At this time, in the private room of another carriage of this train, two young Westerners in suits tasted the red wine in the goblet in front of them, looking leisurely.

"There are really a lot of virgins in this Huaxia, that girl last night, I thought I would really marry her, haha!"

"That's right, the blood of the Huaxia virgin is very sweet, much better than our girls over there! I really like this land more and more! "

A young man drank the red wine in his glass, then took out the pocket watch in his pocket, frowned, and said:

"Why has the young master been out for so long, will there be any accidents?"

"Don't worry, Misses, I don't know the young master's ability? Now I'm sure I've found a new purpose! "

"Yes, yes, come on, Jason, let's have another drink!"

When the young man known as James heard his companion's words, he smiled and poured another glass of red wine, and drank it heartily!


Just as the two were talking and laughing, the door of the private room was pushed open in an instant.

Then William's figure instantly knelt down in front of the two, groaning in pain.

"Young Master! What's wrong with you! "

Looking at William, whose face was full of pain and blood stains still on the corners of his mouth, he fell to his knees.

Jason and James immediately put down their glasses and quickly helped William up.

"Damn bastard, beat me up so badly!"

William had recovered a lot of strength at this time, but the stuffiness in his chest was condensed.

When the two subordinates asked about this, they immediately roared angrily.

"Young Master! Who the hell beat you like this? You're a baron of the Blood! "

"Yes, young master, have you met a cultivator from Huaxia?"

Jason and James were amazed at what happened to William!

You must know that Young Master William is already the strength of the Blood Baron, even if he encounters a cultivator in Huaxia, he is fully capable of fighting against the Seven Rank Earth Master!

Could it be that on this train, there is a master of the Huaxia Heavenly Master realm hidden?

"I don't know, anyway, his strength is very strong, and I'm no match for him at all! But this revenge, I must take revenge! "

William was supported by the two of them in his seat, constantly adjusting the operation of the yin power in his body, and breathing rapidly.

Fortunately, the opponent did not entrain mana when attacking, relying on the amazing recovery ability of the blood clan.

At this time, all the broken bones on William's body had healed.

"Young master, we must avenge this revenge, but it's better to think in the long run!"

"That's right, young master, you are not his opponent, let's go together, it's just to die in vain!"

Jason agreed with James's statement very much, and then a dark smile appeared on his face, and he said:

"Since that person is on the train, he will definitely not be able to escape from the palm of our hands!

This train goes straight to the provincial capital, and that person will definitely go to the provincial capital to stay! As long as you arrive in the provincial capital, you will definitely not be able to escape the palm of our forces! "

"Humph! Then let him breathe a little more fresh air! "

Hearing this, William let out a low sigh of resentment and continued:

"I must see him die in front of me, and when the time comes, I will ravage his woman in front of him! Hum! "

"Less! Master! How is your body on fire! "

However, as soon as William's words were finished, Jason pointed at the other party with a frightened face and said in surprise.

I saw that a golden flame instantly ignited on William's trouser leg, and then before William could react, the golden flame swallowed his entire body in the blink of an eye.

Where would Jason and James see such a scene, they wanted to step forward to help Young Master William, but they were powerless!

Because from the appearance of that golden flame, William was completely engulfed by the flames and turned into flying ashes, only a few seconds!

And it was in these few seconds that a baron of the blood clan disappeared in front of the two of them.

What's even more bizarre is that the golden flame only devoured Young Master William, but did not scorch other items.

Looking at everything in front of them, Jason and James only felt that their scalps were numb, and their backs were already cold!

"How... How so? "

Jason pointed to the location where William had once existed, and said in disbelief.

"Master! A master of the Chinese cultivation world! "

James was also frightened by what happened, and his already white face turned even more pale at this time.

You look at me, I look at you, I don't know how to deal with this.

"What now? How can we explain this to the others? "

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"Why don't we investigate who did this?"

"Stupid guy! Do you think that just the two of us can be the opponent of that master? In case one of us is not careful, I am afraid that the two of us will end up like this Young Master William! "

"You two, you're not stupid!"

At this time, a voice came from the door of the private room, and Jason and James were startled and immediately looked at it vigilantly.

I saw a man and a woman already appearing at the door of the private room at this time.

If William were still alive, he would definitely recognize the two in front of him!

It was Ye Tian, who had seriously injured himself, and the woman beside him!

"You... Who are you! "

Jason and James looked at Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan, and they couldn't feel the aura of a master from them.

But he didn't dare to let his guard down, and hurriedly took a step back and questioned loudly.

"Who do you say we are?"

Ye Tian smiled coldly, then spread out his palm, and a golden flame was instantly suspended in his palm!

"You! It's you! "

The moment the two of them saw the golden flame appear, they immediately knew the identities of Ye Tian and the others!

If it's not the Huaxia master who wiped out Young Master William, who will it be!

Seeing that this young man in his early twenties could have such a strong strength, Jason and James couldn't help but feel the feeling that death was coming.

took a few steps back, knowing that his body was attached to the body of the train room, so he didn't continue to retreat.

"Tell me, why did you vampires come to my Huaxia to disturb the momentum!"

Ye Tian didn't take the fear of the two of them into his eyes at all, but sat on the sofa leisurely, looking at the two of them playfully.

Hua Yanyan dropped the door lock of the private room, and with a shake of her arm, the sword instantly appeared in her palm.

"I... If we do, can you let us go? "

"Do you think you and I have room for bargaining?"

As soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, a True Qi flew out between his fingers, and instantly pierced James's chest.

James' eyes were filled with fear and disbelief, and he saw that a golden flame burned in his chest.

The consciousness in front of me gradually blurred!


Samadhi is really hot, and it comes out quickly!

James was completely devoured in just a few seconds, and Jason on the side was already so frightened that his legs were weak and his whole body was trembling violently when he saw all this!

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