
With the sound of a gunshot, bullets sprang out of the chamber as if they had broken through a barrier in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the bullet pierced Ye Tian's figure in front of him, and the corners of Ren Cai's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly!

But in the next second, the figure disappeared, and there was a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

Then his whole body flew out, and it was pitch black in front of him.


The hall that was in the midst of a fierce battle suddenly sped into a figure, instantly passing by Zhang Zhiwei and the others.

With a muffled sound, I saw the figure fall heavily to the ground, spitting blood.

The two parties were surprised, looked at the figure on the ground, and knew the identity of the other party, it was Ren Cai Ren's second master!

It was the two sides who were fighting fiercely just now, completely oblivious to what was happening at the door.

"Second Master Ren, what's wrong?"

Zhang Kui was shocked, looked at Ren Cai, who fell to the ground and vomited blood in front of him, and asked.

Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi were stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw a young man in a suit slowly walking in from the door.

"The infighting in Dragon and Tiger Mountain is a bit interesting!"

Ye Tian slowly walked into the hall, looked at Zhang Zhiwei and the three of them covered in golden light, and laughed faintly.

"Who are you? Is it Zhang Kui's accomplice! "

Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi were shocked, although they couldn't see each other's strength, but subconsciously, they still linked his identity with Zhang Kui.

"It turns out that this fat man's name is Zhang Kui!"

Ye Tian was still talking one second ago, and the next second he used the magic power of shrinking the ground into inches, and he came to Zhang Kui in an instant.

"What! How can it be so fast! "

The two of them were shocked, they couldn't believe that this Ye Tian's speed could be so fast, as if he could teleport!

Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi were shocked, and Zhang Kui was even more shocked.

Before he could react to what was happening, he saw that Ye Tian's figure appeared in front of him like a ghost.

As soon as I wanted to subconsciously dodge, I felt that my neck was clamped by a huge force.

Immediately, the body of more than 300 catties was instantly lifted from the ground and suspended in mid-air.

"You! Who are you! "

Zhang Kui couldn't have imagined that with his cultivation and strength as a sixth-grade heavenly master, he would be completely subdued by a young man in front of him!

Not only did there be no room to fight back, but it was as if the power around him was also sealed in an instant, and he couldn't move!

Zhang Kui didn't know Ye Tian's identity, and even Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi were completely stunned when they looked at the scene in front of them!

The two originally thought that Ye Tian, who suddenly appeared, would be Zhang Kui's helper, but looking at this scene, it was obvious that the other party was a person who wanted to put Zhang Kui to death!

couldn't help but run to Ye Tian's approach in an instant, and said:

"This friend, can you spare Zhang Kui's life?"


Ye Tian didn't know the identities of Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi, but when he saw the golden light spell of Dragon and Tiger Mountain covering his whole body, he felt disgusted in his heart.

Then he glanced at the other party with disdain, and said coldly:

"He did harm to my woman, why should I spare his life?"

"Hey, you guy, you're so unreasonable! Do you know who we are! It's just looking for death! "

Seeing that his senior brother Zhang Zhiwei was deflated, Zhang Huaiyi couldn't help but feel angry in his heart, and he also ran to the front at the moment, pointing at Ye Tian's nose and scolding.

"Huaiyi, don't be rude!"

Although he was also a little dissatisfied with Ye Tian's attitude, Zhang Zhiwei knew that Ye Tian was not something that the two of them could offend!

The opponent subdued Zhang Kui of the six-rank Heavenly Master in an instant with just one blow, and he had no power to fight back!

Such a person, even if he is the two of them who have mastered the Five Thunder Fa, is definitely not the opponent of the other party!

"Senior brother!"

Zhang Huaiyi was angry in his heart, but he still obeyed Zhang Zhiwei's reprimand and said no more.

And Ye Tian flew out directly with a slap and hit Zhang Huaiyi in the face!


In an instant, the golden light of Zhang Huaiyi's body was instantly dispersed!

The body flew out several meters away in an instant, and fell heavily to the ground.


Zhang Zhiwei was shocked, but he didn't expect Ye Tian to do it directly.

But it was too late, and that Zhang Huaiyi had already fallen to the ground.

Although he did not vomit blood, his breath was disordered and his face was pale.

Zhang Kui's eyes widened, looking at everything that was happening in front of him, he couldn't believe what he saw!

You must know how great Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi's status in the Heavenly Master Mansion of Longhu Mountain is!

If you don't get to the point where you have to do it as a last resort, you will never take the initiative to provoke the other party!

Unexpectedly, this mysterious master who suddenly appeared completely ignored the identity of the other party and slapped the other party out with one palm!

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Zhang Zhiwei hurriedly ran to the front and helped Zhang Huaiyi up.

The other party looked at Ye Tian with resentment, and then a thunderbolt flashed in his hand.

A series of white lightning bolts appeared in Zhang Huaiyi's palms!

"Huaiyi, no!"

Seeing that Zhang Huaiyi actually used the Five Thunder Rectification Method, Zhang Zhiwei instantly shouted anxiously!

"Dragon and Tiger Mountain Five Thunder Rectification, are you the true inheritance of the head of the family?"

Ye Tian looked at Zhang Huaiyi and Zhang Zhiwei opposite with some surprise, and then the real Qi in his palm escaped, and it instantly passed into Zhang Kui's body.



With the sound of crunching bones, Zhang Kui's hands and feet hung in the air.

Then his whole body collapsed to the ground, and his face was pale and covered with beads of sweat.

I wanted to speak, but I couldn't open my mouth at all, and I could only look at these people opposite with bloodshot eyes.

Ren Cai also watched all this weakly on the side, he knew that this time his move was really wrong!

Seeing that Ye Tian didn't do anything, he let that Zhang Kui collapse to the ground, unable to speak.

Zhang Zhiwei couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and pulled Zhang Huaiyi back a few steps.

And Zhang Huaiyi also saw that Ye Tian was definitely not a person who could be easily provoked, but he was angry at what the other party had done just now.

The thunder and lightning in his hand were never withdrawn, but they were still wrapped in his palm, staring at Ye Tian who was strolling towards the two of them.

"Don't come here!"

As Ye Tian approached every step, Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi could feel the coercion approaching step by step!

couldn't help but stand up straight and shouted loudly.

"Put away your non-climatic Five Thunder Fa, it won't do anything to me!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and immediately moved around, and eighteen golden needles instantly appeared behind him.

Radiating thunder and lightning and golden light, it is extremely fierce!

"Maoshan Trick Gate Golden Needle? You are from Maoshan! "

Zhang Huaiyi and Zhang Zhiwei were shocked, looked at the young man in front of them in disbelief, and asked in surprise.

"Maoshan Yetian, you two are the true legend of Longhu Mountain?"

"Under Zhang Zhiwei, this is my junior brother, Zhang Zhiwei!"

When Zhang Huaiyi heard this, he hurriedly bowed and nodded in response.

Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Huaiyi?

Under one person?

It's kind of interesting!

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