"Second Master Ren, you can't say that!"

Seeing Ren Cai speak like this, a middle-aged man with a fat and greasy face stepped forward and said:

"There are too many things managed by the Chamber of Commerce in this provincial city, and the business of our people is closely related to the operation of the Chamber of Commerce!

Now that Ren Tingting's little girl suddenly became ill, isn't this an important time for you to take over as the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, Second Master? "

"Boss Huang is right, Second Master, if you become the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, we promise to raise your hands in favor!"

"Yes, I'm in favor of it!"

Looking at the few people in front of him, their expressions were full of excitement.

Ren Cai waved his hand to signal everyone to keep a low profile, and said with a wry smile:

"I have accepted everyone's kindness, but the appointment of the position of vice president of this chamber of commerce, the president has long been interested in my niece!"

"What are you afraid of! We'll go to the president and talk about it in a moment! "

Boss Huang waved his hand when he heard this, patted his chest and said:

"Miss Ren is sick now, and she can't hold this position at all, rather than a sick man who doesn't know anything to take over as vice president, it's better for you to take over the position temporarily, the second master!

If you still refuse, it's a big deal to wait for Miss Ren's body to recover, everything is familiar, and it's not too late to return the position of vice president to her! "

"That's right, that's right!"

Hearing Boss Huang's suggestion, everyone nodded again and again in agreement.

But the corners of Ren Cai's mouth showed an imperceptible smile, but he still showed a very difficult expression, waving his hand to refuse:

"Hey, how can this work, this can't be done like this!"

"Okay, okay, second master, leave this matter to our brothers, you just wait for the good news!"

Hearing this, Boss Huang directly grabbed Ren Cai's wrist, which was still shaking, and nodded deeply, his face full of happiness.

"That's right, second master, you just wait for good news!"

"Come on, everyone toasts the second master!"

"Here, cheers!"

For a while, the laughter of several people sounded in the banquet hall, and the unknown bosses beside them all cast curious glances.

"What are the bosses talking about, so happy?"

At this moment, a figure walked up to several people.

Seeing this, everyone turned sideways and said very respectfully:

"Hello, Mr. Edward!"

"Hello everyone!"

Edward's mood today was particularly cheerful, and it was because of William's delay in arriving that he felt extremely happy.

"Hey, why didn't you see Miss Ren here?"

Seeing Ren Cai chatting with several bosses by himself, Edward was a little surprised, and asked curiously.

"Mr. Edward, my niece has contracted an illness and is resting at home at this time, so she can't come to this drinking party!"

Ren Cai hurriedly stepped forward to explain, but Edward shook his head with some regret and said:

"So that's the case, it's a pity that I can't have a drink with Miss Ren!"

"It's all right, the little illness will be cured in a few days, and then my niece and I will drink with Mr. Edward!"

Edward nodded politely, then exchanged a few pleasantries with a few people before turning and walking away.

"What's going on? Didn't you hear that the Edwards sent a guy named William to take over the business, why didn't you see it? "

As soon as Edward left on this side, Boss Huang on the other side instantly looked at everyone suspiciously and muttered quietly.

"Yes, I also got the news that their family's business is going to change helmsmen, it doesn't make sense to be Edward?"

"Okay, okay, let's not speculate more about other people's own internal affairs, everyone continues to drink, drink!"

Edward's affairs did not seem to interest Ren Cai at all, and in his opinion, perhaps this Edward was the same kind of person as himself.

In order not to give up the industry that he worked so hard to manage, he did some other things behind his back, which is understandable.

On the other hand, Edward, as a Blood Count, has senses beyond ordinary people.

Although a few people had left, they could hear the conversation between them very clearly.

However, he didn't take the discussion of a few people seriously, but walked around the crowd with a smile, pushing cups and changing glasses with everyone.

"Huh? Who is he? "

At this time, Edward noticed Ye Tian sitting quietly in the corner.

Seeing that his temperament is extraordinary and his appearance is handsome, but he has never seen this person, he feels very curious.

You must know that tonight's cocktail party is held by the provincial chamber of commerce, and the people who come to participate in the party are all well-known figures in the provincial capital.

Edward was all too familiar with these people.

However, Ye Tian's face like this is the first time I have seen it.

Although Ye Tian's true identity could not be determined, Edward did not despise him at all and ignored it.

Because from him, Edward could feel a special temperament.

And it is this temperament that reveals a sense of coercion!

"Wow, that's beautiful!"

"Yes, didn't you say Miss Ren was sick? How could you come to the drinking party! "

"Who is that beautiful woman next to Miss Ren, why have you never seen it!"


Just when Edward guessed Ye Tian's identity, there was a commotion at the door of the banquet hall not far away.

I saw two tall figures walking slowly from the door, and for a while many people cast appreciative glances.

"I can't imagine this babbling guy, it's really good to dress up!"

Ye Tian also noticed the restlessness of the crowd over there at this time, and a smile rose slightly on the corner of his mouth.

The people who came were none other than Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan.

Ren Tingting is elegant and noble in a light blue dress, with fair skin and slender thighs, which reflects the perfect figure with a sharp and delicate figure.

Hua Yanyan is wearing a fiery red dress, with a high-V deep neckline highlighting her extraordinary beauty, and her long hair hangs down her waist.

Compared with Ren Tingting's dignified and elegant, Hua Yanyan has a different kind of hot charm.

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on these two beauties, as if the heavenly maiden had descended to earth, and they were dizzying!

"Tingting, why are you here? Are you getting better? "

Different from other people's amazement for the two, Ren Cai's head seemed to not know what was going on for a moment after seeing Ren Tingting appear.

Then he walked briskly closer, pretending to be very concerned, and asked.

"Second uncle, it's okay, my illness has been cured!"

Ren Tingting looked at Ren Cai very meaningfully, then nodded, and introduced Hua Yanyan beside her:

"It's this Hua Yanyan, Miss Hua, she is my friend in Renjia Town, and she is the one who cured my illness!"

"Miss Hua?"

Ren Cai was very surprised, he looked at this girl who was less than twenty years old suspiciously, and his heart was already surging!

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