"Seven coffin nails!"

In fact, Ye Tian also deduced just now that Ren Tingting suddenly became like this, it must have been caused by someone behind her back who used evil magic to cast a spell!

I just didn't expect that someone would use the Seven Evil Coffin Nails to do this!

The technique of seven coffin nails is made by using seven coffin nails that are more than 50 years old, and condensing yin and evil with secret methods!

The person nailed by this coffin nail will be in a coma for one day, and die in three days, and his soul will not enter the underworld, and he will not enter the underworld!

In the end, he was swallowed by the evil and disappeared from the world!

It can be said that such evil arts can destroy people's souls after death!

Who would have such a strong hatred with Ren Tingting, and would inflict such a poisonous hand!

"Doctor Hua, are these seven coffin nails serious? Is there any salvation for Miss! "

Although she didn't know what the seven coffin nails in Hua Yanyan's mouth were, looking at the other party's frowning appearance, Xiao Ru knew that the situation that Ren Tingting encountered was definitely very dangerous!

"It's okay, Xiaoru, you go get a basin of hot water, go ahead!"

Ye Tian comforted Xiao Ru on the side and opened his mouth to command.

"Yes, yes!"

How dare Xiao Ru hesitate for a moment, and ran out of the room without saying a word.

Looking at the seven small blood holes full of yin and black qi, Ye Tian felt extremely angry.

And Hua Yanyan is silver needle appeared in her hand and pierced Ren Tingting's right foot!

"Brother Ye, don't worry, with me here, I promise to give you one or Miss Ren who jumps around!"

After that, Hua Yanyan's hands were connected to the seal, and the silver needles pierced on Ren Tingting's feet began to emit light cyan energy.

These energies began to move towards Ren Tingting's body continuously, washing away the yin in her body!

"Thank you for your hard work, Yanyan!"

Fortunately, the seven coffin nails were found in time, and Hua Yanyan had the diagnosis and treatment of nine needles in the green sac.

In less than a while, it completely curbed the continued spread of the evil qi on Ren Tingting's body!

Now it only needs to be completely eliminated from the existing yin in his body, and he can be completely cured!

"Here comes the water! Here comes the water! "

Xiao Ru carried a basin of hot water, ran to the window quickly, and handed it to Ye Tian.

"Doctor Ye, Doctor Hua, you must save Miss!"

"Don't worry, Xiaoru, leave it to Yan Yan here, it'll be fine!"

"Good! Good! "

Xiao Ru nodded with tears in her eyes, and then quickly stood aside, not daring to disturb Hua Yanyan to treat Ren Tingting!

"Brother Ye, bring the water!"


In fact, although the technique of nailing the coffin of the Seven Evils is fierce, if it is found in time, it can still be broken!

And there are many ways to break the nail technique of the Seven Evil Coffins, seeing that Hua Yanyan wants to use hot water, Ye Tian has already understood it in his heart.

Here, Ye Tian put the water basin next to the bed, and Hua Yanyan helped Ren Tingting up and placed her right foot in the water basin.

"Brother Ye, hold her!"


Seeing that Ye Tian supported Ren Tingting on the bed, Hua Yanyan squatted in front of the basin.

Then a talisman suddenly appeared in his hand, and a red flame ignited in an instant.

"Qingfu Mantra, Edict!"


I saw that the red flame rose instantly, and the talisman in Hua Yanyan's hand turned into a smear of talisman ash in the blink of an eye, scattered in the basin of water.

As the ash fell into the basin, Ren Tingting's right foot, which was originally placed in the basin, instantly twitched.

"It hurts... Hurt... "

Ye Tian looked at Ren Tingting in his arms and frowned, although her eyes were closed, her mouth was muttering.

Xiao Ru on the side looked anxious and wanted to care about and ask, but she was afraid of disturbing the two, so she had to wait and see.

"Tingting, Brother Ye is here, it's okay!"

"Brother Ye? Brother Ye... "

As soon as Ye Tian's words fell, Ren Tingting's originally frowning brows instantly eased a lot.

muttered softly, subconsciously grabbed Ye Tian's clothes with both hands, and refused to let go.

Looking up at this scene, Hua Yanyan smiled at Ye Tian with a relieved smile.

Then his hands quickly moved, and in the blink of an eye, he pulled out all the silver needles on Ren Tingting's right foot!



As the silver needle was pulled out, Ren Tingting's right foot began to slowly emerge with black gloom.

Then it turned into bubbles and floated on the surface of the water.



In less than a moment, the originally clear water surface became muddy and smelly.

Hua Yanyan took Ren Tingting's right foot out of the basin, held it in her arms, and began to gently press the acupoints in several places on the center of her foot.

At this time, Ren Tingting's complexion gradually eased a lot, and she opened her eyes slightly.

Seeing that she was lying in Ye Tian's arms, Ren Tingting raised her right hand weakly, stroked Ye Tian's cheek and said:

"Brother Ye, is it really you? I'm not dreaming, am I? "

"Silly girl, you're not dreaming!"

Looking at Ren Tingting's weak appearance, Ye Tian's heart was like a needle prick.

Then he held his palm tightly in his hand and said with a smile.

"Miss, it's great that you're finally awake!"

Seeing that Ren Tingting finally woke up, Xiaoru cried instantly, and ran to the bed without saying a word, crying loudly.

"Huh? What's wrong with me? "

Ren Tingting was a little at a loss, and then felt a tingling pain in her right foot, so she hurriedly lowered her head and looked down.

"Miss Yanyan, what are you doing here?"

At this time, Ren Tingting saw that Hua Yanyan was holding Ren Tingting's right foot and pressing it with her fingers.

Streams of black, viscous liquid seeped out from the soles of the feet, and many of them already dripped onto the ground.

And more of them are stained with Hua Yanyan's clothes and hands.

At this time, Hua Yanyan's hands had been wrapped in black mucus, and her face was covered with sweat.

Although she saw that Ren Tingting had woken up, Hua Yanyan still frowned and continued to press the other party's right foot, as if she hadn't heard her inquiry.

"Tingting, you have been nailed in the coffin, and Yan Yan is saving you!"

"Help... Save me? "

Ren Tingting was very surprised, and looked down at Hua Yanyan, whose clothes had become dirty and dirty, and were stained with her own stench.

was still bowing her head and seriously saving her life, Ren Tingting couldn't help but feel a warm current in her heart.

After another five minutes, Ren Tingting's right foot finally had no black mucus flowing out.

Hua Yanyan let out a long breath and said with a smile:

"Okay, Miss Ren, you're okay!"

"Sister Hua, thank you!"

Ren Tingting stood up without saying a word, grabbed Hua Yanyan, who was full of filth, and said excitedly.

"It's a gesture. Nothing to speak of! "

Hua Yanyan was also full of happiness, then looked down at the black stains on her body, and said with a wry smile:

"Miss Ren, let's find me clothes to wear, it stinks!"

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