Although the cultivators looked down on this grave robber, looking at the heavy jewel in his hand, Wu Daochang fell into a struggle in his heart.

In fact, after I and my senior brother left the school, life was not good.

He is too honest to speak, and his Taoism is not as good as Qian Daochang.

Therefore, in this dojo in Huangfeng Town, it is not good to mix.

Not to mention anything else, the door and plaque of this house alone are a big difference between Senior Brother Qian Daochang.

I have been cultivating for many years, but I am just trying to make a good living.

Now that he is living in poverty and living in poverty, Wu Daochang is very unhappy in his heart.

Looking at the jewels in his hand, Wu Daochang finally gave up what he had just thought and said to Wangcai:

"Okay, I can save you!"

"Hah! Thank you, Chief! Thank you, Chief! "

Sure enough, money can make the devil grind, and it is indeed a wise choice to take out these jewels yourself.

Thinking of this, Wangcai was very excited and thanked him again and again.

"Don't say thank you just yet, you still need to do something for me!"

"Huh? What's up? "

Seeing that Wu Daochang took the jewelry into his arms and talked about other things, Wangcai was a little surprised and asked curiously.

"I'll tell you in detail when I'm on the road later, don't ask too much first!"

Daochang Wu didn't say much, but took out a corpse talisman and pasted it on the forehead of the female corpse.

In an instant, the female corpse immediately closed her eyes and fell straight to the ground.

In fact, the living corpse is still a dead corpse after all, but it has absorbed the yang energy of that prosperous wealth and is temporarily controlled by it.

Just hold it with a corpse charm or shine it in the sun, and it will turn back into a dead corpse.

Of course, Daochang Wu will not talk about this.

If you let Wangcai know that it's okay, you will definitely not help yourself anymore.

"Ha, Dao Chief, you are really a god!"

Wangcai was stunned, seeing that the female corpse had stopped moving in the blink of an eye, and praised it with a thumbs up on the side.

"Don't talk nonsense, carry the corpse and follow me!"

"Oh, yes, yes!"

Wangcai didn't know what this Wu Daochang wanted to do, but at the moment, he could only hope to put it on him.

had to obediently obey the order, carried the female corpse, and ran forward with him.

The road was bumpy, and soon Ye Tian and the others drove the carriage to Liuxin Town.

Liuxin Town is much more prosperous than Huangfeng Town, and even more prosperous than Renjia Town.

Even though it's late at night, there are still a lot of pedestrians walking around the street.

Huge neon signs can be seen everywhere, like a miniature version of the metropolis.

"Wow, wow!"

Wen Cai looked at the beautifully dressed girls who came and went around and couldn't help but exclaim:

"When I came, I was in a hurry, and I didn't care that there was such a good town!"

"Yes, yes, it's heaven on earth!"

Dafa sat in the carport, looking at the surrounding scenery, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Senior, I must be very tired after a day's journey, I invite the two of you to stay in the hotel, which is my gratitude to my seniors!"

Looking at a hotel in front of him, Qian Daochang jumped out of the carriage with Dafa and said with a smile.

"Then you're welcome!"

Ye Tian did not refuse, and nodded in agreement.

Wen Cai also smiled and nodded, after all, it was the first time for him to visit a hotel of this size.

At this time, there were very few people in the hotel lobby, only twos and threes sitting on the sofa chatting.

Qian Daochang took off the shroud on the zombie early and put on a set of clean clothes.

He also took a big hat to cover his head to prevent others from recognizing the identity of the zombie.

"Hello, open me three emperor suites!"

Qian Daochang was the first to walk to the front desk, straightened up, and pretended to be arrogant and said to the waiter in the front desk.

"The Emperor's Suite?"

Hearing this, the waiter raised his head and looked at Daoist Qian, and when he saw that he was wearing a Taoist robe, he said angrily:

"Sorry sir, this is a hotel, not a palace! There is no emperor suite! "


originally wanted to pretend to be in front of Ye Tian, but he was scolded back by the other party.

Qian Daochang felt extremely embarrassed when he saw this, while Wen Cai covered his mouth behind him and snickered, and whispered to this Ye Tian:

"Uncle Shi, he has big eyes now! Ha ha! "


Qian Daochang coughed lightly, relieved his embarrassment, and continued to ask:

"What's the best room, bring me three!"

"The best room in this hotel is the Presidential Suite, 50 oceans for one night! Do you want it? "

"Fifty oceans, so expensive!"

"Yes, Tong Su is not deceitful, the goods are genuine!"

The waiter knew that this Qian Dao Chang would not live in this presidential suite at all, so he simply didn't look at the other party.

He muttered and sat back down at the front desk.

It's really expensive!

Qian Daochang seemed to feel his heart bleeding at this time.

I couldn't help but scold myself for having no ability to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf!

This transaction is only a reward for twenty oceans.

If you really live, won't you be able to keep the pants that you want to lose?

Just when Qian Daochang hesitated in his heart, he didn't know how to explain to Ye Tian.

I saw Ye Tian walk to the front desk in one step, and when he raised his hand and threw it, a small cloth bag fell in front of the waiter.

"This is fifty oceans, open me a presidential suite!"

"Huh? Good! Good! "

The waiter was shocked, but he didn't expect that someone on the other side really had the strength to live in this presidential suite.

I didn't dare to hesitate at the moment, hurriedly turned my head and picked up a key and handed it to Ye Tian, and said respectfully:

"Sir, this is your key! Please go up to the President's Room No. 1 on the third floor! "

"Thank you!"

Ye Tian nodded, turned to look at the stunned Qian Dao Chang and Dafa, and said with a smile:

"I appreciate your kindness, but I still pay for this house myself!"

After saying that, Ye Tian turned around and ordered: "Wencai, go back to sleep!" "

"Hehe, yes, Uncle Shi!"

Ye Tian's wealth is generous and his identity is glorious, so that he can have face as a teacher and nephew.

Seeing that the two of them took the elevator upstairs, their eyes were full of envy, and they whispered to Qian Daochang:

"Master, we seem to be despised by others."

"Nonsense, I can see it!"

Qian Daochang turned his head and glared at Dafa fiercely, then put on a smiling face and asked the waiter:

"Well, just give me a normal room!"


The waiter was angry and said lightly:

"Ten oceans!"

"Shhhhhh Ten dollars is ten dollars! "

After all, it was a helpless move, Qian Daochang gritted his teeth, took out ten oceans and handed it to the waiter.

Then together with Ah Fa, he helped the disguised zombie and got on the elevator.

"Dirt buns, what to pretend!"

The waiter muttered disdainfully towards the elevator entrance.

Not long after, three more figures walked into the hotel and into the hall.

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