"Don't mention that old fellow to me!"

Anthony's persuasion instantly made Edward feel angry.

At the moment, regardless of the environment around him, he raised his hand and slapped it heavily on the body of the car next to him.


In an instant, a huge palm print was left on your car.

When the surrounding pedestrians saw the scene in front of them, they were too frightened to speak out and retreated.

After all, these two people are Westerners, and they are still Edward, the chairman of the Red Sea Trading Company, and Anthony, the assistant!

Many people in the provincial capital knew their status in the city.

Therefore, for fear that one would be implicated again if he was not careful, he immediately hid away and did not dare to approach.

"Young master, you have lost your temper!"

Anthony seemed to have long been accustomed to Edward's behavior, and his face only changed slightly.

He slowly approached, lifted Anthony's palm, took a handkerchief from his suit pocket, and gently wiped it.

"I really can't figure out what I can't do compared to that shit!"

At this time, Edward was no longer shouting as wildly as he had just now, but he was still very angry, and continued to vent his dissatisfaction with Anthony in front of him:

"He's just a baron, and I've already become a Blood Count! Even if Huaxia's Seven Rank Heavenly Master is in front of me, I am not afraid at all! "

As if he was not spitting up, even though Edward was trying to suppress the anger in his heart, he still couldn't stop saying angrily:

"The power I just established in this provincial city is an opportunity to continue to expand, but let me give it to that wretched bag, why! Just because I'm an illegitimate child, I don't deserve these honors, do I? "

"Young Master, calm down!"

Anthony looked left and right, and seeing that he had never seen the whereabouts of William, he whispered:

"I know the bitterness in your heart, but at the moment, William is the recipient of the strength of the provincial city appointed by the head of the family, so it is better for us not to disobey the orders of the master of the family!"

"Bastard, asshole!"

Edward couldn't help but scold again, but his emotions at this time had been restrained a lot!

"Young Master, sometimes, forbearance is more rapid than outburst, don't you say?"

Anthony patted Edward on the shoulder, then turned around again, looked at the already empty exit of the train station, and said suspiciously:

"What's going on? Why are those people still missing? "

"Anthony, don't be so surprised, that guy William, maybe he's going to find a woman again!"

"Hey, I'm really sorry for your situation, young master!"

"What are you afraid of, since I can hand everything over to him now, I have the strength to take it all back!"

After Edward said this, he opened the door of the car, sat in, and said:

"Let's go, there is still a drinking party of the Chamber of Commerce that needs to be attended tonight, since that waste took the initiative to give up this opportunity, I'm welcome!"

"It's good!"

Anthony glanced at the exit again, then smiled, sat in the driver's seat, and slowly started the car.


On the other side, Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan were sitting in rickshaws, and they had already arrived outside the address given by Ren Tingting at this time.

The decoration style of Renfu in the provincial capital is not as good as that of Renjia Town, revealing a Western style everywhere.

gave Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan a feeling as if they were in a Western manor.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Seeing Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan standing in front of the door, a family member in charge of guarding the door walked quickly to the front and asked with a smile.

"Hello, we are from Renjia Town, and we are here to find Ren Tingting!"

If it was the Ren Mansion in Renjia Town, Ye Tian could enter directly without notification.

But in this provincial capital of Renfu, except for some maids and housekeepers brought by Ren Tingting from Renjia Town, not many people have seen Ye Tian.

Therefore, everyone does not know much about the relationship between Ye Tian and Ren Tingting.

"Oh, I'm from Renjia Town!"

The famous man was a little surprised when he heard this, and said with a smile:

"Please tell me your names, and I'll report them!"

"My name is Ye Tian, and this is Hua Yanyan!"

"Okay, you two wait a minute!"

Jia Ding knew Ren Tingting's origin, for fear that the two people in front of him would be Ren Tingting's good friends.

didn't dare to snub the two, and ran towards the western-style building in the manor quickly.

Soon, Jiading ran out, and came out with Jiading, and there was a familiar figure.

That figure Ye Tian knew that it was Ren Tingting's personal maid, Xiaoru!

Xiao Ru looked at Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan standing at the door, her face was full of joy, and she hurriedly ran to the front and said:

"Doctor Ye, it's so good for you to come, Miss needs you!"

"What's going on?"

Ye Tian was very surprised, and when he saw Xiao Ru talking like this, he immediately asked.

And Hua Yanyan was also surprised on the side, and also looked at Xiaoru in surprise.

"Miss is sick, come with me!"

After that, Xiao Ru grabbed Ye Tian's wrist and ran towards the western-style building.

And Hua Yanyan also followed closely and ran over with her.

Soon, several people came to Ren Tingting's room on the third floor of the western-style building.

When I came to the room at this time, I could see Ren Tingting lying on the bed with a painful face.

He was covered with several layers of thick quilts, but his face was very pale and his lips were trembling.

"Doctor Ye, let's take a look at what kind of illness Miss has!"

Xiaoru has followed Ren Tingting for many years, and now she cried anxiously when she looked at the other party in such pain.

"Miss was fine in the morning, but that's it in the afternoon, I couldn't see why I came after looking for several doctors!"

"I'll do it!"

Seeing that Ye Tian wanted to check on Ren Tingting's illness, Hua Yanyan stepped forward and sat in front of Ren Tingting's bed.

"It's okay, Tingting will be handed over to you!"

Ye Tian knew that Hua Yanyan had a sense of guilt for Ren Tingting in her heart.

After all, she and Ren Tingting are sure that the relationship is first, and Hua Yanyan and herself tell each other their hearts later.

In Hua Yanyan's heart, she always felt that she had robbed Ren Tingting's man.

Therefore, after seeing Ren Tingting showing such a condition, she volunteered and was the first to stand up.

"Doctor Ye, this...

Xiaoru is not stupid, how could she not see the relationship between Hua Yanyan and Ye Tian.

It's just that I'm worried about the safety of my young lady at this time, and I'm not in the mood to pay attention to this.

Now seeing that Hua Yanyan actually stood up to treat her own young lady, she couldn't help but say to Ye Tian with some dissatisfaction on the side.

"Don't worry, Yan Yan's medical skills are great, besides, with me, it'll be fine!"

How could Ye Tian not know what Xiao Ru was thinking, and patted her shoulder at the moment, signaling her to relax.

Hua Yanyan had already lifted the heavy quilt on Ren Tingting's body at this time, and she could clearly see the black evil aura on her body!

And all these evil qi come from the sole of Ren Tingting's right foot!

Hua Yanyan immediately raised Ren Tingting's right foot, and couldn't help exclaiming:

"Seven coffin nails!"

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