"Doctor Ye! This is the true fire of samadhi! "

The person who suddenly flashed in front of him was Ye Tian!

But what Aotian Long never expected was the golden flames on his fists.

It turned out to be the Taoist divine fire--- Samadhi true fire!

Endless shock and surprise filled Aotianlong's mind.

He couldn't imagine how far Ye Tian had grown at this time!


Ye Tian's body trembled, and the thick qi and blood exploded instantly.

The dry corpse was immediately attracted by this qi and blood, and rushed towards Ye Tian.


Ye Tian shouted, churning qi and blood with the samadhi true fire!

A punch was thrown, and the dry corpse was instantly broken in two.



The countless cockroaches swarmed out, as if they felt the crisis that was permeating the true fire of samadhi.

The cockroach swarm no longer approached Ye Tian, but quickly scattered in all directions.

It's a pity that no matter how fast those cockroaches are, they haven't escaped the attack of Samadhi True Fire after all.

In just a few seconds, those black cockroaches were instantly engulfed by a golden flame.

To Aotianlong's surprise, the raging samadhi fire seemed to have life.

It kept burning the black cockroach swarm, but it didn't burn to the room of the restaurant.

It's amazing!


In an instant, the two coffins in the cave were instantly blown into powder!

And the head descending master suddenly felt a huge backlash attack.

Without any defense, it bounced off and crashed into the cave wall.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the head descender only felt as if his whole body was about to fall apart.

At that moment, he hurriedly used the mana around his body to adjust his already disordered breathing.

"Mage! Mage, what's wrong with you! Are you okay! "

At this time, Shi Gongzi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and saw that the head descender was actually spitting blood from his mouth, and hurriedly chased to the front and asked anxiously.

"Damn it! That Ye Tian is just a martial artist who is a family practitioner, why can he break my head-lowering technique! "

The head descender roared angrily as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Mage, what now? Can't you beat them? Otherwise, let's surrender! "

"Surrender? Dream! "

Shi Gongzi was already panicked at this time, and the biggest backers and subordinates all ended up like this.

Let him feel that this crisis seems to have been transferred from the other party's side to himself!

The head descender was already furious now, and saw that Shi Gongzi was going to instigate him to surrender.

In an instant, he opened his big mouth and bit Shi Gongzi's neck.



In an instant, Shi Gongzi's neck was bitten off by the head lowering master.

The blood of the carotid artery whistled out like a fountain and sprayed on the body of the descender, like a bloody man.



The head descender kept swallowing the blood in Shi Gongzi's arteries, but Shi Gongzi's body was drying up at a rapid pace.

In less than half a minute, Shi Gongzi went from a living person to a pile of white bones in an instant.

On the other side, looking at Ye Tian, it only took a few seconds to relieve all the crises.

Aotianlong felt really surprised, he immediately stepped forward and asked nervously:

"Doctor Ye, did you really use the Samadhi True Fire just now?"

"That's right!"

Ye Tian nodded, knowing that this Aotian Dragon was the same as everyone else.

After seeing that he had summoned the true fire of samadhi, he was so surprised that he didn't explain much.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and pointed into the room, and said with a smile:

"Xiaoshuang's poison has been dispelled, you can go in and see her!"

"Huh? Good! Good! "

No matter how surprised Ye Tianlong was at this time, the safety of his daughter Ning Shuang was the thing he was most concerned about at the moment.

Without saying a word, Ao Tianlong instantly rushed into the room in front of him and came to the window.

Ning Shuang was still unconscious at this time, and her body was covered with a thick quilt.

The skin on his cheeks and neck has returned to a fair and clean appearance, and his breathing is smooth and even.

It can be seen that the condensation frost at this time has been rescued by Ye Tian from the ghost gate.

"Thank you, Dr. Ye! Thank you, Dr. Ye! "

Aotian Long's eyes were moist now, and he turned around and pulled Ye Tian's arm, and kept thanking.

Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Don't be so polite, just do my best!"

After that, Ye Tian raised his finger and pointed to the frost on the bed, and continued:

"Go back and find clean clothes to change into for her, the venom has soaked all of Xiaoshuang's clothes after being forced out of her body.

In order to prevent the venom from spreading and spreading, I had to burn all the clothes on her body with samadhi fire, please forgive me! "


Hearing Ye Tian say this, Wen Cai at the door couldn't help but gasp!

In that case, isn't it true that Miss Frost's body has been looked at by Uncle Ye Tian?

And Aotianlong put on a nonchalant appearance, and still said very gratefully:

"Doctor Ye also behaved like this to save the little girl, I understand, there is no need to apologize!"

"That's for the best!"

Ye Tian was much relieved when he heard this, and then took out a pill from his arms and handed it to the other party:

"There's my secret pill in here, give it to her, and she'll wake up soon!"

"Yes, Doctor Ye, I'm sorry for you!"

Aotianlong carefully took the medicine bottle in the other party's hand, and then stomped his foot very angrily, and said angrily:

"When Xiaoshuang wakes up, I will go and destroy the head-lowering master and avenge Xiaoshuang!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that the head lowering master's head lowering technique would be so powerful, if it weren't for Uncle Shi here, I'm afraid we would all suffer!"

Wen Cai was still apprehensive about what had just happened at this time!

If you don't kill this insidious and vicious head lowering master as soon as possible, I don't know what evil sect the other party will come up with to deal with himself and others!

"Don't wait for Xiaoshuang to wake up, I'm going to kill him now!"

Ye Tian's words made Ao Tianlong and Wen Cai very surprised.

"Doctor Ye, although the head descending master is a person from Shi Gongzi's side, it is very likely that in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he has already hidden elsewhere!"

"I know this!"

Ye Tian had already thought of Aotian Dragon's guess, and as soon as his fingertips moved, a ball of golden light appeared in mid-air!

"This is the cockroach!"

Wen Cai recognized at a glance that the black object in the golden light was the cockroach that had been flooding in a swarm just now.

"That's right! With it, you can find that head lowerer! "

Ye Tian nodded, and several talismans flew over in his hand, instantly wrapped in that golden light.

"Thousands of miles away, thousands of miles endless. Xuanqi tracking technique, urgent as a law! "

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