
I heard the sound of Dafa being a little bored in the room, and saw that the door was opened.

"Who, knocking on the door at night, hey, why are you? Dead tomb robbers! "

Dafa recognized at a glance who the person standing in front of him was, wasn't it the tomb robber who killed the master and uncle tonight?

If he hadn't rushed into town with a coffin, not so much would have happened.

couldn't help but feel a trace of disgust for Wangcai in Dafa's heart.

"Ha, Xiaodao Chief, I didn't expect it to be you?"

Wangcai pretended to be very surprised, and looked at each other with a smile on his face.

"Aren't you a grave robber? What are you doing here? "

looked at Wangcai wearing the clothes of a hotel waiter, and he was still holding a tray in his hand.

Puzzled, he asked curiously.

"Ha, isn't my tomb robbing a side job? My job is actually a waitress at this hotel! "

"A side hustle? These two towns are so far apart, what are you doing with a side hustle next to our town? "


I have to say that Dafa still has some brains, but fortunately, this question was told to him by Daochang Wu just now.

According to the answer given to him by the other party, Wangcai settled down and continued:

"It's not like we've dug up all the graves around, so we can only target the graves next to your town, brother, hehe."

"I see!"

Sure enough, Dafa's answer instantly alleviated Dafa's doubts a lot, and then asked curiously:

"And what happened when you knocked on the door?"

"Yes, we will give each guest a cup of freshly ground coffee! This is for the trail chief! "

"Huh? That's so good! Ha ha! "

It was the first time for Dafa to stay in such a high-end hotel, and I was already happy in my heart.

It's a pity that the master Qian Daochang slammed the door and took care of the money to death.

Dafa can only get past the coffee and food in the hotel, but there is nothing he can do.

Now that a pot of coffee has been delivered, how can Dafa not feel excited?

"Of course, this is a perk that our guests should enjoy!"

After that, Wangcai handed the coffee pot to Dafa, then bowed respectfully, and said with a smile:

"In that case, I'm going to deliver coffee to other customers!"

"Hey, good! Good! Go ahead, thank you! "

At this time, Dafa still had an aversion to Wangcai in his heart, and his two eyes stared at the coffee pot in his hand, full of joy.

"Well, then I'll take my leave!"

With that, Wangcai turned around and left, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Haha, good things, good things!"

Dafa was so excited that he quickly closed the door, returned to the couch, and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Hey, it's so fragrant!"

As a full cup of coffee appeared in front of him, the aroma instantly poured into Dafa's mouth and nose.

"Hehe, this is coffee, those foreigners are quite good at enjoying it!"

Seeing this, Dafa didn't say a word, picked up the cup and took a big sip.

"Uh... It's so bitter... Why does it taste so weird! "

Who knew that when the coffee was in the stomach, a strange smell came into the mouth.

I couldn't help frowning, staring at the coffee in this cup, shaking my head and saying:

"What! It's even worse than the master's tea! Shiro is excited! "

Although he was very disappointed, Daihatsu still drank the coffee and frowned.

"If it's hard to drink, it's hard to drink, anyway, if you open the foreign meat, you should let it out!"

Soon, the half pot of coffee was drunk by Da Fa pinching his nose, but the consciousness in front of him was becoming more and more blurred.


Dafa looked at the environment in front of him with some curiosity, felt a little ghosted, and couldn't help but be curious and said:

"Strange, why is this coffee so strong that you get drunk when you drink it?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Dafa lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

Just after Daihatsu fell asleep, the door was quietly pushed open.

I saw the figures of Wu Daochang and Wangcai tiptoeing in.

Looking at the zombies parked in the corner, Wu Daochang's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Daoist Wu, your drug really works! This guy slept soundly! "

"Less nonsense, give me something!"

"Yes, yes!"

Hearing this, Wangcai immediately handed the cloth bag on his back to Daochang Wu, and asked curiously:

"Daoist Wu, what's in this cloth bag, why do I feel like I'm still moving?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask! Carry this guy to the back room, and then you'll go back to the house and wait for my news! "

"Yes, yes!"

Wangcai didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately picked up the sleeping big hair and ran into the back room.

After setting it up, he ran out of the room and went back to wait for news.

Seeing that the door was closed again, Wu Daochang walked quickly to the front of the zombie.

Reaching out, he removed the zombie talisman from the zombie's forehead.


With the drop of the corpse charm, the zombie opened its eyes in an instant.

It's just that there are other corpse suppression talismans trapped on the body, and there are also corpse ropes on the body.

Although the zombies opened their eyes, they did not break free.

A pair of eyes stared blankly ahead, without moving.

Seeing this, Daoist Wu Wu was excited, and immediately opened the cloth bag.

Hiss... Hiss...

Colorful poisonous snake horns hovered together, constantly wriggling.

"Here, try something good!"

With that, Daochang Wu quickly grabbed the head of a poisonous snake and stuffed it into the mouth of the zombie.



That zombie instinctively bites down!

In an instant, the head of the poisonous snake was bitten hard!

Red snake blood instantly filled the zombie's mouth.

The blood of poisonous snakes is yin to cold, and it has a strong effect on a yin thing like zombies.

As if he had tasted a delicacy, the zombie kept chewing on it.

In less than a moment, the poisonous snake in Wu Daochang's hand was bitten by a zombie and swallowed into his stomach.

Let's chirp, chirp.

Let's chirp, chirp.

As if he was still unsatisfied, the zombie kept sucking the snake blood at the corner of his mouth, and the corpse qi on his body was slowly increasing.

"Ha, it's not enough, there's more!"

Wu Daochang was overjoyed when he saw that the zombies had changed.

Without saying a word, he grabbed another poisonous snake and sent it into the mouth of the zombie.



With three strokes and five divisions by two, this poisonous snake has also become a meal for zombies.

In less than a while, all the poisonous snakes brought by Wu Daochang were swallowed by zombies.

And the corpse qi of the zombie has also increased a lot, and both eyes have turned into scarlet pupils, emitting bursts of fierce light.

"Come on, I'll give you something good!"

Seeing that the zombie began to slowly take shape, Wu Daochang took out a bamboo tube from his arms and handed it to the zombie's mouth.

"The blood of our cultivators has a strong aura, and it is a great tonic for you!

Don't dislike it, it's all my own blood! Ha ha! "

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