As he spoke, Daochang Wu pulled off the cloth plug at the other end of the bamboo tube.


With a muffled sound, a thick bloody breath spurted on the zombie's front door.

The zombie's whole body was shaking, and it seemed that he couldn't wait.

After all, there is a big difference between human blood and animal blood for zombies.

Especially the blood of a cultivator like Daoist Wu contains a lot of aura.

These auras are also great tonics for zombies.

"Hehe, don't worry, come, I'll feed you!"

Wu Daochang was happy, so he aimed the bamboo tube at the zombie's mouth and slowly poured the blood into it.



For a while, the zombies were extremely excited to devour the blood flowing from the bamboo tube.

The sound of swallowing kept coming from his throat.

In less than a moment, the blood in the bamboo tube had been drunk by the zombies.

The other party seemed to be still unsatisfied, and the two fangs slowly grew out, as if they were looking for other blood food.

"Alright, big brother, it's almost!"

Seeing that the corpse qi on the zombie became stronger, Wu Daochang instantly pasted a corpse charm on his forehead, and said angrily:

"Give you a drink again, I'm afraid that even I won't be able to cure you by then!"

After speaking, Wu Daochang pasted another corpse suppression talisman on the zombie's chest, and then said with confidence:

"Alright, I guess my senior brother should be back in a while! When the time comes, I'll get rid of this zombie talisman.

You don't need me to teach you the rest of the things, right? Hey! "

Seeing this, Wu Daochang put away his things, stretched out his head to look at Dafa who was sleeping in the room there, and sighed and said:

"Boy, don't blame your uncle for being ruthless, blame your master for being too good!"

After that, Daochang Wu was about to turn around and leave the room, waiting for Daochang Qian to come back.


But just as Daochang Wu was about to leave, suddenly there was an angry roar behind him.

I saw that the corpse talisman on the zombie's forehead instantly ignited a flame, and the corpse talisman also turned into ashes.

Not only that, but the zombie talismans on the zombies also fell off in unison.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The zombie exerted all his body, and the bundle of corpses that was tied to his body was instantly broken by Qi Qi and scattered all over the ground.

"How so?"

According to Wu Daochang's estimate, although this zombie was fed snake blood and human blood by himself, he was not even afraid of charms and corpse ropes.

Even if the corpse is out of the cage, it is impossible to do it so quickly!

Seeing this situation, Daochang Wu didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately put his hands into his arms, and in an instant, there were several corpse suppression talismans in his hands.


I saw that the corpse suppression talisman in the hand of Daoist Wu came out, and bursts of golden light appeared in the blink of an eye.

When the corpse talisman touched the zombie's body, it instantly exploded into bursts of explosions.

It was as if a firecracker was hanging on the body, and the zombie was blown several meters away.

Now that the zombies are out of the cage, Wu Daochang is horrified.

His original intention was just to teach his senior brother a lesson, even if he was bitten by that zombie, there would be a way to subdue him.

But now the situation is obviously out of control, if the zombies are not subdued as soon as possible, I am afraid that the entire hotel will suffer!

If many people die because of this, Wu Daochang knows that his yin virtue is probably going to be left with little left.

Thinking of this, Wu Daochang didn't say a word, his arm shook, and a peachwood sword instantly appeared in his palm.


Wu Daochang's body was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the zombie.

Spotting the zombie's heart, the peachwood sword came out and hit the heart directly.


However, what Daochang Wu didn't expect was that the peachwood sword was broken in two on the spot.

The zombie's whole body was like steel, and its sharp claws came out together, grabbing Wu Daochang's arms in an instant.


A miserable scream came, and Daoist Wu only felt the pain of piercing his heart coming from his arms.

The smell of human blood instantly stimulated the zombie's bloodthirsty instinct, and without saying a word, he immediately bit down on Wu Daochang's neck.


Just when those two fangs were about to pierce the carotid artery in Wu Dao's long neck.

A golden light slashed, and instantly pierced the center of the zombie's eyebrows.


The zombie was in pain, and in an instant, he directly threw Wu Daochang away.

And he instantly threw himself into the window behind him, ready to escape!


Wu Daochang was in pain, and the zombie poison began to spread on his body, and his whole body trembled violently in an instant.

Then a figure flashed in front of him, heading straight for the window in front of him.

Who would Ye Tian, the heir of the Maoshan Trick Gate Golden Needle I saw earlier, be.

The zombies also seem to feel a strong crisis, and want to jump out of the window to escape, but find that they can't do anything at all.

As soon as he got up and was about to jump away, he felt a huge force coming from behind him.

I saw Ye Tian reach out and grab it, and he grabbed the zombie's shoulder.

Then, with a wave of his arm, the zombie flipped straight in the air in a circle, and fell to the ground in an instant.



The zombie has just come out of the cage, even if the corpse qi is high, it is by no means an opponent like Ye Tian.

Before meeting, Ye Tianyi stepped on his chest, and the zombie seemed to feel boundless pressure.

I wanted to get up and fight back, but I couldn't raise the slightest strength.

"Your brothers and sisters are fighting infighting, but it's really enough!"

Ye Tian glared at Daoist Wu and quickly sealed his hands.

Staring at the golden light at the center of the zombie's eyebrows, he said angrily:

"The Golden Needle of the Trick Gate, Edict!"


With the sound of an explosion, the zombie could not let out any roar, and the head was blown open in an instant.

For a while, the white and red ones were scattered all over the ground, and the black corpse blood was also splattered everywhere.

"Ding! Destroy a zombie, get 120 merit points, and a card of the Soul Commander! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Seven Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 160/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones


Wu Daochang was stupid, the zombie who almost took his life just now was easily eliminated by the other party, he couldn't believe it.

Is the gap between the outer gate and the inner door of Maoshan really so huge?

"What's going on?"

At this moment, Qian Daochang rushed in quickly from outside the door.

Looking at the headless zombie on the ground and the injured Wu Daochang, Qian Daochang looked at Ye Tian in disbelief.

"Ask your junior brother what he did!"

Ye Tian didn't want to say anything, pointed to Wu Daochang, whose arms were bloody on the ground, turned around and walked out of the room.

"Senior brother, hey...

Wu Daochang didn't know what to say at this time, and was dragged back from the Ghost Gate, and his heart could be described as mixed.

And Qian Daochang didn't ask any more questions, took out the glutinous rice he had just bought, and put it on top of Wu Daochang's wound scratched by zombies.

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