Huaxia Xuanmen, Buddhism is in charge of Niu Er with Shaomu Mountain Daluo Temple and Tibetan Border Tantra.

The Daomen is based on Kunlun Mountain, Longhu Mountain, Mao Mountain, Laoshan Mountain and Wudang Mountain!

Kunlun Mountain has not been born for a long time, and it is far away, and the monks of the Central Plains rarely have contact with it.

And the power of Laoshan has gradually weakened, and it will be difficult to regain the grandeur of the past!

Therefore, the three largest sects in the Central Plains Chinese cultivation world are Longhu Mountain Zhengyi, Maoshan Shangqing School, and Wudang Neidan Sect!

Although the three factions are the same leaders of the Daomen, they have been fighting openly and secretly for thousands of years, and the people of the three factions rarely interact with each other

Therefore, for the identity of the fat man Zhang Yishan's descendants of Longhu Mountain, Uncle Nine and Ye Tian were a little surprised.

"Lin Fengjiao, a disciple of the Tianyi Zhenren Sect of the Maoshan Sect, has seen Daoyou!"

"Ye Tian, a disciple of the Maoshan Sect Tianxu Zhenren, has seen Daoyou!"

"It turned out to be two masters of the inner door of Maoshan Mountain, looking up for a long time!"

Zhang Yishan was very surprised when he heard the introduction of Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu, especially Ye Tian's identity, which made Zhang Yishan admire:

"I didn't expect that my life was saved by the heirs of the Golden Needle of the Trick Gate, it's really my luck!"

"Zhang Daoyou doesn't have to say that, my Maoshan heirs walk the world and help the common people, it is absolutely impossible to see death and not save it!"

Ye Tian waved his hand, then walked closer and asked:

"Daoyou, can you explain the specific origin of the ghost king in your mouth?"

"Well, the matter of the Ghost King, that's it!"

Zhang Yishan nodded, and told Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu the ins and outs of this matter.

It turned out that five hundred years ago, the then Heavenly Master had an apprentice, but in order to blindly seek immortality, he fell into the Demon Dao.

At that time, the Heavenly Master sent dozens of disciples to hunt him down, so that although his body was destroyed, his soul escaped from the encirclement.

Later, this disciple relied on the help of the master of evil arts to cultivate the evil law.

In addition, it has super strength in itself, and in just a few decades, it has grown to the realm of the ghost king.

Then chaos will arise, resulting in chaos in the world!

After hearing this, the Heavenly Master personally went down the mountain, subdued the apprentice, and sealed it in a purple altar.

And this purple altar was handed over to the closed disciples of the Heavenly Master at that time to take care of it, and it was passed down from generation to generation.

In Zhang Yishan's generation, because of an accident, only this purple altar was lost.

After several searches, Zhang Yishan finally discovered the whereabouts of this purple altar, which turned out to be bought by Ren Fa in Renjia Town as an antique.

Then Zhang Yishan found Renjiazhen and tried to persuade Ren Fa to return the purple altar.

But after all, it was still a step too late, and after hearing that Ren Fa's temperament had suddenly changed, he knew that he must have broken the seal of the purple altar and released the ghost king who had been sealed for many years!

Although the Ghost King is super strong, he has been sealed by Zhang Tianshi's sigil for hundreds of years after all.

The strength of one body has long been gone, and Zhang Yishan originally thought that he could re-seal the ghost king back into the purple altar.

But what he didn't expect was that although he injured the ghost king, he was still seriously injured by him and almost fell.

Fortunately, when he came to Renjia Town, Zhang Yishan did an investigation and knew that the doctor of the Shenlong Medical Hall was a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain.

Therefore, after escaping the catastrophe, he found Ye Tian's medical hall and asked for help!

"According to what you say, the ghost king should be injured a lot!"

Aunt Sue listened to it on the side, and when she saw Zhang Yishan finish speaking, she opened her mouth to ask.

"That's right, that ghost king was stabbed by me with the Nine Dragons Sword inherited by the Heavenly Master, and the injury was not light!"

After that, Zhang Yishan frowned and said helplessly:

"It's a pity that I don't have enough mana, and the Nine Dragons Sword is still destroyed in the hands of the ghost king! I'm sorry for my ancestors and ancestors, and I'm sorry for the Heavenly Master! "

"Fellow Daoist, when it comes to this matter, I can't blame you!"

Seeing Zhang Yishan's sadness crying, Uncle Nine comforted and said:

"This ghost king was not destroyed by the Heavenly Master in the first place, and he had already planted the root of the curse!

Then he even had to be responsible for his own disciples, and he was not handed over to the inner door to be strictly guarded.

Passed down from generation to generation, the strength of your lineage has long been exhausted.

Now that your vein has become the outer descendant of Longhu Mountain, I have to say that the step taken by your old Heavenly Master back then was a wrong decision! "

"Senior brother..."

Aunt Su gently pulled Uncle Jiu's sleeve on the side, signaling him not to continue.

After all, the two belong to different sects, and Longhu Mountain and Maoshan have been fighting openly and secretly for thousands of years.

In case one of them doesn't give the other party a handle, I don't know what kind of trouble it will cause in the future.

"What Daoyou said, I don't understand!"

After listening to Uncle Jiu's persuasion, Zhang Yishan couldn't help but nod and answer: "Our vein is like their eagle dog at the inner gate of Longhu Mountain!"

For a renegade disciple back then, he actually put a heavy burden on the back of more than ten generations! To tell you the truth, I've had enough of these days! "

"I'm afraid that the Heavenly Masters and Inner Gates of your Dragon and Tiger Mountain have already forgotten the identity and inheritance of your lineage!"

Ye Tian looked at the sad expression of Yishan and said lightly.


Zhang Yishan did not admit what Ye Tian said, but he was very clear in his heart.

What bullshit seal, what kind of unwarranted mission, five hundred years have passed, who else in Longhu Mountain remembers the existence of Zhang Yishan's vein?

"Okay, fellow Daoist, you have a good rest, we will find a way to solve this ghost king's matter!"

"In this way, thank you two Taoist friends!"

When Zhang Yishan heard this, he nodded gratefully, and then took out a small bronze mirror from his arms and handed it to Uncle Jiu.

"What is this?"

This bronze mirror gives people a very simple feeling, as if it is the vicissitudes of life, but it has a strong sense of righteousness.

Uncle Nine was holding this bronze mirror in his hand, and he seemed to be dyed by this heroic righteousness, and his heart was full of excitement.

"This is the Qiankun Mirror handed down by the Heavenly Master at that time, the Ghost King can hide his breath, but he can't hide this Qiankun Mirror!"

Zhang Yishan breathed hard as he spoke:

"That ghost king used to be a disciple of Longhu Mountain, and he has the special mark of Longhu Mountain on his body, and only this Qiankun mirror can make him have nothing to hide!

Now that he has been stabbed in the chest by me with the Nine Dragons Sword, he will definitely be greatly injured, and as long as he strikes again, he will definitely be able to completely destroy him! "

"Okay, we understand, you have a good rest, wait for the good news from me and my junior brother!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, he cautiously took the Qiankun Mirror into his arms, and softly comforted Zhang Yishan, who was slightly excited.

And Ye Tian once again injected an aura into Zhang Yishan's body, adjusting his breathing and heart pulse.

Gradually, seeing Zhang Yishan fall into a deep sleep with his eyes again, Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu withdrew from the guest room and came to the courtyard of Yizhuang again.

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