"Brother Ye, what did Miss Ren say in her letter?"

Snuggled in Ye Tian's arms, looking at the starry sky, Hua Yanyan's mind kept coming up with the appearance of the letter.

Although Hua Yanyan knows about the relationship between Ye Tian and Ren Tingting.

But looking at the exchange of letters between the two, there was still a somewhat sour feeling in my heart.

"Silly girl, I knew you must be thinking about this!"

Ye Tian smiled and took out the letter that Ren Tingting sent to him from his arms and put it in Hua Yanyan's hand:

"Rather than me telling you, it's better for you to see for yourself more real!"

"Show me?"

Hua Yanyan couldn't believe it, and looked at Ye Tian suspiciously.

"Forget it, it's better if I don't watch it, lest others call me stingy!"

After speaking, Hua Yanyan stuffed the letter back into Ye Tian's hand, hugged the other party's waist tightly, and said with a smile:

"I'm content to have you, nothing else matters to me!"

"Silly girl is so easy to talk to!"

Ye Tian hugged Hua Yanyan, and his heart was slowly sweet.

"I believe you don't read it, but I have something to tell you!"

After that, Ye Tian looked at Hua Yanyan's cheek and said:

"Tingting has already made arrangements over there, and invited us to go to the provincial capital as a guest!

But when I look at the scene in front of me, I'm afraid only the two of us can go! "

"To the provincial capital?"

As soon as she heard Ye Tian say this, Hua Yanyan obviously became cramped.

You must know that you and Ye Tian really determined the relationship after Ren Tingting left Renjia Town.

In Hua Yanyan's heart, after all, she has a sense of guilt for Ren Tingting.

Now that I heard that Ye Tian was going to take him to the provincial capital to visit Ren Tingting, I didn't know how to make a decision for a while.

"I know what you're thinking, but there are always things to face, and I believe Tingting is not such a stingy person!"

How could Ye Tian not know what Hua Yanyan was worried about, he caressed the other party's face at the moment, and said with a smile:

"What? The eldest lady of the Hua family, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth on weekdays, is she afraid of a little girl? "

"Go and go, how could I be afraid!"

Sure enough, it was really as Ye Tian expected.

As soon as the words fell, Hua Yanyan straightened her waist on the other side and replied stubbornly.

"Good! Then I'll leave in two days, you can rest early, I'll go back to the hospital! Doudou will stay with you! "



Doudou, who was lying on the floor not far away, listened to what Ye Tian said, opened his eyes lazily and nodded, and then jumped into Hua Yanyan's arms.

Ye Tian lightly touched Hua Yanyan's lips, then stood up and left Yizhuang.

"Slow down on the road!"

Looking at Ye Tian's back, Hua Yanyan's cheeks instantly turned crimson and hot.

For the next trip to the provincial capital, I don't know whether to be happy or worried.

At this time, Zhang Yifan, who was still asleep in the guest room, opened his eyes in an instant, and a faint sneer came to his lips.


After all, it's better for them to solve the matter of the two women.

Ye Tian didn't think much about this matter anymore, and used the magic power of shrinking the ground into inches, and in less than a moment, he had already come to the front of the medical hall.


Just as he was about to open the door of the medical hall, Ye Tian sensed a familiar smell.


Sure enough, after pushing open the door, Wang Yangming, who was sitting at the table with a serious face, stood up in an instant.

Seeing Ye Tian appear, he raised a bright smile, strode forward, and said respectfully:

"Daoist Ye!"

"Wang Yincha, you've been waiting for a long time, right? Did something happen? "

Ye Tian was a little surprised by Wang Yangming's appearance, and immediately beckoned the other party to sit down, but was rejected by the other party waving his hand.

"Don't sit down, Doctor Ye, the head of the Inspection Department has an order, let me take you to the Yin Si Difu!"

"The head of the inspection department?"

Ye Tian was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask the other party anymore.

The Maoshan faction is extremely powerful in the underworld, and many of their predecessors have served as the underworld after their deaths.

Although the director of this inspection department has not heard of it, it is expected that he will inevitably be the predecessor of Maoshan.

The office of the Yin Si Prefecture is very large, except for the inspection department just mentioned.

There are also the Criminal Division, the Soul Hooking Division, the Impermanence Division, the Underworld Money Division, and so on.

Among them, the position of the ninth uncle is under the jurisdiction of the Underworld Division!

"That's right, the Lord in charge knew that I had a friendship with you, so he specially ordered me to come and invite me!"

After that, Wang Yangming nodded and smiled, waved his hand, and a black gate appeared behind him.

The ghostly wind of Sensen kept coming from the door, with a faint green glow, but it looked a little weird.

"Take this token well, you can protect your body from the suppression of the Yin Division!"

Wang Yangming handed a palm-sized dark green token into Ye Tian's hand.

The token is cold all over, not just made of jade.

There are two very strange characters carved on the front, but the general meaning can be guessed from the shape.

Bad Order!

The underworld is the final destination of the souls of the dead, and the laws are strict.

When a living person enters the Yin Division, he will inevitably be suppressed by the Yin Division, destroy his physical body, and escort his soul to the Soul Hooking Division.

But if you hold the position of the underworld, or if you have the token of the underworld, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing happening.

At that moment, Ye Tian took the Yin Errand order, nodded in response, and walked into the door in front of him with Wang Yangming.

When I entered the gate, I saw a different scene.

The sky was gray and cloudy, and there was black yin qi all around.

There is no grass everywhere, desolate to the extreme, and from time to time there are other ghosts escorting ghosts passing by, and their faces are full of seriousness.

"Daoist Ye, isn't this Yin Si Difu different from what you imagined!"

Seeing Ye Tian looking around intently, Wang Yangming turned around and asked with a smile.

"Well, that's true!"

Ye Tian nodded in answer and continued to follow behind Wang Yangming.

"Actually, this is just a remote corner of the Yin Si Difu, not where the real mansion is, it is indeed a little desolate!"

Wang Yangming opened his mouth to explain, and then quickly took Ye Tian and continued to move forward.

Sure enough, as Wang Yangming said, as the journey got farther and farther.

The surrounding scenery is also starting to change.

It's not as desolate as it was just now, but it's like an ancient city street, with many houses.

But there were no pedestrians walking on the streets.

Some, it was a uniformed yin cha escorting the spirit and walking slowly.

Ye Tian was a little surprised, but he didn't say much.

Soon he and Wang Yangming came to a solemn and majestic hall, and looked at the Yin soldiers holding ice blades and wearing armor.

Ye Tian knew that this place must be the location of the Prefecture Inspection Division.

"Daoist Ye, this is the inspection department's office, and the lord in charge has instructed you to go in directly!"

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