"Hey, how could this happen, how could this happen!"

In Yizhuang, Ren Fa, who learned the ins and outs of the matter, didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time.

It can be said that the Ren family has been very unhappy in this year.

First, the corpses of the two old ladies turned into zombies and went around to commit murder, and then they were possessed by the ghost king and almost offended all the villagers in Renjia Town.

If it weren't for the ghost king on his body who escaped in time, he would have come to his senses.

I'm afraid that the Ren family has become the target of the entire Ren family town at this time!

"Master Ren, don't worry too much, this is all a catastrophe, fortunately it's all over!"

Ye Tian has been treating the seriously injured Aunt Su in the room for a while, and at this time, Uncle Jiu outside the door can be said to be like an ant on a hot pot, fidgeting!

Seeing Ren Fa constantly breaking his thoughts in front of him, Uncle Nine was both helpless and a little disgusted in his heart.

It's just that because of the face of this Ren in this town, he didn't speak too harshly to stop it.

"Hey, I'm scared!"

Ren Fa still felt very uneasy in his heart, and immediately took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Uncle Jiu, and said:

"Uncle Jiu, this is Tingting's letter to Dr. Ye, you can help hand it over to Dr. Ye when you go back, I have to go back to deal with that mess!"

Thinking of all the bad things he had done in the past few days by being possessed by the Ghost King, Ren Fa felt that one head had two big!

"Okay, then I won't keep you, Master Ren!"

Seeing this, Uncle Nine took the letter in his hand and said loudly to Qiusheng and Wencai not far away:

"Don't send it to Master Ren yet!"

"Yes, yes!"

Qiusheng and Wencai knew that Uncle Nine had fire in his heart, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

opened his mouth and agreed again and again, for fear of angering Uncle Nine again.

"Hey, no, no!"

Ren Fa waved his hand helplessly, and walked out of Yizhuang quickly.

Hua Yanyan sat at the stone table and listened to the conversation between Ren Fa and Uncle Jiu clearly, and when she saw the letter held by Uncle Jiu in her hand, a faint sour feeling rose in her heart.

However, Hua Yanyan was worried about the safety of her aunt Sue at this time, so she did not show her feelings.

Instead, like Uncle Jiu, he was anxiously waiting for Ye Tian's news at the door.


It didn't take long for the door to the room to finally open.

Watching Ye Tian walk out of the room, Uncle Nine and the others hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Little junior brother, how is he junior sister?"

"Uncle Shi, Aunt Shi, she's fine, right?"

"Brother Ye, is my aunt okay?"

Looking at the anxious questions of several people, Ye Tian smiled and waved his hand, and said:

"Don't worry, the Gathering Spirit Fruit was taken in time and saved my senior sister's life. As for the wound on the chest, it has been stitched up in time by me, and it is no big deal!

As long as you rest for a few days, you can be completely healed and get unexpected results! "

"Unexpected effects?"

Seeing that these people didn't understand what they meant, Ye Tian continued to explain:

"I observed that the Gathering Spirit Fruit not only healed Senior Sister's injuries, but also slowly transformed her meridians and physique!

If Senior Sister cultivates again in the future, she will definitely get twice the result with half the effort! "

"I see."

At this time, everyone didn't pay attention to why Ye Tian still had a spirit gathering fruit.

On the contrary, the safety of Aunt Cane is the most important thing for everyone.

Now hearing this, the stones in everyone's hearts finally fell, and the tense nerves were relaxed.

"Okay, Senior Sister needs to rest, I've already fed her the pills I refined, but I still need to take more supplements!"

Ye Tian said as he looked at Qiusheng and Wencai:

"Go kill a hen, take this ginseng, slice a little and stew it together! Don't forget to send another bowl to Zhang Daoyou when the time comes! "

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing that Ye Tian raised his hand to see a ginseng in front of him, Qiusheng and Wencai didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly took it and ran to the kitchen.

"Yan Yan, I wrote a prescription, you go to the town to grab some medicine!"

"Got it!"

Hua Yanyan didn't say a word, but the prescription ran out of Yizhuang quickly.

"Senior brother, can I do something?"

Seeing that everyone had been arranged by Ye Tian, Uncle Nine looked at each other a little anxiously.

"Hmmm... If you really don't feel at ease, go in and accompany your sister, but don't disturb her! "

"Okay, listen to you!"

Ye Tian's words were in the heart of Uncle Jiu.

Although Ye Tian had instructed everyone on his side not to disturb Aunt Sue's rest just now, Uncle Nine still wanted to go to the house to see each other.

When he heard what Ye Tian said, he was overjoyed, and then stuffed the letter that Ren sent to him just now into Ye Tian's hand, and said:

"This is what Master Ren entrusted me to you, saying that it was a letter sent to you by Miss Ren!"

After saying that, Uncle Nine didn't say anything more and ran into the room.

Looking at the letter in his hand, a warm current rose in Ye Tian's heart.

Immediately, he gently tore open the envelope, and the letter paper seemed to have a burst of aroma, wafting into his mouth and nose, which smelled very good.

Looking at the other party's thoughts about himself revealed between the lines of this letter, Ye Tian couldn't help but smile out loud.

It seems that the pictures of getting along with Ren Tingting are passing in front of me one by one, as if something just happened yesterday.

Slowly, Ye Tian held the letter paper in his hand and gradually fell into his thoughts.

"Be careful, look lost!"

Suddenly, a sentence came from his ears, and instantly pulled Ye Tian's thoughts back to reality.

Hua Yanyan held a bag of Chinese medicine she had just bought in her hand, looked at herself with a sour face, pouted and said:

"Your Miss Ren can't sleep when she thinks about her brother Ye!"


Ye Tian was a little speechless, got up and took the Chinese medicine in Hua Yanyan's hand, and said with a smile:

"What? Are you jealous? "

"Bah, the ghost eats your jealousy! Shameless! "

Hua Yanyan glared at Ye Tian angrily, then stretched out her hand and twisted it vigorously on the other party, and said:

"Okay, give me the medicine, I have to decoction!"

"I'll help you!"

Ye Tian smiled, took Hua Yanyan's hand, and went to decoction together.

I drank the boiled chicken soup, and then drank the boiled Chinese medicine.

Aunt Sue's complexion at this time has obviously improved greatly, and her face has become much rudder.

Uncle Nine was obviously the happiest and most excited among the several people, and he was reluctant to leave after holding Aunt Sue's hands.

Aunt Sue, who has always been very arrogant, was a little embarrassed, and glared at Uncle Nine angrily, but her face was slowly happy.

Seeing this, Ye Tian and the others exited the house with great interest and came to the courtyard.

But when Qiusheng and Wen Cai saw Ye Tian sitting at the stone table with Hua Yanyan in their arms and watching the starry sky, they shook their heads speechlessly, turned around and went back to the room to sleep.

Two single dogs were sprinkled with dog food in a row.

There are already 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past in my heart...

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