"Wow, it's so beautiful here!"

Wangcai has robbed tombs for so many years, and there are not many days when you can really make money on weekdays.

It's the first time I've seen a magnificently decorated hotel like this, and I can't help but look around excitedly with the female corpse behind me on my back.

"Stupid, don't be so dirty!"

Wu Daochang slapped him angrily and reprimanded him in a low voice.

In fact, like Wangcai, it is the first time to come to this kind of hotel.

I can't help but feel a little weak in my heart, for fear that others will see it and lose face.

Before coming, he also deliberately put on a new set of clothes, and specially dressed up Wangcai and the female corpse, in order not to let others see that he was from a small place.

"Daochang Wu, does your senior brother really live here?"

"Nonsense, I have his birthday, and I have followed him all the way here, how can it be fake?"

Wu Daochang glared at Wangcai angrily, then straightened his clothes and walked to the front desk.

"Hello, I'm staying at the hotel!"


At this time, it was late at night, and there were very few people staying in the hotel, and even the waiter was on duty, and he couldn't help but fall asleep.

"Huh? Another dirt bun? "

Glancing at Daochang Wu's clothes, the waiter felt a wave of disgust in his heart.

Although Wu Daochang wore a new dress, the materials used were extremely ordinary, and the style was old.

As long as you look at it, you can tell that this is a country style of clothing, and it is outdated.

"There is no emperor's suite, there is no presidential suite, and you can't live in an ordinary room for ten oceans a night!"

"Uh... The Emperor's Suite? "

Daoist Wu was a little surprised, then gritted his teeth and took out twelve oceans from his arms and handed them to the waiter, and said with a smile:

"Hehe, little brother, open me an ordinary room, these two oceans are for you, please ask you something."


Unexpectedly, the other party actually gave him two pieces of ocean, but the waiter's attitude towards Wu Daochang still did not change much.

On weekdays, the tips received a day are more than a dozen oceans, and just two oceans are really not taken into account.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The waiter put two pieces of ocean in his pocket and asked suspiciously.

"Did a few people come in just now, and where did they live?"

"So you're asking them? I just think you're all the way, and you're all dressed the same! "

Hearing this, the waiter pointed to the stairs next to him angrily, and said:

"There are two people living in the presidential suite on the third floor, and three people living in ordinary room 202 on the second floor, and that's all!"

After that, the waiter threw Wu Daochang a key, and then lay on the table and took a nap.

"Hey, God help me too!"

Wu Daochang's heart was overjoyed, and he was thinking about how to get rid of Ye Tian, the heir of the golden needle of the Maoshan Sect.

It just so happens that one lives on the second floor and the other lives on the third floor, so you don't have to worry about them coming out to make trouble.

At the very least, you won't be discovered until the zombies are transformed again!

"Uncle Shi, did you say that the zombies transported by Qian Dao Chang would be dangerous? Will that Daoist Wu still come to make trouble? "

In the presidential suite, Wen Cai poured a cup of hot coffee and handed it to Ye Tian, asking curiously.

"Their brothers and sisters are fighting each other, so we don't need to meddle in our affairs. As for the zombie, as long as it transforms, I'll be the first to destroy it! "

The reason why he drove the carriage to catch up with Qian Daochang and his party, Ye Tian's purpose was the zombie who was about to turn into a corpse.

Although he lives on the third floor, his sense of mind and smell is extremely sharp.

Once the zombie has changed and the corpse qi is high, you can detect it at the first time!

"Hey, now these fellow brothers don't know what to think, so they have to make a cannibalistic drama!

You see, Qiusheng and I, although we sometimes quarrel, but we will never kill each other! "

"That's why Senior Brother Lin didn't expel you two unsuccessful guys from the division!"

Ye Tian interjected angrily, and then said sternly:

"Hurry up and meditate, don't be lazy!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi."

Wen Cai heard this, and hurriedly drank half a cup of coffee in front of him.

Then he ran briskly into the room and sat on the bed to meditate.

But after a while, there was a sound of snoring.

In this regard, Ye Tian didn't bother to care about anything, so he could only continue to close his eyes and wait for the zombie to come out of the cage.

At this time, in Qian Daochang's room, the zombie had already been redressed and placed in the corner.

"Master, you added so many corpse talismans to him, and also tied up corpse ropes, no problem!"

"Nonsense, of course I do!"

Seeing that everything was arranged, Qian Daochang said solemnly:

"I'm not afraid that this zombie will change again, what I'm afraid of is that your uncle will come to make trouble for me again!"

"Don't worry, master, with you and me here, there are still masters of the inner door on the third floor, there will be no problem!"

"Well, that's what I thought too!"

After that, Qian Daochang tidied up his clothes, walked to the door, turned around and ordered:

"I'm going to find a paper shop and buy something, and then I'm going to rent a carriage, and we'll leave as soon as it's dawn!"

You just stay in the room honestly, keep an eye on this big brother, if your uncle comes to make trouble, you will go to the third floor to find the master of the inner door, do you hear clearly? "

"Don't worry, master, I'll do things in a big way, you can rest assured!"

Dafa patted his chest when he heard this, looking confident.

Seeing this, Qian Daochang relieved himself and walked out of the room quickly.

Here, Qian Daochang walked down the stairs, but he didn't know that his every move had been watched by another pair of eyes.

"Daochang Wu, you're right, that Daochang Qian really went out!"

Wangcai closed the door again, and then walked quickly to Wu Daochang, who was drinking tea on the sofa, and said with a smile.

"My senior brother was messed up by me in the woods, and the magic weapons were basically destroyed. For peace of mind, it is natural to buy new ones! "

After that, Wu Daochang took out a piece of ocean from his arms, threw it to Wangcai, and said solemnly:

"Now do as I say, without mistake, do you hear?"

"Dao Chief, I will definitely do what you say, just ask you to go back and help me get this female corpse done!"

Wangcai nodded when he heard this, and pointed to the female corpse who was suppressed by the corpse charm on the side timidly, feeling very scared in his heart.

"Don't worry, as long as you help me complete this, I will naturally help you get rid of her!"

"Okay, I'll go!"

When Wangcai heard this, he immediately ran out of the room, and instead of going to room 202, he ran to the hall on the first floor.

After a while, Wangcai changed his body and ran quickly to the second floor with a tray.

After looking around, he cautiously knocked on the door of Daihatsu's room.

"Knock knock."

"Knock knock."

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