"I thought this day would come, but I didn't expect it to be the two of you!"

Zhang Kui looked at the two teenagers standing in front of him, and a touch of coldness appeared on his face!

And his mouth was also silently reciting some words that he didn't understand, and in an instant, a golden light appeared on his body.

Like the two teenagers in front of him, the golden light surrounding him is also the golden light spell of Dragon and Tiger Mountain!

"Zhang Kui, hand over the secretary scroll you stole from, Huaiyi and I can see the love of the same door, and we will be merciful to your subordinates!"

"Just the two of you?"

Zhang Kui smiled disdainfully, pointed to the two teenagers in front of him, and said loudly:

"I thought that the Heavenly Master would send someone from the Law Enforcement Hall to arrest me, but I never expected that he would send his two proud protégés down the mountain!

Hey! I don't know if the old Heavenly Master is old and confused, doesn't he remember, the two of you are just a five-grade Heavenly Master now!

Even if it's the two of you together, I'm not afraid!

Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Huaiyi! You two are the true heirs of the master! If you have the ability, let's go together! "

"Zhang Kui, we have already finished talking to you about the good things, if you are stubborn again, you will not blame me for being polite!"

Zhang Huaiyi, who spoke at first, scolded angrily, and as soon as his body moved, a white thunderbolt instantly appeared in the palm of his hand, flashing with a white light!

Looking at this scene, Ren Cai on the side was already dumbfounded.

He can now understand that Daoist Zhang Kui, who has been secretly helping him all these days, turned out to be a traitor to Longhu Mountain!

And the people who were ordered to arrest him in front of him were the true disciples of the Heavenly Master of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master Mansion, Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi!

I never thought that I would unknowingly meddle in such a big mess!

If I knew this, I wouldn't have anything to do with this Zhang Kui!

Now that Ren Tingting's matter has not been resolved, the two true disciples of Longhu Mountain have come to the door!

I don't know what kind of things will go next!

"Five Thunder Rectification, it seems that the Heavenly Master really values you, Zhang Huaiyi!"

Looking at the white light surging in Zhang Huaiyi's hand, full of thunder and lightning, Zhang Kui was a little surprised and admired it, and nodded again and again:

"You and Zhang Zhiwei are both true descendants of the Heavenly Master, and you are both qualified to inherit the position of the Heavenly Master!

It's just that what I didn't expect is that you are not the heir of the Heavenly Master now, but you have been awarded the Five Thunder Righteous Law by the Old Heavenly Master, which is indeed a bit impressive! "

After speaking, Zhang Kui's two talismans slipped off his cuffs, turning into two golden rays of light in the blink of an eye.

It flashed like a golden lightsaber in his right hand.

Then he turned his head to look at Zhang Zhiwei and said with a sneer:

"Zhang Zhiwei, your junior brother has now been awarded the Five Thunder Fa by the Heavenly Master, don't you, who are senior brothers, feel a trace of crisis? Hehe! "


Listening to Zhang Kui's sneer, white thunder and lightning also appeared around Zhang Zhiwei, and immediately a thunderbolt exploded beside him!

Zhang Zhiwei stood up straight, pointed at Zhang Kui in front of him, and said loudly:

"Zhang Kui, don't stir up the relationship between me and Huaiyi's junior brother, since the master has awarded Huaiyi the Five Thunder Righteous Method, it shows that the master attaches great importance to Huaiyi!"

"That's right, Zhang Kui, I never thought that I would snatch the position of Heavenly Master with Senior Brother, we came here today to escort you back to the mountain!"

"It's really a brotherhood!"

Zhang Kui sneered and shook his head, and then the palm lightsaber in his hand instantly pointed at the two people in front of him, and roared loudly:

"In that case, let me see what kind of ability the two heads have!"


In an instant, the lightsaber in Zhang Kui's hand instantly flew out.

And the thunder and lightning around Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi also exploded in unison, turning into several sharp thunder arrows, facing them head-on!

For a while, there was a loud noise in the entire hall!

The golden light of the spell and the white light of the thunder law were intertwined, and the sound was deafening!

And the figures of Zhang Kui, Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi are also constantly flashing in the hall, tearing each other down!

Although Zhang Kui's cultivation is stronger than the two of them, he has advanced to the Sixth Rank Heavenly Master!

But Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi are the true legends of the head of Longhu Mountain after all, and they are talented and intelligent!

Even if they are all cultivators of the Five Rank Heavenly Master, but relying on the Five Thunder Righteous Law taught by the old Heavenly Master, plus the two of them go into battle together, they are equal to the other party Zhang Kui!

Seeing this sudden battle happening in front of him, Ren Cai was already dumbfounded when he hid aside.

Although it seems that this Zhang Kui's momentum is stronger, Ren Cai always has a feeling that he will still lose in the hands of these two heads of the true inheritance after all!

Thinking of this, Ren Cai no longer cared about the battle in this hall.

Creeping out of the house, wanting to get out of this eventful place as soon as possible!

"What? Where is Second Master Ren going! "

Just when Ren Cai had just slipped to the door, ready to flee from this place.

A faint voice came from outside the courtyard.

I saw a handsome young man in a black suit walking over slowly.

Looking at the other party's very unfamiliar face, Ren Cai was a little curious, and then put his hand on his waist, and said vigilantly:

"Who are you!"

"Who am I?"

The young man who came to the courtyard was none other than Ye Tian!

Ren Cai's right hand stretched out to his waist, ready to do something, Ye Tian looked at it lightly, but he was not afraid at all.

Still walking in the direction of the other party step by step, he said lightly:

"My name is Ye Tian, I'm from Renjia Town, my girlfriend's name is Ren Tingting!"

"Ye Tian?"

Ren Cai was shocked, he hadn't heard of Ye Tian's matter at all!

After Ren Tingting came to the provincial capital from Renjia Town, she didn't tell herself that she had a boyfriend named Ye Tian in Renjia Town!

couldn't help but be sure that Ren Tingting at this time had already determined that she was the one who wanted to kill her!

It's just that what I didn't expect was that Ren Tingting's boyfriend would appear here.

Looking at the other party's appearance and the special temperament on his body, in Ren Cai's opinion, this Ye Tian is also very likely to be the young master of a certain squire in Renjia Town!

Thinking of this, Ren Cai instantly pulled out a pistol from his lower back, aimed it at Ye Tian in front of him, and said loudly:

"I don't care who you are! If you dare to stand in my way today, don't blame me for Gu Tingting's affection! "

"What? Is there still a family relationship for you? "

Ye Tian pursed his lips, tilted his head to look at the fight in the room, and said in amazement:

"Looks like someone made a move ahead of schedule!"

"Get out of the way of me, or I'll shoot!"

Ren Cai was a little surprised, this Ye Tian was not afraid of the pistol in his hand at all, and glanced in the direction of the hall behind him.

For a while, anger and surprise filled Ren Cai's mind.

looked at the guy in front of him of unknown origin who claimed to be Ren Tingting's boyfriend.

Ren Caixin made a decision neutrally, and instantly pulled the trigger in his hand!

There is a confirmed infection in the community and has been taken away, Xiao Langjun is panicking now!

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