"Uncle Shi, what's going on outside, why was it so noisy just now?"

In a daze, Wen Cai seemed to hear the sound of a fight outside.

As soon as he walked out of the bedroom with a worried face, he saw Ye Tian walking back from the door.

"The zombie corpse has changed, I'm going to deal with it!"

"What? It's really a corpse! "

I don't know if it's because he was scratched by a zombie at the beginning, which caused Wen Cai to be surprisingly sensitive to zombies.

Seeing Ye Tian answer, he immediately shouted in shock.

"Well, go back to sleep, and go back to Renjia Town tomorrow morning!"

"Oh, well!"

Wen only knew Ye Tian's ability, as long as he was there, there was nothing that could not be solved.

He didn't say anything more, scratched the back of his head, and went back to the bedroom.

At this time, Ye Tian was about to close the door, when he saw two figures approaching.

It was Qian Daochang who supported Wu Daochang, who was pale-faced.

Seeing Ye Tian in front, Daoist Wu bowed deeply to Ye Tian, and said weakly:

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life just now."

"Don't thank me, I'm just slaying demons!"

Ye Tian waved his hand, looked at Daochang Wu seriously, and said in a deep voice:

"I don't care what grievances there are between your brothers and sisters, if you want to kill each other, I won't stop you!

But if I hadn't made a timely move this time, the zombies wouldn't have killed anyone!

I don't know if you haven't repaid this debt! "

"Yes, yes! What the seniors have taught is that the juniors will never dare anymore! "

When Daoist Wu heard Ye Tian's reprimand, he instantly knelt on the ground, as if a cool breeze was bubbling from his back.

If this time because of his own problems, the zombies are out of the cage and mutilate the people, I am afraid that I will suffer a very severe punishment for entering the underworld after my death!

"Senior, my junior brother is still kind by nature, but he was blinded by interests for a while, please don't be surprised!"

After all, he is his own junior brother, and he has been cultivating together for so many years, and seeing that he is now lost and has returned, Qian Daochang is also very pleased.

"Don't tell me this, isn't there anything wrong with you, senior brother? He fights with you, and you let him do whatever you want? "

After that, Ye Tian directly pushed the two out of the room and said in a deep voice:

"Go back and reflect on today's events, so as not to embarrass Maoshan in the future!"

After that, Ye Tian closed the door heavily and didn't pay attention to the two of them anymore.


Seeing this, Daochang Qian and Daochang Wu glanced at each other, then sighed and left here.

Ye Tian walked back to his bedroom quickly, sitting on the bed, and was already a little broken by the call system.

"System, explain how to use this Detention Commander card!"

"The Detention Commander Card is a one-time card. The host can use this card to trap all creatures in the world for their own use! "

"Such a cow? Are there any restrictions? "

"There are no limits! The host is free to use, but only one chance, so please cherish it! "

"That's a good card!"

After listening to the introduction of the system, Ye Tian nodded with satisfaction.

If you really encounter an evil monster that you can't fight.

This card can not only give yourself a chance to save your life.

It can also be turned into one's own slavery and become one's own combat power!

Thinking about this picture, I am looking forward to it!


Early the next morning, after eating breakfast, Ye Tian and Wencai continued on the road and drove to Renjia Town.

As for how Qian Daochang and Wu Daochang turned around and explained the matter of zombies to Huang Fengzhen and Wu Jiu, it is not something they should worry about.

There was nothing to say all the way, and when it was close to noon, Ye Tian and Wencai had already returned to Renjia Town.

Because the carriage was temporarily lent to Ye Tian by Ren Fa, the two did not go back to Yizhuang first, but drove to Ren's mansion.

"Strange, Uncle Shi, why do I feel that everyone looks at us strangely?"

Wen Cai sat in front of the carriage and looked at the villagers who would always greet him from afar on weekdays, but today he was hiding from himself, a little surprised.


Ye Tian heard what Wen Cai said, and also got out of the carport.

Sure enough, as he said, these villagers all cast strange eyes when they saw the two of them, as if they were a little afraid.

"Aunt Zhang, are you going to buy vegetables?"

At this time, Wen Cai took the initiative to call a middle-aged woman who came over in front of her, and greeted her with a smile.

"Uh-huh, yes, yes!"

That Aunt Zhang glanced up at Wen Cai, then glanced at Ye Tian again, hurriedly lowered her head, and turned to leave.


Wen Cai didn't understand Aunt Zhang's behavior, and Ye Tian didn't speak, just quietly looked at everything around him.

Soon, the two drove the carriage to the gate of Ren's mansion.

A family member saw Ye Tian coming, hurriedly approached, and said with a smile:

"Doctor Ye, you're back, did you have a smooth journey?"

"Well, it went well!"

Ye Tian returned the carriage to the family with a smile, and asked with a smile:

"Is Master Ren at home?"

"Master, he's gone to the mayor's house, this won't be in the house!"

"Alright, I'll come back and visit him!"

"Okay, Doctor Ye, go slowly!"

With that, Ye Tian turned around and took Wencai and left Ren's mansion.

Ye Tian did not go to Yizhuang first, but changed his route to the medical hall.

At this time, Hua Yanyan was sitting bored in front of the hospital, looking at the pedestrians coming and going, dejected.

"Why are you sitting here alone? What do you think? "

"Ha, you're back!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Hua Yanyan stood up excitedly, hurriedly ran to Ye Tian, and threw herself into her arms.

"Ahem, uncle, I'd better go back first, this scene is not for me!"

Wen Cai looked at the picture of the reunion of the two in front of him, and was a little embarrassed.

He pouted and turned to leave.

"Why have you been there for so long, I'm worried!"

Hua Yanyan pouted a little angrily, pulled Ye Tian's palm, and walked into the medical hall.

"Something happened on the way, I'll go back and tell you!"

Ye Tian stroked Hua Yanyan's cheeks, then pointed to the pedestrians outside the door, and asked curiously:

"Did something happen during this time? When I returned, I found that the villagers looked at me with fear and hostility! "

"Don't talk about you, now they see me and Uncle Nine and Aunt Jiu, they all look like this!"

Hua Yanyan shook her head helplessly and explained:

"This matter is all because of Master Ren Fa Ren! You are the uncle and son-in-law he identifies as, and my aunt and ninth uncle are your senior sister and brother!

Ren Fa offended the villagers, and everyone will naturally think that we are in the same group as Ren Fa and are hostile to us! "

"Master Ren? Did something happen to him? "

Ye Tian was puzzled, what happened in less than a week.

will make Ren Fa, who has always maintained his family image in Renjia Town, not hesitate to offend the people of the town!

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