"In this way, your second uncle is the most suspicious!"

After Hua Yanyan listened to Ren Tingting's story, she suddenly realized and was shocked!

If Ren Tingting is really dead, then the only people who can take over the provincial industry are Ren Fa and Ren Cai!

Ren Fa has been in charge of the business industry of Renjia Town all the year round, and he is not familiar with the industry of the provincial capital.

If it is rashly taken over, it will inevitably affect the industry of Renjia Town.

Moreover, Ren Fa is over 50 years old, and it is impossible to manage the industries of the provincial capital and Renjia Town at the same time.

Therefore, in the end, the industry of this provincial city will fall into the hands of Ren Cai sooner or later!

"No, the second uncle has loved me since he was a child, he won't treat me like this!"

Although there are all kinds of signs that Ren Cai is the mastermind behind the murder of Ren Tingting, Ren Tingting is still unwilling to believe that her second uncle will kill her.

"Tingting, knowing people and knowing faces but not hearts, sometimes people's hearts are often more terrifying than ghosts!"

Ye Tian sat aside, gently brushed Ren Tingting's shoulder, and said comfortingly.

And Xiao Ru sat on the sidelines, watching all this in shock, and her heart was already in turmoil!

"Tingting, didn't you just say that there was a business reception tonight? Will your second uncle also go? "


Seeing Ye Tian asking, Ren Tingting nodded and replied:

"The second uncle is the second-in-command of the Ren family's industry, and this kind of occasion should have been attended."

"In that case, Yan Yan, you can accompany Tingting to the cocktail party!"

"Aren't you going?"

Hua Yanyan was a little surprised and looked at Ye Tian curiously.

"Those who can use the Seven Evil Coffin Nailing Technique must be people in the evil way, and they will hide behind Ren Cai.

I want to rely on the two of you to lure that guy out! "

Ye Tian nodded, stepped forward and stretched out his hands to pat the shoulders of the two, and said with a smile:

"But don't worry, I won't put you in danger!"

"Cut, poor mouth!"

Hua Yanyan gave him an angry look, but her trust in Ye Tian in her heart was 100%.

And Ren Tingting was a little entangled in her heart, and she was a little scared now.

If it is really his second uncle who wants to harm him, how should he deal with this matter at that time?

"Okay, Tingting, don't think about these things, find me a suit first, right?"

Ye Tian has always been a white robe, and if he goes to a business reception like this, it will inevitably be an inappropriate scene.

Therefore, in order to keep a low profile, Ye Tian planned to change into a suitable suit and put it on, and blend in with the crowd.

"Well, good!"

Hearing this, Ren Tingting instructed Xiao Ru behind her, and said:

"Xiaoru, immediately take Brother Ye to the clothing store to pick up a suit and change into it."

"Good. Miss! "

"In that case, two wives, let's meet at the wine then!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian waved his hand and gently stroked Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting's cheeks, then laughed and walked out of the room with Xiaoru.

"This guy doesn't have a good job!"

Hua Yanyan couldn't help but feel her cheeks hot, and then secretly glanced at Ren Tingting, and saw that she was also ashamed.

"Oops, Brother Ye was in a hurry and forgot to tell him about the invitation!"

Ren Tingting only remembered something important at this time, and wanted to chase it out, but was stopped by Hua Yanyan.

"Don't worry, there's nothing to get rid of that nasty ghost!"

After that, Hua Yanyan grabbed Ren Tingting's arm and said with a smile:

"Let's go, show my sister what your beautiful dresses are, and I'll change them too!"

"Well, Sister Hua must look good in it!"

"Haha, the little mouth is like smeared with honey!"

It seems that it was really because Hua Yanyan worked hard to save Ren Tingting, which made her very moved.

At this time, the two got along very well, as if they didn't mind each other's identities at all.

This also relieved Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan's hidden worries in their hearts.


In the clothing store, Ye Tian had already changed into a black suit at this time.

With a tall and slender figure and a vigorous and handsome face, Xiao Ru on the side couldn't help but be a little crazy.

"Not bad, not bad!"

Ye Tian looked at himself in the mirror with a smile on his face.

Since being reborn into this world, it is the first time I have put on a suit, and I can't help but recall some of the past.

"Doctor Ye, this suit is so beautiful on you!"

"Little girl, it's quite poor!"

Ye Tian smiled and asked, "Do you know where the address of the reception is?" "

"Yes, it's on the fourth floor of the Four Seas Hotel!"

Xiao Ru nodded and continued: "But you need an invitation to participate in the cocktail party, you can't get in like this!" "

"I thought it was a big deal!"

Ye Tian waved his hand disappreciably, and immediately gave Xiaoru two proofs, and said with a smile:

"Help me get my clothes back, thanks!"

"Doctor Ye, this can't be helped!"

Xiao Ru was a little surprised, looked at the ocean in her hand, and hurriedly refused.

But if he wants to catch up with Ye Tian, there is still a figure of the other party.

Holding the sample with some temperature in his hand, Xiao Ru's mind was full of Ye Tian's handsome appearance just now.

I couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster, and my ears warmed up.

At that moment, he hurriedly shook his head, picked up the clothes that Ye Tian had changed, and walked out of the clothing store.

At this time, the banquet hall on the fourth floor of the Sihai Hotel can be said to be very lively and noisy.

Everywhere you can see the city's squires, celebrities, and business elites.

From time to time, you can still see a few foreign faces walking around in the crowd, everyone pushing each other's glasses and changing lamps, very happy.

And in the corner of the banquet hall, the half-open floor-to-ceiling window suddenly flashed a black figure.

The speed of the figure was so fast that no one noticed or noticed it at all.

It was as if the person who had just flashed in had already existed.

"There are a lot of people!"

The figure that flew in from the floor-to-ceiling window was Ye Tian!

Ye Tian, who is now a martial arts master, has a fast body speed that is not at all something ordinary people can imagine!

Therefore, even if this cocktail party is set on the top four floors of the hotel, if you want to enter it unnoticed, it is not difficult for Ye Tian at all!

glanced around, and found that there was no Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan.

Seeing this, Ye Tian picked up a glass of red wine, then found a remote corner, and quietly waited for the arrival of the two.

At this time, in another corner of the banquet hall.

Four or five people gathered in a circle, and they all toasted to one of the middle-aged men, their faces full of respect.

"Second Master Ren, after tonight, you will be the vice president of this chamber of commerce, and in the future, we will ask you to take care of our business affairs!"

"That's right, Second Master Ren, if you need to do anything in the future, just tell us, there is no ambiguity!"


"What are you talking about, our Ren family is now at the helm of the provincial capital, but my niece Ren Tingting, how can it be my turn to be the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce?"

Hearing the flattery of everyone, Ren Cai shook his head and refused unhappily, as if he was very dissatisfied with everyone's words.

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