"What are you afraid of?"

Wen Cai was shocked, and Ye Tian was also surprised, so he ordered Wen Cai to hurriedly drive the carriage to the front.

After a long distance, Ye Tian and Wen Cai noticed a figure running into the town in front.

And it was followed by a pitch-black coffin.

The coffin moved as fast as it could on the ground, and the figure rushed into the town.

"Boy, what's going on?"

It's the first time Wencai has seen such a situation, chasing a person in a coffin, which is simply absurd!

"Uncle Shi, is the coffin a refinement?"


Ye Tian patted Wen Cai's head vigorously again, and said angrily:

"Obviously there is something hidden in the coffin that is manipulating the sliding of the coffin, and it is a fart spirit! Hurry up and catch up! "

"Yes, yes!"

Without saying a word, Wen Cai drove the carriage towards the town in front of him.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the coffin to rush back from the town.

It's just that the figure that was chased by it just now is gone.

At this time, the coffin had changed direction and slid towards the hill in the distance.

"Keep up!"


Although the coffin was sliding quickly, it was constantly rubbing and colliding with the rugged mountain road, thumping and banging.

After a while, Wen Cai was already driving the carriage and catching up with the coffin in front of him.


Ye Tian jumped and jumped above the coffin in an instant.

The strength in the palm of the hand condensed, and it fell with a bang.


In an instant, the coffin, which was already tattered and unseen, instantly turned into pieces of wood.

A battered, ragged zombie stood up from the coffin and swayed from side to side!


Ye Tian saw it clearly, the bones of the zombie seemed to have been distorted in his eyes.

The shaking body seemed to be about to fall apart, and even the zombie fangs in the mouth were long gone!

It can be said that this zombie is a waste!



The zombie looked at Ye Tian standing in front of him, although he had a strong bloodthirsty desire.

But the bones of one body were broken, and the teeth of the corpse were gone.

Even if he wanted to rush over and pounce on Ye Tian, he still twisted up and down all over his body, and his movements were slow.

As long as you move, you can clearly hear the sound of a body of bones dislocated.


Ye Tian raised his leg and kicked the zombie out of the air.

Seeing this, Wen Cai hurriedly ran to the front and asked with great curiosity:

"Uncle Shi, what's the situation with this zombie?"

"I don't know!"

Ye Tian shook his head, and then took a step back.

"Uncle Shi, what are you doing here?"

Although the zombie was twisted and slow, it was still a zombie after all.

He was kicked out by Ye Tian just now, and at this time he had already stood up, shaking his claws, and pounced towards this side again.

"Go ahead, just give you a chance to practice!"

"Huh? I? "

Wen Cai was a little surprised, and looked at Ye Tian in disbelief.

"Afraid of what? What can a zombie with no teeth do to you? "

As he spoke, Ye Tian yawned, then walked back to the carriage and looked around boredly.

"Well, let's die!"

Seeing this, Wen Cai looked at the zombie's distorted appearance again, and instantly strengthened his mind.

As soon as he reached out, he took out a corpse suppression talisman from his satchel and held it in his hand.

"Phew! Dead Zombies! Master, I'll practice with you today! "

With that, Wen Cai pointed at the zombie and rushed towards the other party.


When the zombie heard this, he roared, his body shook a little, and he raised his leg and kicked towards Wencai's chest.


I saw Wen Cai scream, and the corpse talisman in his hand fell and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the zombie instantly flew up, and rushed towards Wen Cai on the ground.

"I'm dripping mom!"

Seeing that the hideous face had already come closer, Wen Cai quickly rolled and turned around, and he could be regarded as dodging the attack of the zombies.


Although the zombie didn't pounce on Wen Cai, its claws were weirdly curved, and it turned around straight and grabbed at the other party.



Wen Cai kept rolling on the ground, and the zombie's claws kept sticking into the ground.

After dozens of finger holes in a row, Wen Cai was so frightened that he simply jumped up directly, and instantly took out a handful of corpse suppression talismans and threw them towards the zombie's body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Those corpse talismans were touched, and in an instant, explosions rang out.

The zombies were swaying with black smoke all over their bodies.

However, none of the zombie charms were attached to the zombie's eyebrows, even if they were attacked by the zombie charms.

Zombies are still able to move slowly, and once again they have become a literary talent.

"It seems that you can't use this trick!"

Wen Cai saw that all the talismans in the satchel had been thrown out just now, and he was horrified.

At the moment, he took a few steps back, and his hands kept sealing.

For a while, his whole face was flushed, and he instantly pointed at the zombie and shouted loudly:

"Liuding Liujia, left and right blessings, divine soldiers order fire, ten thousand magic powers, Maoshan Tiangang fire, urgent as the law!"

"This kid actually knows how to attack zombies with Tiangang Fire, and he has made progress!"

Ye Tian looked at it from the sidelines, and was a little surprised to see that Wen Cai actually recited the mantra of Maoshan Tiangang Fire.

However, in the next second, Ye Tian's originally somewhat relieved face instantly became much more ugly.



I only heard the sound of flames, and Wen Cai's fingertips only popped out of the red sparks, but there was no sign of the flames.

"What's going on? Why doesn't it work? "

Wen Cai was also very surprised, seeing that there was no Tiangang flame on his fingertips at all, he didn't know what to do for a while.



I don't know if I also felt funny when I looked at Wen Cai's situation, the zombie actually held his stomach and shook his whole body.

The arm was slowly raised, and his finger pointed at Wen Cai, as if he was laughing at the other party.

"Oh, you dare to laugh at me! See if I don't kill you! "

"Maoshan Tiangang fire, urgent as a law!"

"Maoshan Tiangang fire, urgent as a law!"

Wen Cai sealed his hands again, and the incantation in his mouth kept chanting.

The whole face was already red, and Ye Tian stood aside, and he could clearly see the beads of sweat on the other party's forehead.

"Hey, it looks like I'm expecting too much!"

In the end, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, ready to take matters into his own hands and solve the zombie.


The zombie seemed to have lost all patience by Wen Cai's useless behavior, and he didn't delay it anymore.

After shouting again, he danced his claws and attacked again.

"Maoshan Tiangang fire, urgent as a law!"

At this moment, Wen Cai's shouting suddenly became louder in an instant.

The spark on the fingertip condensed into a red flame in the blink of an eye, heading straight for the zombie on the other side.


Tiangang flames came out quickly, and the zombie couldn't dodge at all.

In an instant, the entire head was completely engulfed by the Tiangang flames, and let out a miserable howl.

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