Looking at the various yin people walking back and forth in this mansion, I felt very busy.

These yin men just glanced at Ye Tian, and then continued to go about their own affairs, as if they were not surprised by his appearance at all.

"Daoist Ye, I still have errands to do in the Soul Hooking Division, so I won't go in with you!"

Wang Yangming bowed deeply to Ye Tian, Ye Tian immediately returned the salute when he heard this, and then handed over the Yin Difference Order to the other party, and said with a smile:

"Thank you Wang Yin for leading the way!"

"Where, where is it, Daoist Ye, you are polite! From now on, you will be your own person! "

"Your own people?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, and felt a little confused about the "own people" in Wang Yangming's mouth.

Could it be that this time the Prefecture Inspection Department is going to grant itself the post of shadow?

With full curiosity, Ye Tian no longer delayed, but walked quickly towards the depths of the hall in front of him.

Soon, Ye Tian, without any guidance, went straight all the way to a desk at the end of the main hall.

An old man in a black robe with a smile on his face sat behind a desk.

Seeing Ye Tian coming, the old man stood up and said with a smile:

"You are Ye Tian!"

The old man's appearance was something Ye Tian had never seen.

But it gives people the feeling that they are very amiable, just like the elders in the Maoshan Gate.

It is expected that this person is the head of the inspection department that Wang Yangming said.

He didn't dare to delay at the moment, bowed down, and replied:

"Maoshan Yetian, meet the director of the Inspection Division!"

"Boy, don't be so polite, I was also an elder of Maoshan when I was alive, in terms of seniority, you should call me uncle!"

"Uncle Shi?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, looking at the old man's smiling face, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Don't be so surprised! I died a hundred years ago, it's normal that you haven't seen me! "

As he spoke, the old man patted Ye Tian on the shoulder and said approvingly:

"Good boy, he has reached the realm of a real person at a young age! It is worthy of being a good seedling of our Maoshan Mountain! "

"Thank you, Lord Principal, for your compliment!"

"My name is Zhao Jingqi, just call me Elder Zhao!"

"Yes, Elder Zhao!"

Ye Tian humbly nodded in thanks, causing Zhao Jingqi to laugh again and again.

"Boy, I read your record of doing things in the yang world, not bad, not bad!"

As the head of the Prefecture Inspection Division, it was just a breeze for them to check the life of Maoshan disciple Yangjian.

"Killing demons and relieving the common people is the lifelong responsibility of my Maoshan disciples, and I dare not forget it!"

"Tianxu, that old guy has an apprentice like you, even if he dies, he can laugh at Jiuquan, hahaha!"

Zhao Jingqi laughed, waved his hand and said:

"Just kidding, don't tell your master when you turn around!"


Ye Tian was a little confused, this Zhao Jingqi gave himself the feeling that he was a bit of an old naughty boy.

It's really similar to his master Tianxu Zhenren, but I don't know what kind of friendship the two once had.

"Get down to business!"

After Zhao Jingqi sat back down on the desk, he threw a token on the table into Ye Tian's hand.

It has the same texture as the Yin Difference Order given by Wang Yangming, but the words written on it are different.

"By order?"

After Ye Tian carefully recognized the font on it, he said with some shock.

"That's right, from today onwards, you will be the inspector of my inspection department!"

Zhao Jingqi nodded, and then the press token in Ye Tian's hand instantly flew out of a dark green light and fell into Ye Tian's eyebrows, and the press check token also disappeared from Ye Tian's hand in the blink of an eye.

"According to the order of the Inspector, the Lord has been confessed, and the token will reappear when you need it, don't be surprised!"

Looking at Ye Tian's somewhat surprised expression, Zhao Jingqi stood up again and continued:

"The Inspection Division is different from other prefecture governments, it is to inspect the Yin Division, according to the authority of the prefecture. According to the inspector directly under the head of the department, he has the right to supervise other government offices, and also has the right to mobilize the Yin soldiers of the department! "

"I didn't expect the power of this inspection department to be so big!"

Listening to Zhao Jingqi's introduction to himself, Ye Tian blurted out with some surprise.

"Indeed, the power of my inspection department is not small among the government offices!"

Zhao Jingqi nodded when he heard this, and continued:

"Originally, this was an important matter for the envoy, and I originally intended to leave it to the head of the family to pass on Mao Xiaofang! But I see that your cultivation has improved rapidly over the years, even that Mao Xiaofang is not as good as that! That's why I thought about you! "

"So, I still robbed Senior Brother Mao of his errand?"

"I can't say that, it's mainly because you eliminated that ghost king this time!"

"I would like to hear Elder Zhao explain a thing or two!"

Ye Tian felt that the more he listened, the more confused he became, he bowed down to Zhao Jingqi and asked.

"Do you know what sect the ghost king you killed belonged to when he was alive!"

"Dragon Tiger Mountain is a Heavenly Master's Mansion!"

"Yes, it's Dragon Tiger Mountain!"

Zhao Jingqi nodded and continued:

"Although the ghost king has broken away from Dragon Tiger Mountain at this time, after all, he was a disciple of the old heavenly master of Dragon Tiger Mountain before his death, and now he has been eliminated by you, so that some Dragon Tiger Mountain forces in the underworld have a lot of words against you!"

"Huh? Is Longhu Mountain full? Can all this be counted on my head? "

Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a little angry, and couldn't help but speak.

They didn't handle things properly in Longhu Mountain back then, which led to the appearance of the ghost king now.

I destroyed the ghost king, but now I am complained by the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, I am really speechless!

"Yes, I think they're well fed!"

Zhao Jingqi showed a very disgusted expression on his face, and continued:

"Those old things have stumbled behind our Maoshan forces over the years, I remember them all! This time I awarded you the position of inspector of the inspection department, not only to give you the reward you deserve, but also to make it easy for them not to embarrass you! "

"Elder Zhao's hard work, the younger generation is unforgettable!"

Listening to Zhao Jingqi's explanation, Ye Tian's heart warmed, and he couldn't help but bow down again.

"Alright, alright! It's all your own family, what to worship! "

Zhao Jingqi impatiently helped Ye Tian up, waved his hand and said:

"I have a good relationship with your master, and his disciples are my disciples, don't be like this in the future, do you hear clearly?"

"Hear me clearly, Elder Zhao!"

"You are now the inspector of the department, although we don't need you to do anything for the company, but if there is a task in the future, you still have to do it!"

"Yes, disciple understands!"

"Alright, let's go back! The matter here is solved, and I can go back to rest, because of some trivial matters in the Soul Hooking Division these days, I am tired! "

After speaking, Zhao Jingqi yawned and stretched his waist.

"Lord Chief! Lord in charge! Oh no! Oh no! "

Just when Ye Tian was about to say goodbye to Zhao Jingqi, a yin man suddenly ran in at the door.

His face was full of panic and panic, and one of them fell to the ground before he could stand firmly!

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