"Panicked, what do you look like!"

Seeing that the subordinate fell in front of him in an instant, Zhao Jingqi showed a displeased expression on his face.

Ye Tian watched from the sidelines, and immediately bent down and helped the fallen yin to his feet.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Although he didn't know Ye Tian's identity, seeing him and Zhao Jingqi standing together, he also guessed that the other party's origin was not small.

So he thanked him again and again, and then looked at Zhao Jingqi and said anxiously:

"Lord in charge, the deputy director of the Soul Crossing Division is here!"

"What! Here she comes! "

Zhao Jingqi, who was originally full of displeasure, was paced back and forth in shock after hearing the report of his subordinates, fidgeting!

"Bastard, you didn't say it sooner! I'll cure you for your offense! "

"Lord Principal, I just found out and hurried to report! Who would have thought that the deputy director would be so fast, and he had already arrived at the gate of the temple at this time! "

"It's over... Finished... This guy is here, I don't have a good day today! "

Zhao Jingqi looked like an ant on a hot pot at this time, helpless and flustered.

After hearing that the deputy director of the Soul Crossing Division had arrived, the head of the dignified inspection department would be so scared?

What the hell is going on!

"Elder Zhao, don't be so excited, who are the four deputy directors of this remarriage? Why are you so flustered? "

"Oh, you don't understand! You don't understand! He is the deputy of Meng Po, the head of the Soul Crossing Division, Shenxiao! "

"Meng Po's deputy? The old lady who specially gave Meng Po soup to the Yin Soul on the Nai He Bridge? "

When Ye Tian heard this Zhao Jingqi's explanation, the appearance of an old lady with a hunched back and a face full of vicissitudes instantly appeared in his mind!

"Nonsense! Who told you that Meng Po is an old lady! "

Zhao Jingqi interrupted Ye Tian's inquiry angrily, and said loudly:

"Also, that Shenxiao is not just the identity of Meng Po's main deputy! His father is the Eastern Ghost Emperor of the Netherworld! "

"The daughter of the Eastern Ghost Emperor!"

Ye Tian was shocked!

No wonder this Zhao Jing, as the head of a company, is so flustered!

It turns out that the backstage background of this god night is so big!

In the Yin Division, in addition to the normal operation of the various departments under the command of the various government offices, there are many other Yin gods who manage other things.

For example, judges, Yin Shuai and Yin General are the side that assists the Ten Palaces and the King of Yama to govern the party.

And above the Ten Halls of Hell are the nine Five Directions Ghost Emperors!

Oriental Ghost Emperor: Cai Yulei, Shen Tu, governing Taozhi Mountain, Ghost Gate.

Western Ghost Emperor: Zhao Wenhe, Wang Zhenren, Zhiling Tomb Mountain.

Northern Ghost Emperor: Zhang Heng, Yang Yun, Zhiluo Xushan.

Southern Ghost Emperor: Du Ziren, rule Luofu Mountain.

Central Ghost Emperor: Zhou Qi, Ji Kang, and the mountain of the calf.

Although the power of each sect and faction in the prefecture is very large, it only occupies the power in the various divisions.

For example, judges, Yin Shuai, and high-ranking Yin generals are appointed by the Ten Hall Yama Kings or the Five Ghost Emperors themselves!

And among the underworld, the Five Ghost Emperors are not the supreme rulers.

On top of their nine Ghost Emperors, there is also a Yin Heavenly Son Emperor Xudu Emperor, who rules the entire Netherworld and Netherworld!

In fact, in ancient times, the Emperor of Yin Tianzi Xudu was not the supreme ruler of this Yin Si Difu.

It also has to accept the jurisdiction and restriction of Huang Feihu, the Emperor of Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng!

It's just that later Heavenly Court stayed away from this world, and there was no longer any redundant contact.

Therefore, the actual ruler of the Yin Si Difu has changed from Huang Feihu to the Emperor of Xudu!

Regarding the information about these underworlds, Ye Tian knew about them from the mouth of his master Tianxu Zhenren when he was very young.

It's just that I didn't expect that today I would have the opportunity to meet the legendary Ghost Emperor Shenxiao, the daughter of the --- Shenxiao!

"Oh, why am I telling you this!"

Seeing that he had explained too much to Ye Tian just now, he couldn't think about anything else.

Zhao Jingqi patted his head with remorse and said loudly:

"Whatever you see for a while, don't go out and talk nonsense, just stand aside and be honest, don't talk much, do you hear?"

"Listen ... Hear me! "

To be honest, Ye Tian was now looking forward to what kind of character this ghost emperor's daughter was.

It can make the head of the Inspection Division, the former elder of the Maoshan faction, so panicked!

"Old man Zhao, I'm here to play with you! Hee-hee! "

A sound like a silver bell came from outside the hall, and with it, a faint fragrance wafted in.

When I smell it lightly, it is a little heartfelt and smells very good.

With that shadow flying into the main hall, Ye Tian also had a knowledge of the daughter of the Ghost Emperor.

The hair hanging down from the waist exudes the tranquility and mystery of the night.

The black eyes turn flexibly, a little naughty, a little naughty.

Dressed in a light green long skirt, the waist is less than a hand, and when you look at it carefully, it has a different taste.

is worthy of being the daughter of a ghost emperor, and she does have this different noble temperament.

It's just that nobility is noble, but at this time, Shenxiao jumped in front of Zhao Jingqi and beat lively.

Stretched out two slender hands and pinched Zhao Jingqi's slightly chubby cheeks, and said with a smile:

"Old man Zhao, you have gained a lot of weight during this time, have you stolen something delicious! Hey! "

"Uh... Your Royal Highness Princess, we have something to say, don't be awkward with my face, there are still others here! "

Zhao Jingqi's face was full of embarrassment at this time, and he felt very helpless when he looked at Ye Tian who was secretly looking at him and laughing.

For the first time, he faced Ye Tian as an elder in the door and the head of the government.

But now it's good, the appearance of a god night has instantly collapsed the image of the company that he has just managed.

"Cut, what are others afraid of here? It's not like they haven't seen it! I don't care, you have to play with me today, let's play hide and seek! "

Zhao Jingqi's words were not listened to by Shenxiao at all, and as he spoke, he pulled Zhao Jingqi and kept shaking his sleeves, and said loudly:

"Daddy went to the Xudu Palace today, master, she has something to find King Qin Guang, no one will care about the two of us, you can rest assured!"

"Your Royal Highness Princess, my old bones really can't stand your toss anymore!"

Zhao Jingqi shook his head without tears, and said with grievances:

"Last time I accompanied you to ride a big horse, I ran all over the dungeon with you on my back, and I don't know how many jokes have become in the mouths of yin people!"

"Afraid of what? When the time comes, you will put the blame on me, and see who dares to say more! "

With that, Shenxiao pulled the yin who had just run into the main hall to the front and commanded:

"You're coming and playing with us, too!"

"Huh? I also play? "

Obviously, the yin didn't expect that this farce of Shenxiao would actually pull him, and he was surprised for a while!

"Yes, that's you!"

Shenxiao nodded, then turned around and ran to Ye Tian, pulled him and said:

"Come along!"

But as soon as the words fell, it was full of surprise:

"Hey, you're alive!"

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