"Stinky boy, I'll let you die today without a place to bury!"

At this time, the head descender had already jumped down from the wall, covering his still aching body, and couldn't help but scream and curse.

"Black python! Rise! "



The tumbling black mist under Ye Tian's feet instantly condensed, and then turned into a black python as thick as a waist bowl, hovering in front of Ye Tian.



The black python kept swallowing the scarlet snake hyacinth, and its eyes were the same as those of the head descender, all of which radiated a turquoise light.

The black scales rubbed against the python's body like hard steel armor, and there was a sound like metal crashing.

"Boy, use your blood to feed me this black python today! Hahaha! Above! "


With the order of the head lowering master, the black python instantly opened its bloody mouth, turned into a huge black shadow, and came to Ye Tian's approach in the blink of an eye.


Ye Tian's whole body condensed, and a punch went straight out, hitting the snake head of the giant python!

In an instant, the python rolled around it.

Although the snake's head was smashed flat by Ye Tian's punch, the python's body showed a strange twist.

Suddenly, it smashed several pieces of gravel around it, and it instantly wrapped around Ye Tian's ankle.


A huge twisting force came, and the giant python instantly wrapped around Ye Tian's body.

The head that was originally smashed down by Ye Tian has also completely returned to its original appearance.

"Stinky boy, you give me death!"

The head descending master was already in an almost crazy state at this time, seeing that Ye Tian's whole body had been tightly wrapped by the giant python, he shouted excitedly.

The giant python also couldn't wait, after hearing the order of the head descending master.

In an instant, he increased his strength, opened his bloody mouth, and bit Ye Tian's head fiercely.

"I think you're looking for death!"

However, at this moment, Ye Tian suddenly sneered!

The python's head was instantly surrounded by a ball of golden flames!

"Samadhi is really hot! How can it be! "

The head lowerer's eyes widened, and he was extremely shocked!

He couldn't believe that this Huaxia Taoist divine fire would be summoned by this kid in front of him.



In an instant, the samadhi fire had spread to the whole body of the giant python, and it let out a miserable roar.


In an instant, Ye Tianzhou's strength suddenly increased.

In the blink of an eye, the flame-riddled python was blasted into countless pieces and fell around the cave.

As for Ye Tian, his body moved, and in an instant, he grabbed the neck of the head descender and lifted it upright.

"No... No way... How can you have samadhi true fire! "

Even if Ye Tian was holding his neck stiffly, the head descending master still couldn't believe that the other party would have such a strong strength.

That giant python had devoured more than how many monks in the Huaxia Yin and Yang Realm had devoured!

Even the Six-Rank Heavenly Master has many died in the mouth of this giant python.

But who would have thought that it was such a young man who looked young.

It is possible to summon such a powerful samadhi true fire!

Even if it is the master Nanyang Holy Mother, it is absolutely impossible to overcome such a strong Samadhi True Fire from the enemy!

"It's all said, you have too much nonsense!"

Ye Tian looked at the head descender coldly, his palm was like a huge iron tong, and his strength came out.


In the blink of an eye, the neck of the head descending master had been crushed by Ye Tian.

The frightened eyes instantly lost all life, becoming dim and dull.


Seeing this, Ye Tian threw it away, threw the body of the head descender aside, turned around and left the cave.



Just after Ye Tian left the cave, a crack suddenly opened in the forehead of the descending master.

A palm-sized worm squirmed its fat body, slowly crawled out of the gap, and fell to the ground.

"After all, I am still young, and I have such strong strength, but I think that just killing my body can kill me, it's just delusional!"

The little insect actually made a human voice, like an old man talking to himself in a cave.


However, just as the little worm had finished saying these huge words, a golden light instantly flew in from outside the cave.

Pierced the little bug's body straight and pinned it to the ground.

"How... How so! "

The little insect spoke again, but this time the voice was obviously much weaker.


The golden samadhi flame instantly ignited on the golden needle, and the little insect was immediately engulfed by the flames and completely turned into ashes.

And that samadhi true fire began to spread continuously in the cave, devouring the corpses of the Gu worms around it.


Ye Tian put away the golden needle, looked at the brighter and brighter flames in the cave, and said softly:

"Did you think I'd leave so easily? What an idiot! "

Half a minute passed in a hurry, and all the true fire of samadhi in the cave had been extinguished.

Seeing that the thick miasma had also disappeared, Ye Tian relieved himself and turned around and left the place.

"Dad, where am I?"

At this time, Condensation, who had been unconscious, finally woke up and made a faint sound.

"Xiaoshuang, you're finally awake, great! This is Dr. Ye's room! He saved you! "

Ao Tianlong has been sitting on the edge of the bed quietly guarding each other, seeing that he finally woke up, the stone in his heart really fell.

"Doctor Ye?"

Ning Shuang was a little surprised, and instantly noticed the changes in his body at this time, and hurriedly said:

"Daddy, my clothes, where's my clothes?"

"Xiaoshuang, the venom on your body has soaked all your clothes, and Dr. Ye took it off for you at that time for your safety!"

Aotianlong explained and said with concern:

"Doctor Ye will also do this for you to save your life, so don't worry about this."

"Doctor Ye?"

Frost murmured softly, and his heartbeat increased a lot.

Both cheeks also became a little hot, and in an instant, the quilt was covered on the face, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

"It's over... Finished... It seems that Uncle Shi is in trouble this time! "

Wen Cai listened to it very well on the side, and when he saw Ning Shuang's performance, he couldn't help but pout on the side.

"I'd like to ask, what's wrong with me?"

Wen Cai suddenly felt that his head was slapped heavily, and then Ye Tian's voice instantly sounded in his ears.

"Oh, uncle, I was wrong! I'm talking nonsense! "

Wen Cai covered his already swollen head and quickly hid to the side.

After hearing Ye Tian's voice, Ning Shuang quietly lifted a gap from the quilt and secretly looked at the other party.

Aotianlong, on the other hand, hurriedly approached and hurriedly asked Ye Tian:

"Doctor Ye, has the head lowering master been caught?"

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