

As the spell in Ye Tian's mouth fell, the Zhang talisman instantly ignited into flames.

Then it burned completely, and the talisman disappeared into the golden light in the blink of an eye.

The black cockroach was also rapidly drying up and losing its vitality.

The golden light quickly turned into a point of light, suspended in mid-air, flickering incessantly.

"Brother Dao, I'll go back when I go!"

Ye Tian whispered to Ao Tianlong, and with that glimmer of golden light, he ran out of the room in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

Seeing that Ye Tian had already left, Ao Tianlong's eyes widened, and then he turned to look at Wen Cai, and asked curiously:

"Wencai, what kind of realm has Dr. Ye's cultivation reached?"

"I know this, my uncle is already the peak cultivator of the Seven Rank Heavenly Master!"

"What? Seven Heavenly Masters? You're not lying to me? "

Ao Tianlong was extremely shocked, and at that moment he grabbed Wencai's arms tightly with both hands, and questioned loudly:

"The Samadhi True Fire that Doctor Ye summoned just now, even a master of the True Human Realm would not have this ability!

It is absolutely impossible for the Seven Rank Heavenly Master to summon such a surging Samadhi True Fire! "

"Uh... Uncle Long, you hurt me! "

Wen Cai gently patted away Ao Tianlong's clenched hands, and explained with a smile:

"Uncle Long, you, like my master and others, don't believe in my Uncle Ye's strength cultivation.

But that's really the case, Uncle Ye's cultivation realm is really the pinnacle of the Seven-Rank Heavenly Master! "

"Seven Heavenly Masters... Seven Heavenly Masters... "

Aotianlong still couldn't believe that what he heard could be the truth, and sat down in his chair in a daze.

looked at his daughter Ning Shuang, who was still sleeping in front of him, and for a while, he fell into endless speculation and reverie.

"Huh? Want to find this? It's just looking for death! "

At this time, in that cave, the head descender had basically recovered from the injuries he had just suffered from the backlash.

The feeling brought by the Gu insect cockroach came from his heart, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then with a wave of his hand, a colorful poisonous snake instantly flew into his hand.


The head descender pinched his palm, and the poisonous snake's head exploded in an instant.

A red stream of snake blood spurted out, and it instantly poured into the mouth of the head descender.



The head descender kept devouring the blood of the poisonous snake, and with the other hand, he grabbed a skull next to him and pinched it hard!


In an instant, the skull shattered.

The sound of ropes began to be heard around the cave.

Rats, snakes, centipedes, spiders, frogs, and all sorts of other poisons began to gather in the direction of the head descender.

And their speed seemed to be constantly accelerating, and in the blink of an eye, they were already surrounded by the head descending division.

"Ulala, Ulala! Carrara Carrara! "

As the viper's blood was drained, the head descender shouted.

Those poisons climbed up the body of the head descender in an instant!

In less than a moment, the head descender had been completely overwhelmed by all kinds of poisons, as if he had been completely devoured.

"That's it!"

Following the guidance of that glimmer of light, Ye Tian soon came to the cave where the head descending master was.

Look at the cave filled with black miasma in front of you and the evil aura coming from the cave.

Ye Tian had every reason to believe that the head lowering master who was casting spells behind the scenes was inside!



Although standing at the mouth of the cave, Ye Tian could still clearly hear the sound of the gurgling rope in the cave.

Da... Da...

With bursts of footsteps echoing in the cave, Ye Tian had already come to the deepest part of the cave at this time. 、

And the sound of the rope is getting louder and louder, as if it is the sound of a bunch of various poisons gathered together in front of him.


Just as Ye Tian arrived here, there was a huge explosion of that poison in the blink of an eye!

Countless pieces of poison and black slime burst out in all directions.

A golden light appeared around Ye Tian's body, and all the filthy things in front of him shook all around.


There was a sound of bones cracking, and I saw that the appearance of the head descender had changed greatly.

The skin around him has changed to a dark brown color, and the two eyeballs have also turned turquoise.

The gray hair was long gone, replaced by a strange brown rune on the top of the head!

"I would never have thought that you would be here alone!"

The head descender showed a mouthful of pitch-black teeth, looked at Ye Tian, who was still full of ease in front of him, and sneered.

"It's not unreasonable for a villain to die from talking too much!"

"Hahaha! Megalomaniacs! I don't know how powerful my Nanyang head lowering technique is! "

When the head descending master heard Ye Tian's disdain, he laughed arrogantly, and the black qi on his body also rose.

stared at Ye Tian coldly, and said disdainfully:

"Boy, do you know that the head-lowering techniques I used to attack you just now are not my real strength!

I have been practicing with Our Lady of Nanyang for many years, even if it is a five-grade heavenly master like Ao Tianlong, I still don't pay attention to it! "

After that, the head descending master pretended to look at Ye Tian distressedly, pouted and said:

"What a good offspring, just died in my hands, it's a pity!

But don't worry, I'll turn you into a corpse that obeys my orders, and then I can play with you every day, haha! "

"I don't know what is alive or dead, it's just looking for death!"

Seeing that the head descending master was speaking more and more obscenely, Ye Tian burst out loud.

Stamped on the ground with both feet, and instantly turned into an afterimage, like a giant cannonball, rushing towards the opposite head descending division.

"Look for death!"

The head descending master saw that Ye Tian's body was full of blood and blood, and he didn't dare to take the opponent's attack at the moment.

With a big mouth, a thick wave of black qi erupted from his mouth and rushed straight towards the other party.


A muffled sound came, and the black qi wave was dispersed by Ye Tian's heavy punch in the blink of an eye.

The head lowerer was shocked, and immediately pulled off the bead string on his wrist and pinched it into powder.

In the direction where Ye Tian was, he swiped out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bursts of golden light exploded in front of you!

The powder thrown by the head descender was unexpectedly bounced back.

Seeing this, the other party was about to dodge the counterattack, when he felt a chill coming from behind him.

"But that's it!"

Ye Tian came out in a deep voice, and a punch blasted out, hitting the back of the head descending master.


In the blink of an eye, the head descender was punched into the wall of the cave by Ye Tian.

The whole cave shook, and a lot of rubble fell from overhead, as if it was about to collapse.

"Bastard! Bastard! "

The head descender felt the sharp pain on his body, let out an angry roar, and the black qi around his body continued to emerge.

It was like a tumbling sea of clouds, and it instantly surrounded Ye Tian's feet, as if it could devour it.

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