fall in front of him with wounds all over his body, and Boss Zhu on the opposite side rushed towards this side with a kitchen knife with a hideous face.

"What the hell is going on!"

Frost was puzzled, and flashed in an instant and came behind Boss Zhu.

A kick flew out and hit Boss Zhu's back.


To Ningshuang's surprise, it was as if he had kicked a steel plate just now.

In an instant, he felt a sharp pain in his feet, and Boss Zhu moved slightly.

Then he turned his head and glared at Ning Frost viciously, and then set his target on Po again.

"Little Senior Sister, he's here again!"

Ah Bao just gasped for breath, but who would have thought that this Boss Zhu didn't seem to feel pain.

He raised the steel knife in his hand again and slashed at him.


At this moment, I saw a light and shadow flying by in the dark night.

The kitchen knife in Boss Zhu's hand was instantly knocked out and fell to the ground.

And what fell to the ground with it was also a giant sword engraved with Taoist runes and full of fierceness and righteousness.


The frost on the side covered the high swollen calves and looked at the figure opposite excitedly.

That giant sword is very familiar to me, it is the magic weapon of my father's Ao Tianlong - the Taishang Nine Kings Demon Slaying Sword!

"Master, help!"

Here, Ah Bao also seemed to see a life-saving straw, and then fainted because of physical exhaustion.

And Ao Tianlong landed in front of Boss Zhu in a flash, and a punch shot out, hitting the opponent's chest.


Ao Tianlong has practiced martial arts since he was a child, although he is a member of the Xuanmen, but the martial arts realm is also really strong.

Even if Boss Zhu had a steely body at this time, he was still knocked to the ground by Aotianlong's punch, and he kept roaring.

"Ula Ula Ullah! UlaUlaulla! "

Although Boss Zhu fell to the ground, an incomprehensible language came out of his mouth.

I saw that his body was shaking violently for an instant, but his stomach was expanding rapidly.

It's like an inflated balloon that's getting bigger and bigger!

In an instant, the buttons of the entire jacket were all blown apart, and a large and round belly appeared in front of him.

"Not good!"

Look, Boss Zhu's stomach has swelled into a state close to the limit.

The skin on the surface of the belly has taken on a transparent appearance, and clusters of black objects are constantly swimming under the skin, which is very terrifying.

"Xiaoshuang, get out of the way!"

Aotian Dragon then shouted at the frost that was not far away, and immediately pulled Ah Bao up on the ground and hid aside.


With a loud bang, Boss Zhu's stomach exploded in an instant.

It was as if a large watermelon had been split, and blood flowed all over the ground.

And Boss Zhu tilted his head and lost his breath in an instant.



When Boss Zhu's stomach burst just now, a lot of mucus burst out.

And the mucus is like life, squirming and making chewing sounds.

Immediately, one after another, frogs the size of a palm jumped out of the slime in an instant.

Unlike ordinary frogs, those frogs were completely black, with only a pair of eyes, which exuded a scarlet gaze in the dark night.

"Daddy! Save me! Save me! "

Frost screamed, and when she dodged just now, she was still splashed with a little slime on her clothes.

At this time, one frog after another crawled out of the slime, as if a dozen more had landed on Ning Shuang's body.



The frogs kept chirping, but a faint mouthful of black gas came out of their mouths.

Ning Frost only felt a blur in front of him, and then his consciousness gradually began to fade, and there was a feeling like the world was spinning.

"Little Frost! I'm here to save you! "

Aotianlong was worried about what happened to the frost, and suddenly waved his right hand.

The Taishang Nine Kings Demon Slaying Sword that originally fell to the ground instantly re-entered the first one of the Aotian Dragon.


I saw Aotian Dragon raise the Taishang Nine Kings Demon Slaying Sword high.

A sword falls!

It seems to have a tendency to tear the earth apart.

A fierce sword aura swept out, and dozens of frogs were instantly cut in half and fell aside.

Seeing that a path had been created, Aotian Dragon jumped and came to Ning Shuang's side.

"Little Frost! Little Frost! It doesn't matter to you! "

Seeing that the white skin was being invaded by a black gas, Aotianlong held the condensation frost that was almost unconscious, and shouted loudly.

"Daddy... Father... Save me... "

At this time, the condensation frost was already weak, as if those black qi were eroding every spiritual energy on his body.

Frost couldn't help but feel the darkness in front of her for a moment.

I don't know what happened then, and as soon as I rolled my eyes, I fainted in the arms of the Aotian Dragon.

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