"That's right, Tingting's illness was cured by me!"

As discussed when she came, Hua Yanyan looked at Ren Cai with a smile and replied.

"It's good to be cured, it's good to be cured!"

Ren Cai's back was in a cold sweat at this time, what kind of disease Ren Tingting had, he knew best among the people present.

But she was cured by a young girl, which means that Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan knew the cause of this illness.

"Miss Ren didn't expect her complexion to recover so well, it's really gratifying!"

"Yes, Miss Hua's medical skills are superb, and she cured Miss Ren's illness in just half a day, which is really amazing!"

For a while, after hearing Hua Yanyan's words, everyone present showed surprised and approving eyes.

Ren Tingting didn't show up tonight, and many people already know the reason.

It is indeed a bit strange that a girl who had been fine in the morning fell unconscious in the afternoon.

And Ren Cai showed a very happy appearance, as if Ren Tingting's recovery from a serious illness was what he was looking forward to the most.

"Miss Ren, just now I asked Boss Ren why you didn't come, I didn't expect to be healed so quickly, what a blessing!"

Here Edward also came closer, looked at Ren Tingting with a smile, then looked at Hua Yanyan, and said with a smile:

"Miss Hua, your medical skills are so powerful, it's really an eye-opener for us!"

"Who are you?"

Because of the vampire thing that happened on the train, Hua Yanyan was a little surprised by the dignified sunset young man in front of her.

Subconsciously, Hua Yanyan also linked him to the matter of vampires.

However, after all, his cultivation is not as good as Ye Tian, and he can't detect the vampire's ability to hide his breath.

That's why I'm so curious about Edward, who approached to greet me.

"Sister Hua, this is Mr. Edward, the chairman of Kyle Trading Company!"

Ren Tingting watched from the side, and when she saw Hua Yanyan asking, she smiled and introduced the identity of the other party.

"Edward? Are you Edward? "

Hua Yanyan didn't expect that the name of this Western young man would be Edward!

When I was on the train, I learned from the mouth of Jason that there was a blood count of the Rothschild family in this provincial town, and his name was Edward!

Connecting the occasion and the identity of the other party at this time, it must be this guy.

Sure enough, it is the strength of the vampire count, if he hadn't known the true identity of the other party in advance, he would never have been associated with the vampire!

"What? Does Miss Hua recognize me? "

Edward was also a little surprised by Hua Yanyan's surprise, looking at the girl in front of him, Edward really couldn't remember where he had seen each other.

"No, it's the first time I've seen a foreigner, it's just a bit of a surprise!"

"I see, that's my Edward's honor!"

Seeing that Hua Yanyan opened her mouth to quickly cover up this matter, Edward stopped asking.

It's just that a fog has risen in my heart, and I always feel that this Hua Yanyan seems to know her own things.

"Okay, okay, since Tingting has recovered from her serious illness, let's continue to drink and chat, and don't gather around here anymore! It's made the two girls a little restrained! "

"Wait a minute, Second Master Ren, don't you want to know what kind of disease Tingting has?"

Seeing that Ren Cai opened his mouth to beckon everyone to disperse, Hua Yanyan stopped the other party with a word and looked at it with a funny face.


Ren Cai was already stunned in his heart, looking at this Hua Yanyan in front of him.

He knew that the other party had already set the target of his suspicion on himself.

And Ren Tingting also looked at herself with her eyes intently, as if she was also waiting for her answer.

"That's right, what kind of illness does Miss Ren have, how can she get better so quickly!"

"Yes, even if you have a cold, you can't recover so quickly!"

"Miss Hua, what kind of illness does Miss Ren have?"


For a while, the interest of everyone present was instantly mobilized by Hua Yanyan, as if they were waiting for something very new and interesting.

Hua Yanyan smiled slightly, and then noticed Ye Tian who was looking at the two of them in the corner not far away.

Seeing that the other party was still looking at herself with a smiling face, Hua Yanyan nodded and said:

"Tingting is not sick, but fell for someone else's evil art, and someone wants to harm Tingting!"


Sure enough, as soon as Hua Yanyan's words fell, everyone present gasped.

Ren Cai is worthy of being cunning, even so, he didn't show a trace of fear.

On the contrary, she looked at Hua Yanyan with an excited expression and asked:

"Miss Hua, are you true or false? Is there really someone who wants to harm Tingting? "

After speaking, Ren Cai immediately clenched Tingting's hands and said with tears in his eyes:

"Tingting, I didn't expect someone to hurt you, fortunately, this Miss Hua appeared in time, otherwise, how can I explain to your father!"

"Second uncle, I'm fine, don't worry!"

If Ren Tingting didn't put the target of her suspicion on Ren Cai's body at first, but now seeing him care about herself so much and worry about being sad, Ren Tingting must be very moved in her heart.

But now at this time, seeing that Ren Cai cares about herself so much, Ren Tingting doesn't know how to respond for a while.

Some are touched by the other party's concern, and some are worried that all these speculations are true!

"Who is going to harm Miss Ren, so vicious!"

I don't know who in the crowd said a word, and it instantly caused everyone to talk about it.

Some people showed an indignant look, while others whispered, focusing their suspicious eyes on Ren Cai's body.

After all, everyone is not stupid, if Ren Tingting is really killed, then the biggest beneficiary of the Ren family's business in the provincial capital is none other than Ren Cai.

"We will definitely find the person who harmed him, right, Second Master Ren?"

Hua Yanyan looked around and saw everyone's expressions in her eyes.

Then he set his eyes on Ren Cai's body, looked at each other with deep meaning, and asked with a smile.

"That's nature!"

Ren Cai straightened his chest, and Zhengse said:

"Tingting has been with me and my stepfather for so many years, and I have long regarded her as my biological daughter! If I had known who was behind that, I would have him torn to pieces! "

Looking at Ren Cai's indignant appearance, for a while, the people who were still suspecting that the other party might be behind the scenes were shaken.

And Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting smiled and nodded, and said no more.

Ye Tian in the corner was still looking at everything that happened with a calm face, and secretly admired Ren Cai's cunning ability in his heart, which was really admirable!

Today is the 30th anniversary of the Chinese New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy new year in advance! Good luck!

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