

Although the momentum of the Tiangang Fire summoned by Wen Cai is not strong, it is more than enough to kill the dead zombie in front of him!

The zombie's head kept burning, and soon the flames spread all over the body.

The zombie struggled only a few times before falling to the ground, never moving again.

Seeing that the zombie had already been burned to ashes, Wen Cai walked up to Ye Tian with his waist in his hand, and said proudly:

"Haha, uncle, how is it? I'm not amazing! "

"What a fart!"

Ye Tian glanced at him angrily, pouted and said:

"It's so hard to summon a Tiangang flame. If it weren't for the fact that the zombie had broken its bones, it would have become a waste!

Otherwise, with a cultivation like yours, how could you be its opponent! "

"Uncle Shi, I killed a zombie anyway, you have to encourage me!"

Wen Cai muttered complainingly, and then asked Ye Tian with a curious expression:

"Uncle Shi, you said that the zombie was broken by someone, what is going on?"

"Didn't the zombie come out of the town, wouldn't you just go in and have a look?"

With that, Ye Tian jumped back into the carriage and whipped forward.

"Uncle Shi, wait for me! Teacher! "


The town in front of me is not large, it is not so much a town as a larger village.

Just as the two were driving the carriage into town, another carriage came from the opposite side.

A middle-aged man with a serious face and a young man in a Taoist robe sat at the front of the car.

The two glanced at Ye Tian and Wen Cai as they passed by, and continued to drive forward.

"Were those two people Taoist priests just now?"

Wen Cai looked at the Taoist robe on the young man's body, a little curious.

And Ye Tian looked back at the carriage that was drifting away.

Inadvertently, I found a figure coming out from under the car and quietly climbing into the carport.

"Uncle Shi, did you see it?"


Ye Tian didn't say anything more, but pointed to the scratches on the ground that exuded a faint corpse aura, and said:

"Let's go, let's get this out first!"


Following the traces of the coffin rubbing on the street, Ye Tian and his party soon came to the front of a house.

"Damn, the first one in Maoshan! Who, so arrogant! "

Wen Cai looked at the plaque on the broken door in front of him and couldn't help but scold.

The Maoshan faction has preached for thousands of years, and the disciples in the door are all over the world, and there are countless hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

But those who dare to shout such slogans, even inner disciples like Uncle Nine and Ye Tian definitely don't have the strength and guts.

If you have to really be able to play this plaque, then only the contemporary head of the real heir Mao Xiaofang is worthy of this.

"There's still one over here!"

Ye Tian was also very dissatisfied with the inscription on the plaque in his heart, but what he didn't expect was that there was an identical signboard on this pair of doors.

It's just that the signboard on the opposite door is black shading and bronzing font, which looks much more pleasing to the eye than the tattered plaque on the opposite side.

"Oh my God! These two have such a big mouth! "

Wen Cai was also very surprised, if it weren't for Ye Tian's presence, he would have to rush in to see who dared to say this with such a tone!

"I see."

Many memories surged in Ye Tian's mind, and he instantly understood what was going on.

Combined with the zombie sliding coffin that appeared just now and the first plaque in Maoshan now.

Ye Tian knew that he had entered the plot of a movie again!

Zombies come alive!

In this movie, there are two half-descendants of Maoshan.

That is, the two of them jointly played the plaque of the first one in Maoshan.

These two are Maoshan disciples and brothers of the same sect.

As a result, they didn't like each other, and in the end, they made a name for themselves like zombie resurrection.

"It's dry, watch out for the candles! Syllable! "

"It's dry, watch out for the candles! Syllable! "

Just as Ye Tian was sorting out the memories in his mind, an old man who was on the guard came from a distance with a lantern.

From time to time, he knocked on the gong in his hand and shouted loudly.

"Hey, the two juniors look like they're not from our town, right?"

Seeing Ye Tian and Wen Cai stop in front of him, he was a little surprised to beat the older man, and asked curiously.

"Yes, uncle, we passed by here, and we were a little curious about these two plaques, so we stopped to look at them for a while!"

"These two plaques? Ay... "

Seeing Ye Tian say this, the old man let out a long sigh and said helplessly:

"These two masters are both Maoshan Taoist priests, or fellow disciples!

As a result, I fought and quarreled every day, and there was no day to stop for three years! It's really disturbing! "

"Fellow disciples? That's so fierce! "

Wen Cai didn't understand the situation and was a little surprised.

"Who's to say it isn't! That Qian Daochang is a senior brother, and his ability is slightly greater, so he will naturally receive more business! "

After that, the old man pointed to the door of the rotten plaque next to him, and continued:

Seeing that the business was robbed by Qian Daochang, Daochang Wu was unbalanced, so he made trouble for the other party everywhere. Come and go, and there will be no days to stop!

But it's okay, just now I saw that Qian Dao Chang driving away the corpse, and I think I can be quiet for a while! "

"How do I feel that this Daoist Wu is not a good person like the master uncle?"

Listening to the old man talking about the two Maoshan brothers, Wen Cai couldn't help but think of Shi Jian, the senior brother of the ninth uncle!

"What? What do you say? "

"It's okay, thank you, uncle!"

"Hey, there's nothing to thank you for!"

The old man waved his hand, pointed to an inn not far away, and said:

"It's too late, let's go to the inn to rest and rest, it's easy to run into ghosts when you're in a hurry at night!"

After speaking, the elder man picked up the wine gourd on his waist and took a few sips, then shook his body and walked away slowly.

"How do I feel that this uncle is gloomy, he is afraid that we will see ghosts, he is not afraid of seeing ghosts himself?"

Seeing the old man's back gradually disappear, Wen Cai pursed his lips and said suspiciously.

"He's not human, and he's worried about what the hell he's running into?"

"Huh? Is he a ghost? "

Obviously, Wen Cai was extremely surprised by Ye Tian's answer.

"It's not a ghost, it's an obsession spirit!"

"Obsession Spirit?"

"They all say that you should read more books and classics on weekdays, but you just don't listen!"

Seeing that Wen Cai didn't understand what he was talking about, Ye Tian patted his head again angrily and explained:

"Obsession spirits are ghosts that are transformed into the obsession after death, and they tend to continue to cling to the obsession of the deceased.

Often this kind of obsession is a kind-hearted existence, and it is rare to encounter a big traitor.

The form of this obsession spirit is exactly what the deceased looked like before his death, and maybe he still can't let go of his mission to fight people.

Continue to wander around at night to bring your care and help to the townspeople. "

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