"Senior, this zombie is actually the dead corpse I was going to chase!"

When Daoist Qian heard Ye Tian's inquiry, he walked behind him, carried the zombie closer, and explained.

"So, this dead body was transformed by your junior brother?"

Wen Cai listened to it on the side, and when he saw that Daoist Qian had finished introducing the whole story, he asked curiously.

"Yes, my uncle loves to make trouble with my master! I didn't expect it to be so ruthless this time! "

Although his uncle Wu Daochang and his master Qian Daochang always like to fight each other on weekdays, they are just some trivial things.

But now it's a good thing that this uncle actually created something like a zombie to harm the master and himself.

If there had been no accident in the carriage at that time, I am afraid that the two of them would have been bitten to death by the zombie in an unsuspecting situation.

"Another cannibalism! It's disgusting! "

Wen Cai's figure flashed in his heart again, and he couldn't help muttering on the side.

"Senior, this zombie has already changed into a corpse, and it must not continue to be illuminated by the moonlight! Please make it easy and take us to the next town! "

"Well, in that case, get in the car!"

Ye Tian knew that this zombie would eventually come out of the cage, it was just a matter of time.

Although this corpse has turned into a zombie, Qian Daochang is still afraid of Wu Jiu's power and does not dare to dispose of it easily.

"Thank you seniors, thank you seniors!"

Daoist Qian was overjoyed, he knew that Daoist Wu must be nearby.

Now that you can walk with the descendants of the inner gate of Maoshan, you don't have to worry about that junior brother making trouble again.

Thinking of this, Qian Daochang didn't say a word, and hurriedly loaded the dead body into the carriage.

And he was with Dafa, got into Ye Tian and Wencai's carriage, and set off towards the next town.

"Grandma's, kill halfway to bite gold! Now it's a problem! "

Seeing that Ye Tian and his party disappeared in the carriage, Wu Daochang walked out from behind the big tree in the distance and muttered angrily.

"The surname is Qian, this time it's your fate, Lao Tzu won't play with you anymore!"

After thinking about it, Daochang Wu was resentful, after all, Ye Tian was the descendant of the Golden Needle of the Trick Gate.

If one is not careful, maybe he will suffer a big loss, and this deal will not be worth it.



However, just when Daoist Wu was about to give up and return to Huangfeng Town, a man shouted for help in the distance.

When he looked up, he saw a young man covered in mud and a panicked face running in his direction.

And behind the young man, there was a beautiful woman.

To Wu Daochang's surprise, the woman's running speed could be said to be beyond imagination.

Even the young man who seemed to be in good health was always chased by you and did not escape.

"Help! Friend! Help me! "

When he finally saw someone else appear, a strong sense of hope rose in the young man's heart.

Suddenly, he hurriedly came to the approach of Wu Daochang and called for help:

"Ah, it's you, the Taoist! Help me, save me! "

"Huh? It's you? "

Daochang Wu was a little surprised, and he didn't understand what this young man meant.

However, the young man recognized the identity of this Dao Chief at a glance, it was the Maoshan Taoist priest he had seen in Huangfeng Town earlier.

It's just that he was out of breath when he was chased by a coffin, and he hid aside, and he didn't see his face clearly by Wu Daochang.

At this time, the woman also ran quickly to the front, and it turned out to be the same as the young man's movements.

They all stretched out their hands to pull Wu Daochang's clothes, and their faces were full of frightened expressions.

But he couldn't say anything from his mouth, as if he were dumb.

"Ahh Here we go again! "

Just when Daochang Wu was curious about the identity of the woman, the young man instantly shouted again.

He didn't dare to run far at the moment, so he could only run behind Daoist Wu and avoid the woman who was following closely behind.

As soon as the young man hid, the woman followed!

When young people see women running, they run harder!


Seeing the young man and the woman running back and forth around him, Wu Daochang shouted dissatisfiedly.

Although the young man didn't know why he did this, he still obeyed the other party's words honestly and stopped.

Strange to say, the young man stopped running for a moment, and the woman also stopped, standing motionless.

At this time, Wu Daochang frowned and walked closer, looked at the woman and sniffed it carefully, shook his head and said:

"There's no popularity, there's no corpse, it's a living corpse!"

"Dao Chief, please save me, this female corpse has followed me all the way, and I am going to be scared to death!"

When the young man saw that Daochang Wu knew where the female corpse came from, he cried out aggrieved and begged for mercy on the side.

"Well, let's talk about how you found her!"

Hearing this, Daochang Wu did not agree to the other party, but asked with great interest.

When the young man heard this, he had to look at the female corpse next to him tremblingly, and explained the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that this young man's name was Wangcai, and he specialized in digging graves and making a living on weekdays.

Earlier, he was chased by a zombie sitting in a coffin in a mass grave, and as a result, he rushed into Huangfeng Town and provoked some baskets.

While Daoist Qian and Daoist Wu were fighting with zombies, Wangcai sneaked out of the town and found a tomb that had just been buried to do it again.

The mistress of the tomb was a young lady from a large family during her lifetime, and after her death, a lot of jewels were buried in the coffin.

Wangcai made a hole in the ground and went into the coffin to get the jewels from the woman's body.

However, coincidentally, it was when the prosperous wealth was hustered in a narrow coffin to rob the tomb.

Suddenly, there was thunder and lightning, lightning and thunder.

A bolt of lightning struck the grave in an instant.

And Wangcai was attracted by a gravitational force, and suddenly he was mouth-to-mouth with the female corpse.

The female corpse was struck by lightning because of the grave, and she sucked the yang energy on this prosperous wealth.

As a result, he became a living corpse, dominated by the actions of Wangcai, without any thoughts.

"You kid digging graves and fighting upside down, Yin Virtue is lost, you want me to help you? Bah! "

After listening to this explanation of Wangcai, Daochang Wu couldn't help but scold, and he didn't even want to look at the other party.

For monastics, digging graves and robbing tombs are the kind of people they look down on the most.

The dead are concerned about the earth, and what they do is to keep the dead at peace.

Many of the corpse mutinies and ghost revenge incidents were caused by tomb robbers.

"Dao Chief, you must help me! I can't let this female corpse follow me for the rest of my life! I beg you! "

Seeing that Daoist Wu was unwilling to take care of his own affairs, Wangcai was instantly anxious.

He immediately took out the jewels he had stolen from the female corpse just now from his arms and stuffed them into Daoist Wu's hands.

And he continued to bow non-stop, begging for help.

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