"What are you doing!"

didn't expect this Western young man to sit next to him so brazenly, Hua Yanyan stood up in disgust and reprimanded angrily.

Hua Yanyan's roar instantly attracted the attention of all the passengers in the carriage.

When everyone saw that the young man was a Westerner, they all felt sorry for Hua Yanyan and Ye Tian.

In recent years, Western forces have seriously invaded, and Westerners have become human beings in China.

Even some people in the yamen did not dare to offend Westerners easily.

"Beauty, why be so afraid, my name is William, and my family is very powerful!"

This young Westerner named William didn't seem surprised by Hua Yanyan's behavior at all, and he still looked polite.

Especially when it comes to his own family, his face is full of pride and glory!

"I don't care what kind of broken family you are! Sick you! "

Hua Yanyan wanted to scold angrily, but was immediately pulled in front of her by Ye Tian and sat down.

Seeing that the other party nodded towards him, he said no more.

Because Hua Yanyan knew that with Ye Tian here, this William would definitely not be happy.

Sure enough, just after Ye Tian pulled Hua Yanyan back to her seat and sat down, Ye Tian took advantage of the situation and punched her.

In an instant, it slammed into William's chest.


William couldn't believe that the other party would shoot so quickly, just the weight of a punch had already shattered several of his ribs in an instant!

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and it splattered all over the ground in an instant.


The occurrence of this scene immediately surprised all the passengers who were watching in the carriage!

After beating the foreigners, I am afraid that these two people will not have good fruits to eat!

I can't help but feel sorry for William who made a reckless move just now!

"Well deserved! So that you have nothing to do! "

Hua Yanyan was happy to watch from the sidelines, and saw that William knelt on the ground, clutching his chest, spitting blood, and scolding loudly on the side.

“Shit! Despicable Huaxia dog, you dare to hit me! "

That William felt full of anger at this time, and a strong momentum erupted in his body in an instant.

"Get on your knees!"

However, just as William was about to get up and fight back, Ye Tian stepped out again and hit the opponent's shoulder.



In an instant, William immediately fell to his knees.

The two knees seemed to be shattered, and even the floor of the carriage showed a cracked texture.

For a while, William only felt that his body was filled with infinite coercion, like a mountain pressing on his body, and it was difficult to resist!

"You! Who are you! "

At this time, William finally knew that he had touched the hard stubble, and his eyes were full of horror and shock!

"Do you really think I can't see your bottom line? Get lost! "

Ye Tian didn't answer William's question, but looked at the other party with a sneer, and then flew out with a kick, hitting the other party's chest again.



William flew out of the aisle of the carriage like a glider, and then slammed into the iron door between the carriages before stopping.

At this time, the entire carriage was silent, and everyone looked at this scene, and their jaws seemed to drop.

"Brother Ye, are you a little too heavy?"

thought that Ye Tianhui would just teach the other party two lessons, but who would have thought that he would be ruthless three times in a row.

Unless it is a vicious person who treats ordinary people with such a heavy hand, Hua Yanyan is the first time she has seen Ye Tian do this!

"Is it heavy?"

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders, and then pointed very easily in the direction where William flew out not far away.

What Hua Yanyan didn't expect was that William actually stood up holding his injured chest!

Ye Tian's martial arts strength is strong, and Hua Yanyan knows it very well.

No matter how strong an attack he is, an ordinary person who can stand up again is simply incredible!


Although William was full of anger at this time, he knew that he was not Ye Tian's opponent at all.

At that moment, he angrily left a cruel word at Ye Tian, opened the iron door of the carriage, and ran to another carriage!


Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

Although everyone felt sorry for Ye Tian's recklessness.

But I have to say that the scene when Ye Tian taught the Western young William a lesson just now made people look really relieved!

The people here have been bullied more or less because of foreigners.

Now watching Ye Tian teach that Western young man a lesson, they all feel happy in their hearts!

For a while, the applause in the entire carriage was thunderous!

Everyone had a big smile on their faces!

"You're pretty popular!"

Hua Yanyan looked at Ye Tian and waved his hand to signal that everyone didn't need to applaud anymore, and couldn't help but joke on the side.

"But isn't that guy named William too incredible, he can withstand your repeated attacks! I can't believe it! "

Ye Tian didn't answer Hua Yanyan's words immediately, but pulled her to find a clean seat and sit down.

Looking at the blood stains that William spit out on the ground, Ye Tian couldn't help frowning.

"He's not human!"

"She's not human!"

Hua Yanyan covered her mouth in surprise, for fear that her voice would be heard by others, so she hurriedly asked in a low voice:

"What is he if he is not human? Why don't I feel it at all? "

"I also deduced it when I smelled the faint yin qi and bloody qi on his body!"

Although William's own aura was very hidden, in the face of Ye Tian, who was a real person, he was still discovered by the other party.

"Yin Qi? Bloody gas? Is it a zombie? "

"It's not a zombie, it's a vampire!"

Ye Tian shook his head and opened his mouth to explain.

"Vampires? Are they the vampires of the West? "

Hua Yanyan was even more surprised, and looked at the blood stains that had spurted out of William's mouth on the ground just now, and said with a frown:

"Something is wrong with this blood! Not the blood of the living! "

Hua Yanyan nodded in shock, and said to herself:

"My dad once mentioned something about Western vampires! I just didn't expect to meet these vampires in Huaxia! "

"I've killed two vampires mutated into vampire zombies before, and now this is the first time I've met a real vampire!"

Hearing Ye Tian say this, he still looked very relaxed, Hua Yanyan patted his head with some annoyance, and hurriedly said:

"My father said that the vampire family is very strong in the West, and if you beat that William, you are not afraid that he will find a family member to seek revenge on you!"

"Don't worry, he doesn't have that chance to take revenge!"

Ye Tian showed a mysterious smile, then took Hua Yanyan's little hand and looked out the window together.

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan didn't say anything more, since Ye Tian said so, she would definitely do it!

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