"Doctor Ye, Miss was able to be safe this time, thanks to the help of you and Dr. Hua!"

At this time, outside Ren Tingting's room, Xiao Ru looked at Ye Tian who was standing aside, nodded gratefully and said.

"Since Tingting is my woman, I won't let her be hurt at all!"

After that, Ye Tian looked at Xiao Ru with a serious face and asked:

"Let me ask you, during the time you came to the provincial capital, did Tingting offend anyone?"

"Offending people?"

Xiao Ru was a little surprised, and when she heard Ye Tian say this, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"That's right! The technique of nailing the coffin of the Seven Evils is an evil technique of the Daomen, and the person who knows this must have been instructed by him to kill Tingting's life! "

"Miss is approachable and courteous, and she has lived in the provincial capital for so many years, and I have never seen her offend anyone!"

In the face of Ye Tian's inquiry, Xiaoru was still confused, and she really couldn't think of who the young lady had offended.


As the door opened, Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan had already changed their clothes and walked out.

"Tingting, how are you feeling? Is it better? "

Seeing that Ren Tingting could walk again, and the blood on her face also appeared, Ye Tian felt very relieved in his heart.

"Well, it's much better, thanks to Sister Hua's help!"

Ren Tingting nodded, smiled and took Hua Yanyan's little hand, and said happily.

"Well, isn't my medical skills much worse than yours?"

Seeing that this treatment finally got Ren Tingting's closeness, Hua Yanyan's heart was much happier, and she immediately patted Ye Tian's shoulder and asked proudly.

"Well, you're amazing, okay!"

Ye Tian nodded approvingly, turned his head and asked Ren Tingting.

"Tingting, have you offended anyone recently?"

"No? Why did Brother Ye ask that? "

Like the answer given by Xiaoru, Ren Tingting was also at a loss and didn't know how to answer.

"Tingting, what you hit this time is the Seven Evil Coffin Nailing Technique, someone is trying to harm you! You have to think clearly, who exactly have you offended? "

Hua Yanyan knew what Ye Tian was asking, and seeing that Ren Tingting didn't quite understand, she opened her mouth to explain.

"Offending people, I really didn't!"

"Can't really remember?"

"Can't remember!"

Seeing that Ren Tingting was still nodding blankly, Ye Tian couldn't help but secretly shake his head.

The person who can use the Seven Evil Coffin Nail Technique to mutilate Ren Tingting's life must have a deep hatred for her!

And being able to nail the soles of each other's feet with the Qisha coffin when Ren Tingting is unaware of the ghost must be someone very close to her!

In fact, at the very beginning, Ye Tian put his suspicion on Xiaoru.

But thinking carefully about the other party's motives and purposes, and looking at her extremely panicked appearance just now.

Ye Tian believed that Xiao Ru was unaware of this matter.

"I heard Xiaoru say that you suddenly fell into a coma in the afternoon, before that, did anything happen?"

"Huh? Think about it? "

Seeing that Hua Yanyan explained the seriousness of this matter clearly, Ren Tingting's heart was also very shocked at this time.

I don't know what kind of person I have offended, and I would want to harm myself like this.

At the moment, there were some doubts, and fragmentary pictures kept flashing in his mind, and he said:

"I remember, tonight I was supposed to attend a cocktail party hosted by the city's chamber of commerce! After lunch, I went to my own clothing store to try on tonight's dress.

It wasn't long after trying on the dress that my brain started to get groggy. As for what happened after that, I don't remember exactly! "

"Yes, at that time, the young lady had just put on the dress, and after a while, she felt a headache, so I came back with her!"

Xiao Ru on the side heard Ren Tingting say this, and she also opened her mouth to echo.

"When you change your dress, do you change your shoes?"

"Yes, I made a pair of high heels and put them on!"

"It looks like those high heels of yours must have been tampered with!"

Listening to Ye Tian and Ren Tingting's questions and answers, Hua Yanyan finally understood the reason for the incident at this time, and opened her mouth to explain.

"Miss, it's not me, I didn't change your shoes, it's not me!"

Hearing Hua Yanyan say this, she saw Ren Tingting looking at herself curiously.

Xiao Ru was very flustered at this time, and waved her hand again and again to show that she didn't know.

After all, Ren Tingting's high heels were put on by herself, and now that she heard that there was a problem with the high heels, Xiao Ru will definitely become the first object of everyone's suspicion!

"Xiaoru, I know it wasn't you who did it, don't worry!"

Ren Tingting stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Ru's hand and comforted softly.

And Ye Tian also nodded and replied on the side:

"That's right, Xiaoru is not harming you, it's just that someone wants to borrow Xiaoru's hand to harm you!"

"In that case, let's go to the clothing store now and find out who else has touched the high heels besides Xiaoru, won't it be clear?"

"It's useless!"

Seeing Hua Yanyan open her mouth to suggest, Ye Tian shook his head and said:

"The coffin nails on those heels have long since been erased, and it is not difficult to get their hands on them.

Now we just need to know that if Tingting is really killed, then it will be clear who has the most benefits! "

"It's hard ... Could it be him? "

After listening to Ye Tian's analysis, a figure of a person instantly appeared in Ren Tingting's mind, and she couldn't help but tremble.

Then his eyes widened, and his face inevitably turned a little pale.

"Miss, do you think it will be the second master?"

Not only Ren Tingting, but even Xiaoru instantly thought of this person's identity, but she didn't dare to say it directly, and asked Ren Tingting cautiously.

"No, the second uncle loves me so much, it can't be his!"

Ren Tingting is still unwilling to associate the person who wants to kill her life with her second uncle.

Seeing Xiaoru asking, Ren Tingting kept shaking her head, unwilling to believe this so-called fact.

"Tingting, the second uncle in your mouth, is it Master Ren's younger brother?"

To be honest, Ye Tian didn't know much about the affairs of the Ren family in the provincial capital.

And in today's world, the affairs of the Ren family have deviated greatly from the original movie world.

Since both of them thought of the name of the second master of the Ren family, Ye Tian couldn't help but lock the target of the suspect on him.

"He's actually my second grandfather's adopted son!"

Ren Tingting heard Ye Tian's inquiry, let out a sigh of relief, and opened her mouth to explain the identity of the second master of Ren's mansion.

This second old man's name is Ren Cai, and he is Ren Tiantang's adopted son in the provincial capital.

Because he is younger than Ren Fa, Ren Tingting calls him the second uncle.

Ren Cai has been dealing with the Ren family's industry with Ren Tiantang in the provincial capital, Ren Tingting has lived in the provincial capital for so many years, and the relationship with the other party can also be said to be very close.

However, after all, because Ren Cai is Ren Tiantang's adopted son, he cannot justifiably inherit the property after Ren Tiantang's death.

Therefore, Ren Tingting was sent to the provincial capital by Ren Fa and took over all the family industries in the provincial capital!

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