"Damn it!"

When Daoist Qian saw that this dead corpse was full of thick corpse qi, and he would take the initiative to suck the essence of moonlight, it was already a sign that he was going to be a corpse!

Instantly shocked and angry in his heart, he took out the corpse suppression talisman directly from his arms and pasted it in the eyebrows of the dead corpse.


The corpse talisman fell, and the dead corpse instantly closed its eyes and stopped continuing to suck the moonlight essence.

Looking at this scene, Qian Daochang could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and scolded loudly to the surroundings:

"Xiao Wu! You come out for me! You son of a bitch! "

"Playing tricks behind your back, do you have the ability to come head-on!"

"Master, how do you know that Uncle Shi did it?"

Dafa was puzzled, and saw that the master Qian Daochang was shouting at the empty surroundings alone, and he was curious.

"Nonsense, didn't you see that the dead corpse's beard was shaved?

Seventy-seven and forty-nine coffin nails, will they collapse on their own! "

With that, Qian Daochang looked around fiercely.

Seeing that no trace of his junior brother Wu Daochang was found, and the carriage was also destroyed, he said loudly:

"Hurry up and carry the corpse into the woods, you can't let the dead body continue to bask in the moonlight!"

"Oh, good!"

With that, Dafa picked up the dead body and rushed into the woods next to him with his master Qian Daochang.

At this time, Wu Daochang, who had been lying in the grass and motionless, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his body hurt from falling, he couldn't help but cover his mouth and smile:

"Haha, you bastard, you dare to scold me? See if I don't kill you today! "

After laughing, Daochang Wu also shook his body and caught up with the two Qian Daochang, who ran away.

Da Da Da ...

Da Da Da ...

Not long after the accident of Qian Daochang and his party, Ye Tian and Wen Cai drove the carriage and had already come to this official road.

"Uncle Shi, why are there broken coffins and carriages here, is there something wrong?"

"Well, I don't know!"

Ye Tian shook his head and said he didn't know.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the corpse of this Qian Dao Chang must have been ghosted by his junior brother, and he didn't know where to go at this time.

If you still want to find their whereabouts, I'm afraid you can only get clues to the town in front of you.

"Master, there's a carriage here!"

Just as Ye Tian and Wen Cai got out of the car to observe the road, a young man's excited voice came from the woods next to him.

I saw that he ran to the front with a quick step, and asked happily:

"Hello, our carriage is broken, can I borrow your carriage for a ride?"

"This carriage belongs to yours? What about this coffin? "

Ye Tian didn't speak, but Wen Cai looked at the young man curiously and asked suspiciously.

"Here's the thing, little brother!"

At this time, a middle-aged man came out of the woods again, and next to him stood a corpse with a corpse charm attached to it, leaning against a tree.

"I am a Maoshan Taoist priest in Huangfeng Town, my surname is Qian, this is my apprentice Dafa!

We were supposed to drive the corpse back to the countryside and put him in peace, but unfortunately there was an accident on the way, and the carriage was scrapped! "

"Oh, I remember, you're what that person said about Qian Daochang!"

"You know me?"

Qian Daochang was a little curious, and then carefully looked at Wencai and Ye Tian's appearance, and suddenly said:

"I remember you, at the gate of Huangfeng Town, I saw you two!"

"That's right, it's us!"

Wen Cai patted his chest when he heard this, and said with a high-spirited look:

"I didn't expect that you, a guy who doesn't know the height of the sky, hung the plaque of the first house in Namao Mountain, it's shameless enough!"

"Bastard! Why do you say that about my master! "

That Dafa originally thought that he had met a guy who knew his master's skills, but he didn't expect the other party to open his mouth to insult.

Standing close to him angrily, he pointed at Wen Cai and shouted angrily.


Daoist Qian was also very unhappy with what Wencai said just now, but because of his identity as a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain, he did not have a seizure.

Instead, he stopped the apprentice beside him, squinted his eyes at Ye Tian and Wencai, and said suspiciously:

"It seems that you are also among the same people?"

"Well said! My name is Wencai, and I am the apprentice of Uncle Jiu of Renjiazhen! This is my uncle Ye Tian, the descendant of the golden needle of Maoshan Weimen! "

"What! Tricky Golden Needle! "

Qian Daochang was instantly startled when he heard this, Huangfeng Town and Renjia Town were far away.

For the names of Uncle Nine and Ye Tian, Qian Daochang is not familiar with them.

But as an outer disciple of the Maoshan Sect, he is not unclear about what the golden needle of the Trick Sect represents.

"What bullshit, pretending!"

"Bastard! Shut up! "

Although it is not yet possible to confirm whether the identity of this Ye Tianwei Sect Golden Needle Descendant is true.

But Qian Daochang didn't dare to offend the other party so easily.

Looking at the apprentice, Dafa didn't understand anything, and even dared to question the golden needle of Maoshan Trickery.

Qian Dao was furious, slapped the other party's face, and scolded angrily.

"This Daoist brother is really the heir of the Golden Needle of the Trick Sect?"

After beating the apprentice, Qian Daochang turned around again and asked the other party.

"Don't believe me?"

Ye Tian knew what the Qian Dao Leader was planning in his heart, and a disdainful sneer appeared on his face.

Suddenly, there was a large line of golden light behind him, and eighteen golden needles with golden light were hovering in mid-air, surrounded by bursts of qi.


Qian Daochang was dumbfounded, and the apprentice Dafa was even more shocked and speechless.

Even Daoist Wu, who was hiding behind a big tree in the distance, was stunned when he saw Ye Tian's strength.


"Believe! Believe! Qian Sen, the heir of the outer gate of Maoshan, meet the seniors of the inner door! "

When Qian Daochang heard this, he hurriedly bent down to give a salute, sincerely afraid.


Ye Tian's body moved, and he instantly retracted the eighteen golden needles, and then looked at Qian Daochang seriously, and reprimanded:

"You and your junior brother are just a foreign disciple, and you dare to play the slogan of the first family in Maoshan! What a cowardice! "

"Senior, senior, I'm also forced to be helpless...

Hearing Ye Tian's reprimand, Qian Daochang sweated like rain.

It was as heavy as feeling a mountain on my body, and I couldn't even breathe.

"Yes, senior, my master was also forced by my uncle, and the plaque was actually hung up by my uncle first!"

Dafa also knew that he had met a master of Maoshan today, and he didn't dare to hide it, so he hurriedly kowtowed to intercede for Qian Daochang.

"I'm not from the Maoshan Torture Hall, and I don't bother to care about your senior brother's! What to do with this plaque, look at it for yourselves! "

"Yes, yes, I'll tear it down when I go back, and I'll never say anything like that again!"

"Hmmm! So what's the deal with zombies? "

Ye Tian saw that the two did not dare to resist, so he did not continue to pursue the matter.

Instead, he raised his hand and pointed to the zombie not far away who was tied up in a rope, and asked in confusion.

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