"What's going on? Why is it so noisy? Yawn~"

At this time, Xiao Hai, who had always slept like a dead pig, was finally woken up by the sound of repeated fights.

Rubbing his eyes, which were still a little open, he yawned and walked out of the room.

"Xiaohai, hurry up and take Po back to the house quickly!"

Aotianlong's exclamation instantly sobered Xiaohai up.

He looked at the black frogs all over the ground and the corpse of Boss Zhu's stomach bursting, and felt extremely shocked.

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

"Hurry back, do you hear me!"

Aotianlong saw that Xiao Hai still didn't pull Ah Bao back into the house, and couldn't help but scold angrily again.

Now Aotianlong has sensed the reason for this mutation.

It's everything that the head descending master in the Shi Gongzi's mansion manipulated!

If you don't get rid of these black frogs as soon as possible, I'm afraid that you won't be able to pull away at all to relieve the head drop in the frost and treat Bao's injuries.

"Good! Good! "

When Xiaohai heard this, he immediately dragged Ah Bao's fat body and hid in the room quickly.

He slammed the door shut and bandaged Po's wounds.



At this time, those black frogs that had not yet been killed actually began to devour those of the same kind who had been cut in half by the Auron Dragon with his sword.

The other black frogs all lay on top of Boss Zhu's corpse and devoured them in large gulps.

"Xiaoshuang, don't worry, Dad will definitely save you!"

Looking at this model, Aotian Dragon only hugged the already unconscious condensation in his arms.

He jumped and landed on the roof.

"Infinite flames, burn the sky! The gods are as urgent as the law! Chi! "

Ao Tianlong held the Taishang Nine Kings Demon Slaying Sword high in his hand, and a red sword qi burst out in an instant, falling straight to the ground.



The ground of the entire gym was lit with raging flames, and those black frogs that had been gnawing on them were instantly engulfed by the flames and turned into flying ashes.

And at the same time, in that miasma-filled cave.

A skull in front of the head descender instantly exploded into powder and shattered.

Seeing this, Shi Gongzi, who was anxiously waiting on the side, hurriedly asked the head lowering master opposite:

"Mage, what's going on?"

"Hehe, I can't imagine that this Aotian Dragon still has two hits, and he actually killed my black frog!"

"Mage, what then? Can't you kill Ah Bao and them! "

"Don't worry!"

The head lowerer grinned, waved his hand and said:

"My black frog was cultivated by me with the venom of dozens of poisons and corpse oil, and the poisonous gas in my body is extremely domineering! If you touch it, you will die in a moment!

In the Xuanmen practice, people who touch this poisonous smoke will not live for half an hour at most. Without my antidote, they're dead, hehehe! "

Although the head descending master didn't know how many people in this Ao Tianlong and his party were sprayed by the poisonous smoke of this black frog.

But not at all worried that others will come to retaliate!

Because as long as one person is poisoned by this frog, it will become a new source of poison after death.

As long as the person who comes into contact with the corpse at that time will be highly poisoned again, spreading the source of the poison.

"Hey, that's great! Mage, if you can kill them, I can give you money, lots and lots of money! "

"Rest assured, they're dead!"

After saying that, the head descender smiled slightly, and his eyes were on the two coffins in front of him again.



As the fire devoured all the black frogs, a scorching smell spread throughout the hall.

The raging flames outside the door just now burned extremely violently, which shocked Xiao Hai, who was bandaging Bao's wounds.

At this time, all the flames were extinguished, and the Aotian Dragon's concerned shouts came from outside the door again.

"Xiaohai, are you all right?"

"Master, we're fine, but Po fainted!"

"Ah Bao has an injury on his body, it's not a big deal, you hurry up and use the medicine in the medicine box to bandage the wound for him!"

"Got it, master!"

"Good! Stay at home, and don't go anywhere! Did you hear that? "

"Master, where are you going?"

Xiao Hai was very surprised and hurriedly shouted.

But there was still half a response from Aotianlong, and then he looked up and looked out the window.

There was no other party and frost on the roof.

"Little Frost! Hold on! You're going to hold on! "

Seeing that Ning Shuang's cheeks had completely turned black and brown at this time, his breathing was getting weaker and weaker.

Aotian Dragon ran wildly through the street with his arms while instilling the aura in his body into the other party's body.

Prevent the black poisonous gas from entering the heart, and I am afraid that it will never be able to be saved.

"Master Ao, why did you come here at night? What's wrong with Miss Frost? "

In the restaurant, Wang Xiaoer had just taken stock of all the information in today's accounts.

was about to lie on the table and steal a lazy time, when he saw Ao Tianlong carrying the frost on his back, and rushed all the way into the restaurant.

"Which room does Dr. Ye live in! Tell me quickly? "

"Doctor Ye?"

"Ye Tian! Ye Tian! "

Seeing that the other party didn't understand what he was talking about, Ao Tianlong shouted in great anxiety.

"In, in the fifth room of Tianzi!"

Wang Xiaoer stammered and finished answering the question asked by Ao Tianlong, and saw that he rushed up to the second floor in a blink of an eye.

"Doctor Ye! Doctor Ye! Help me! "

Now that Frost's life is crucial, it can't be delayed for a moment.

Ao Tianlong didn't care about any knocking etiquette, kicked the door open, and rushed in in an instant.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? "

Ye Tian, who was originally meditating and cultivating on the bed, was shocked to see Ao Tianlong rushing in with the condensation frost on his back.

Wen Cai in the next room was also woken up by the noisy sound here, approved his coat, and rushed in.

"Doctor Ye, save Xiaoshuang, she has been hit by a lower head!"

Ao Tianlong didn't say a word, he directly put the condensation frost on the bed, and shouted to Ye Tian for help.

"How so?"

Ye Tian was shocked, and then quickly checked the signs of Ning Shuang at this time.

I saw that the skin that I saw with the naked eye had turned black, although there was an aura on my body resisting.

But in the end, it didn't help, and the speed at which those black qi spread was very fast.

I'm afraid that if I delay for a while, Condensation's life will be completely lost.

"Doctor Ye, can you save Xiaoshuang! She can't die! "

Ao Tianlong was already flustered and at a loss at this time, and now he put all his hopes on Ye Tian's body.

And Wen Cai also looked at the frost that breathed weakly, and said anxiously on the side:

"Uncle Shi, just save Miss Xiaoshuang!"

"Well, I'll do my best to save her! You guys go out for a while and give me a quiet environment! "

"Good! Good! Doctor Ye, please! "

Hearing this, Ao Tianlong agreed again and again, pulled Wencai who was standing at the door, turned around and walked out of the house quickly.

Then he quickly closed the door and waited anxiously at the door.

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