"Senior brother, it seems that right now is the best time for us to deal with the Ghost King! If he is given a respite to regain his strength, I am afraid that you and I will not be its opponents at all! "

Although he knew that Ye Tian could control the Samadhi True Fire that was stronger than the real human realm.

But the strength of the ghost king is there after all, even if his strength is greatly reduced now, he is still injured.

But in Uncle Nine's opinion, you still can't be careless, you must act cautiously and solve it quickly!

"Well, since that's the case, we can't take care of it much, let's go to Renfu now and destroy the ghost king!"

Regarding Uncle Jiu's scruples and thoughts, Ye Tian also agreed very much, and nodded in agreement.

"No, it's too dangerous, I'll go with you!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to go to Renfu to fight the Ghost King, Aunt Sue immediately stood up, grabbed Uncle Jiu's arm tightly, and refused to let go.

"That's right, I'll go too!"

Hua Yanyan also learned from Aunt Cane, grabbed Ye Tian's arm, unwilling to let go, and her eyes were already filled with tears.

Seeing this, Ye Tian patted Aunt Sue on the shoulder with relief, and said with a smile:

"The cultivation of the two of you is not as good as me and Senior Brother Ye, when the time comes, it will only increase the trouble!"

"That's right, Senior Brother is right, Senior Sister, you and Yanyan are still waiting for news from the two of us at home!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, stroked Hua Yanyan's cheek, and said with a smile:

"Be obedient, stay at home with my senior sister, and wait for us to come back!"

After that, Ye Tian gently let go of Hua Yanyan's hand and exchanged glances with Uncle Jiu.

The other party understood, and immediately turned around, and jumped out of the wall of Yizhuang with Ye Tianqi and disappeared.

"These two guys, it's always been like this!"

Aunt Su watched Uncle Nine and Ye Tian finally get rid of herself and Hua Yanyan and go to Ren's Mansion alone, and couldn't help but scold angrily.

Turning to look at Hua Yanyan's tearful appearance, she sighed, and said comfortingly:

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Ye has always been blessed with a great life, and he will be fine!"

"Well, Uncle Nine will be fine!"

Hua Yanyan nodded firmly and spoke.

At this time, in Ren's mansion, Steward Liu was already a little anxious, pacing back and forth outside Ren Fa's bedroom.

"Master, you made an appointment with Boss Wang to talk about business today, and it will be too late if you don't leave!"

Seeing the time pass minute by minute, Ren Fa never came out of the room.

Steward Liu was a little anxious, and hurriedly shouted at the door.

"Well, got it, you come in!"

Ren Fa's somewhat weak voice came from the room.

Hearing this, Steward Liu was very surprised, pushed the door open, and asked anxiously:

"Master, what's the matter, are you uncomfortable?"

In the dimly lit room, the curtains block all the sunlight.

I saw Ren Fa lying on the bed with his back to him, moaning a little weakly.

"Master, master, what's wrong with you?"

Steward Liu walked forward quickly, came to Ren Fa's window, patted him lightly on the shoulder, and asked in a low voice.


However, just when Steward Liu didn't know what was going on, he suddenly turned around and grabbed Steward Liu's arm with his palm, with a fierce look on his face!

"Sir! You are! You are ... "

Steward Liu was shocked, what he saw at this time was still the familiar face of Ren Fa on weekdays.

Instead, he was a grim-skinned man with a blue face and fangs.

In particular, the pair of red eyes that emitted a fishy light looked very conspicuous and terrifying in the dimly lit room.

Steward Liu wanted to shout for help, but Ren Fa grabbed his throat with his other hand and couldn't make any sound.



For a while, the yin qi on Ren Fa's body soared, and then a void black light and shadow instantly flew out of his body, rushing straight into Steward Liu's mouth and nose.


"Doctor Ye, Uncle Nine, is there anything wrong with coming early in the morning?"

Jiading, who was sweeping the floor at the gate, saw Uncle Jiu and Ye Tian walking to the front of the gate and asked curiously.

"Let's find Master Ren!"

"Okay, you two come in with me, and I'll report it!"

Jia Ding couldn't help but say, turned around and took Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu to the hall, while he went to Ren Fa's room to report.

And a few people didn't notice that in a corner not far away, a pair of eyes were staring in the direction of this side, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of their mouth.

"Senior brother, I will use this Qiankun mirror to look at him in a while, just wait for him to show his original form, you and I will shoot together, and we will definitely be able to subdue him!"

"Everything is subject to the arrangement of the senior brother!"

Seeing Uncle Jiu's arrangement, Ye Tian had no opinion.

Soon, Ren Fa got dressed and walked down the stairs quickly.

Different from the past few days, after Ren Fa saw Uncle Jiu and Ye Tian appear, his face was full of joy, without the arrogance and disgust of the past.

Especially for Ye Tian, seeing him in front of him, he hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile:

"Doctor Ye, when did you come back, why don't you come to the house to sit! Tingting also sent you a letter, I'll give it to you when I get back! "


Ye Tian frowned, and even Uncle Nine was very surprised.

Looking at Ren Fa with a smile on his face, Uncle Nine quietly took out the Qiankun Mirror from his pocket and held it in his hand.

"Huh? Why are you two looking at me like that? Isn't there something on my face? "

Ren Fa was also very surprised by the attitude of Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu, and couldn't help but hurriedly ordered the family to bring a mirror and look at it carefully.

"Strange, there's nothing wrong with it, it's still the same as usual!"

Ren Fa was looking in the mirror by himself, full of doubts.

And Uncle Nine took out the Qiankun mirror and slowly aimed at Ren Fa's back.

To the surprise of the two, the image of this Ren Fa in the mirror is exactly the same as before, and there is no change.

Not to mention the ghost aura all over his body, showing the appearance of a ghost king.

"Huh? Uncle Nine, the mirror in your hand is a treasure! "

At this time, Ren Fa also happened to turn his head and looked at the Qiankun Mirror in Uncle Jiu's hand, with an excited look on his face.

Without saying a word at the moment, he hurriedly approached and said with an urgent face:

"Uncle Nine, can you show me?"

Ren Fa likes antique jade, and everyone in Renjia Town knows it.

Otherwise, there would not have been the result of the Purple Altar Seal being broken and the Ghost King possessed.

Now seeing the Qiankun Mirror in Uncle Jiu's hand, Ren Fa seems to him as if a young girl appeared in front of him.

For a while, both eyes seemed to be glowing, and he looked straight at the Qiankun mirror in Uncle Jiu's hand, and his eyes never blinked.

"Master Ren, you can't remember anything at all?"

Uncle Nine did not hand the Qiankun mirror to Ren Fa, but frowned and asked in a low voice.

Seeing this, Ren Fa's face was full of confusion, and he reached out and touched the back of his head as if he was very puzzled and asked:

"Is there anything important going on? I don't remember, huh? How do you feel that you and Dr. Ye look weird today! "

After listening to Ren Fa's answer, Uncle Nine and Ye Tian glanced at each other, and they already had the answer in their hearts.

The ghost king is no longer on Ren Fa's body at this time!

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