Listening to Ye Tian's explanation to himself, Wen Cai felt a little touched in his heart, and couldn't help but look in the direction where the older man walked away.

It seemed that he could still hear the other party's beating voice, which made Wen Cai's heart feel a little warm at this time.

"Let's go, keep going!"

"Huh? Didn't you go to the inn for a night's rest? "

Wen Cai was very surprised, hurriedly pointed in the direction where the older man disappeared, and said loudly:

"Uncle has said it, we'll meet ghosts when we go on the road at night!"

Ye Tian: ". "

Wen Cai seemed to be able to feel the anger that Ye Tian was trying his best to suppress at this time, and instantly jumped into the carriage and said with a smile:

"Ha, Uncle Shi, I suddenly feel that I am not afraid of anything with you by my side! Walk! Let's hit the road! "

In the face of such a pit and comics, Ye Tian was also helpless and unable to do so.

He could only get into the carriage and tell him to move forward quickly.

Because Ye Tian knows that if it is as shown in the movie.

There was a dead body in the carriage of Daochang Wu who met at the entrance of the town tonight.

And the dead body is also likely to be messed with by his junior brother Wu Daochang hiding in the car and turn into a zombie!

With such a good experience in front of him, how could Ye Tian miss it like this.


At this time, on the official road ahead, Daoist Wu and his apprentice Dafa were driving the carriage quickly.

Because tonight is a cloudy year, a cloudy month, and it is the sworn brother of Wu Jiu, the largest snake in the town, who is still the corpse.

The corpse must be returned to its hometown at the appointed time, without a moment's delay.

Therefore, I didn't notice that there was already a figure hiding in the carport behind.

"Master, I wanted to ask you earlier, why do we have to nail so many peach wood nails to the coffin, I'm tired to death!"

"You know what! I did this, the first is to prevent the corpses in the coffin from changing, and the second is to prevent your uncle from secretly causing trouble for me! "

Qian Daochang glared at Dafa angrily, and the figure in the carport muttered in a low voice after hearing the other party's words:

"Huh, prevent me from messing around? Think beautifully, you! "

This person is none other than Daoist Qian's junior brother --- Daochang Wu!

After speaking, Wu Daochang continued to use tools to pry the peach nails on the coffin.

At this time, there are already a lot of peach wood nails at the feet that have been pried off.

"Zombies? Master, don't scare me! "

"Scaring you? How can it be! "

Qian Daochang made a very serious appearance, pointed to the bright moon above his head and said:

"Tonight is a lunar year, a lunar month, and a cloudy day, and it has not yet reached the lunar time. If the moonlight hits that corpse when it's cloudy, a corpse will change! "

"You just lie to me, it won't be so easy to turn into a corpse when the moonlight shines, right?"

"How not?"

Daoist Qian glared at this apprentice who didn't care about cultivation with some anger, and explained:

"I already checked it when I came, and this dead body was born when the moon was cloudy and cloudy!

When you are alive, you do too much to lack virtue! Death is a mess! "

"yes, I remembered, there were two rotten holes in the stomach, as if they were bitten to death by a wild beast!"

"It was a wild dog who killed him!"

Qian Daochang nodded and continued: "The number of dead corpses is opposite to tonight's hour, if there is an accident, it will inevitably be a corpse!" "

"Then why are we still on the road tonight, just leave tomorrow!"

"Stupid! Wu Jiu set a time for us, if we don't set off tonight, we won't be able to catch up with the hometown of the dead corpse, be careful that you and I don't have to protect our heads! "

"Shhhhhh Then let's hurry up! "

A chill rose in Dafa's heart, and he instantly thought of Wu Jiu's fierce appearance and his dozens of men with guns.

"That said, if it weren't for the grave robber who got a coffin and a zombie to make trouble for me, I would have set off a long time ago! Are you still waiting until now? "

"Don't mention him, he's broken our door! I just tinkered with it for a long time! "

"Okay, don't whin, hurry up!"

"Yes, master!"

Outside the carport, Qian Daochang was still reprimanding the apprentice beside him.

In the carport, Wu Daochang finally pried off the 7,749 peach wood nails on the coffin after all the hard work.

"This big brother, hello, haha!"

Pushing open the lid of the coffin, a dead body wearing a former longevity robe appeared in front of Wu Daochang.

"Come on, come on, I'll give you a shave and be more handsome!"

Daochang Wu smiled, and a razor appeared in his hand, shaving the beard on the side of the zombie's mouth.

"Big brother, now that the time has come, I'll give you something good!"

With that, Wu Daochang made a small hole at the top of the carport, and a ray of white moonlight instantly shone on the face door of the dead body.



The moonlight shone on the body, and the dead body gradually reacted.

At first, his hands and feet shook slightly, and then he tried hard to suck the moonlight in front of him, as if he was enjoying it very much.

"Haha, suck, suck, don't want money! If you suck it happily, I'll be happy, haha! "

Seeing that the corpse qi on the corpse was getting stronger and stronger, the greed for moonlight was also getting stronger and stronger.

Wu Daochang was already happy in his heart, and he didn't know how to describe it!

As long as this time he ruined the business of the Qian Dao Chief, Wu Jiu in the town would definitely not let him go!

At that time, there will be only one Maoshan Taoist priest in this town who can take over business, and that is himself Wu Daochang.

Thinking of this, Wu Daochang covered his mouth and snickered, as if he had seen the coming of those good days.

"Not good! How could there be such a heavy corpse qi! "

Qian Daochang, who was hurrying away, suddenly asked, and a corpse breath came from behind him, and he was shocked!

At that moment, he tightened the reins and pulled the horse that was galloping hard!

Gray slightly!

The horses screamed in fright, and the whole carriage was about to be overturned.

Suddenly, Wu Daochang felt a burst of inertia, and instantly rolled out of the carport and fell to the ground.



Immediately following Wu Daochang, there was also the torn coffin that was smashed hard.

And that carriage, I don't know if it was a coincidence or what, it fell apart!

Even the big horse was roaring and galloping away.

It's as if he's venting his joy at finally being free.


Seeing this, Wu Daochang endured the pain on his body and jumped into the grass on the side of the road in an instant.

And Qian Daochang and Dafa fell not lightly, and their bodies were in pain.

But Qian Daochang didn't have much time to care about his and his apprentice's injuries at this time, so without saying a word, he ran to the front of the dead body.

"The coffin is scattered! What's going on? "

The coffin was nailed by himself and his apprentice Dafa with peach wood nails, and it took 7749 peach wood coffin nails.

It was absolutely impossible for the coffin to shatter like this by falling like this.

However, just when the Qian Dao Chief was surprised why things had changed so much.

The dead corpse lying on the ground opened its eyes in an instant, staring at the bright moon in the sky, sucking the essence of the moonlight!

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