Met the horrific gaze of the bald man, although Ren Cai was a little timid, he still stepped forward very angrily.

Ignoring the environment at this time and the two girls lying on the bed, he said angrily:

"Daochang Zhang, I told you at the beginning to use fierce materials to deal with my niece, but you just didn't listen! Now that you've broken the Dao technique you used on Tingting, they must have begun to doubt me! "


Obviously, the bald man didn't expect that someone would break the Seven Evil Coffin Nail Technique so quickly!

It seems that the other party's origin must also be someone in the cultivation world.

"Yes, it's broken, what do you say now!"

Ren Cai angrily found a chair and sat down, while the bald man patted the buttocks of the two girls next to him dissatisfiedly, and said coldly:

"Get out of here, I'll look for you later!"

"Hehe, Dao Chief, you have to talk about it!"

The two girls smiled, then quickly put on their shirts, kissed the bald man lightly, and then turned to leave the room.

"Second Master Ren, don't worry, I did that at the beginning, wasn't it to prevent Ren Tingting's death from being suspected?"

The bald man took a black Dao Po from the foot of the bed and draped it over his body, swaying his body all over his body.

Then he walked up to Ren Cai, nodded his eyes, and said lightly:

"But don't worry, I, Zhang Kui, am the descendant of Longhu Mountain, the Fifth Rank Heavenly Master, and a little accident will not have an impact on your future life!"

"A little surprise?"

Ren Cai wanted to laugh at this time, if he wasn't afraid of the other party's identity and strength.

Ren Cai must have taken out a gun and pointed it at his head to speak, and he would not be as polite as he is now!

"Zhang Daochang, now I am the object of suspicion! Tingting will definitely not let me go when the time comes, what do you say I should do! "

"Don't panic, what are you afraid of!"

Zhang Kui smiled, lightly spit out a puff of smoke rings, and said with a smile:

"Tell me first, have you ever seen the person who broke my Seven Evil Coffin Nail Technique!"

"I've seen it!"

Ren Cai was bored, but he still nodded and answered the other party's question:

"I heard Tingting introduce that the person's name is Hua Yanyan, and she is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl!"

"Oh? Surname Hua? "

Zhang Kui was a little surprised, and his eyes the size of two mung beans immediately narrowed, and he said lightly:

"I didn't expect someone from the Hua family to intervene in it, it's a little interesting!"

"The Hua family? Is the Hua family amazing? "

If you talk about the chaebol family in the world, maybe Ren Cai has heard of some.

But for the Hua family, who has entered the yin and yang of medicine, Ren Cai has never understood it.

"Well, the Hua family is a yin and yang family that has been inherited for thousands of years, it seems that the girl named Hua Yanyan should be the person of the Hua family!"

"What then? Daochang Zhang, you must settle this matter for me! "

As soon as he heard Zhang Kui say this, Ren Cai's heart instantly became nervous, and he hurriedly pulled the other party's sleeve and said loudly:

"In any case, this matter must be dealt with properly within two days, if my eldest brother knows about this matter, I am afraid that I will not be able to leave the provincial capital alive!"

Ren Fa's vicious methods, Ren Cai couldn't be clearer!

Now that the two old ladies of the Ren family have passed away one after another, the head of the Ren family naturally falls on Ren Fa's head!

If he knew that he was the culprit who killed his daughter, he was afraid that the other party's character would definitely break himself into pieces!

"What are you afraid of, it's just a small Hua family, I haven't taken it seriously!"

Zhang Kui glanced at Ren Cai with disdain, then shook off the other party's palm that was clutching him, and said coldly:

"How much can a little yellow-haired girl do! When he turns around, Master Dao will be able to defeat her in person!

When the time comes, won't your niece have no backer? "

"That's the best!"

Now that the matter has come to this, what kind of affection and family affection is just a stumbling block to hinder his success in the eyes of Ren Cai at this time!

As long as this matter can be settled as soon as possible, let that Ren Tingting die unconsciously!

At that time, he can declare to the public that Ren Tingting has relapsed from her old illness and died suddenly!

Even if Ren Fa rushed here, he couldn't find any clues to correct himself!

This family's property in the provincial capital is definitely none other than himself!

"Let's go, I'll go back with you, I want to see how much skill that girl from the Hua family has!"

After that, Zhang Kui's eyes burst out with two obscene gazes, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

Ren Cai kept nodding, now for himself, this matter can't be delayed for a minute!

Solve Ren Tingting's life as soon as possible, and you can rest easy!



However, just as the two were about to go out, suddenly, two golden rays of light instantly exploded on the ground in front of them.

Ren Cai couldn't dodge, and was blown out on the spot and fell heavily to the ground.

Although Zhang Kui is obese, his body is very flexible.

Quickly dodged at the moment, dodged two golden light attacks in succession, rolled on the ground, and then stood up again.

Looking at the direction of the two golden lights flying out of the door, he said in surprise:

"Golden Light Spell!"

The two golden rays of light just now were really familiar to Zhang Kui!

It is the unique skill of the Heavenly Master Mansion of Dragon and Tiger Mountain!

Golden Light Mantra!

"Who is it, give Dao Ye and I'll get out!"

I didn't expect to meet my fellow disciples here, Zhang Kui couldn't help but roar angrily, staring at the door with a pair of eyes!

And Ren Cai's heart also set off boundless waves, he didn't know what was going on!

But looking at that Zhang Kui so angry, Ren Cai knew that something serious must have happened!

Da Da Da ...

Da Da Da ...

With the sound of crisp footsteps, two thin figures slowly appeared in front of Zhang Kui!

Slowly, two familiar faces appeared in front of Zhang Kui!

Looking at this scene, Zhang Kui couldn't believe it, and said in surprise:

"Yes! It's you! "

"Dao Chief, who are these two guys?"

Zhang Kui was surprised, and the same Ren Cai was also shocked!

Because he didn't expect that these two figures that appeared would greatly exceed his expectations!

Because the two of them look like teenagers of thirteen or fourteen years old!

The two teenagers have handsome faces and extraordinary temperaments.

A dark blue robe swayed in the wind, but a faint golden light surrounded his body.

At this time, a young man slowly took two steps forward, looked at Zhang Kui with a frightened face not far away, and said lightly:

"Zhang Kui, you steal the secret method of this sect, and Senior Brother Zhiwei and I will follow the decree of the Master of Heaven to capture you and return to the mountain, and wait for punishment!"

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