Looking at Ye Tian's blazing eyes and feeling the warmth of the other party's palm on her cheeks, Hua Yanyan's cheeks flushed, she gently stood on tiptoe, nodded on Ye Tian's face, and said with a smile:

"I knew I couldn't be wrong!"

"Well, that's nature!"

Ye Tian smiled faintly, and immediately took Hua Yanyan's little hand and sat aside, waiting for Xiaoru's arrival.

"By the way, has the person behind the scenes found out his identity? Who the hell is helping that Ren Cai, it's just too hateful! "

Ye Tian just briefly explained the evidence of Ren Cai's crimes, and as for Zhang Kui, Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Huaiyi, Ye Tian did not mention it.

Therefore, at this time, Hua Yanyan thought about it, and couldn't help but pull Ye Tian and ask curiously.

"Well, that person's name is Zhang Kui, and he is from Longhu Mountain!"

"Dragon Tiger Mountain again?"

Obviously, Hua Yanyan was also surprised by Zhang Kuimen's origin.

In the past, there was Zhang Yifan, the heir of the outer gate of Longhu Mountain, who found a scourge for Renjia Town, and now there is Zhang Kui of Longhu Mountain who used evil magic to kill Ren Tingting behind the scenes!

This disciple of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, why is he so annoying!

"That's right!"

Ye Tian nodded, and explained what happened just now to Hua Yanyan in detail, and told the other party not to mention it to Ren Tingting again, so as not to make her worry too much.

"I can't imagine that the true transmission of the Heavenly Master of Dragon and Tiger Mountain has been dispatched, it seems that this reincarnation soul technique is indeed extremely important!"

After listening to Ye Tian's narration, Hua Yanyan was very shocked in her heart, and couldn't help muttering to herself, shaking her head and saying:

"I really don't know what the old guys in Longhu Mountain are thinking! Always leave the bane by your side, and it's no wonder if nothing happens! "

After speaking, Hua Yanyan seemed to think of something, and immediately pulled Ye Tian's arm and said:

"That Zhang Kui's sudden death, and the disappearing reincarnation soul technique, do you think it will be...

Hua Yanyan didn't finish speaking, but looked at Ye Tian with a look of surprise, as if the other party could guess the answer she said.

"Yes, I think so too! Yakuza Alliance! "

Ye Tian nodded and slowly said what he thought in his heart.

In fact, after that Zhang Kui was suddenly engulfed by black flames, Ye Tian immediately thought of the black hand who controlled all this behind the scenes, the Extreme Dao Alliance!

Only the Extreme Dao Alliance would be so interested in the forbidden art of Dragon Tiger Mountain!

He also placed a ban on Zhang Kui's body to prevent him from leaking the traces of the alliance!

But after all, it's all speculation, and Ye Tian doesn't want to explain too much to the people of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, as for the matter of this Extreme Dao Alliance, it's up to them to dig it out!

"What the hell is this Extreme Dao Alliance going to do! Could it be that it is going to cause a storm in the cultivation world again? "

Hua Yanyan slapped the table angrily, her face full of indignation.

"Doctor Ye, Doctor Hua, Miss has already fallen asleep, I'll take you two to the guest room to rest!"

At this time, Xiao Ru happened to come over, looking at Hua Yanyan who kept slapping the table angrily, she was a little frightened, bumped into her guts, and whispered.

"Okay, I'm sorry for you, Xiaoru!"

Ye Tian stood up with a smile, while Xiao Ru kept waving her hand and said gratefully:

"No trouble, no trouble, if it weren't for Dr. Ye and Dr. Hua appearing in time today, I'm afraid that Miss would have been..."

As she spoke, Xiao Ru's eyes instantly turned red again, and when Hua Yanyan saw this, she hurriedly opened her mouth and said with a smile:

"Okay, okay, everything is settled, why are you crying! Let's go, take me to the guest room, I'm tired too! "

"Uh-huh! Two of you, please! "

Xiao Ru nodded excitedly, guided in the direction of the stairs, and took Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan to the guest room on the third floor...

On the southern outskirts of the provincial capital, there is a huge Western-style manor, and ordinary people passing by here are all amazed by the luxury and magnificence of this manor.

Everyone knows that the owner of this manor is extraordinary!

He comes from the Rothschilds of the West, an ancient and mysterious family!

The wealth and power controlled by this family are beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

And as the helmsman of the Rothschild family's business here, Edward was treated like a star everywhere he went!

At this time, Edward was still lying on the leather sofa in his room, and the sound of a classical symphony from the gramophone was heard in his ears, and he was full of intoxication.

And the butler Anthony stood quietly aside, looking at Edward, who was immersed in the rhythm with his eyes closed, and did not disturb, and stood aside respectfully.

Finally, after the last note of the symphony disappeared from his ears, Edward opened his eyes with satisfaction, picked up the goblet that had been slowly shaking in his hand, took a sip of it, and said with a smile:

"Only wine and music are the best enjoyment in the world!"

After speaking, Edward sat up straight, looked at Anthony still standing aside with a respectful face, and asked:

"How? Have you found out the identities of the two people? "

"Check it out, young master!"

Hearing this, Anthony stepped forward, bent down to salute, and said slowly:

"Those two, like Miss Ren, are both from Renjia Town. The man's name is Ye Tian, and it is said that he is a Chinese monk who belongs to the Maoshan faction!

And that woman's name is Hua Yanyan, the descendant of a thousand-year-old family in China, and the descendant of Hua Tuo! "

"Sure enough, it's not small!"

Edward was a little surprised, nodded, and said admiringly:

"Maoshan faction, Hua family! I didn't expect this young lady to have such a friend, but I was a little surprised! "

"Also, the mastermind behind Miss Ren's life has been found out, it is Ren Cai Ren's second master!"

"Sure enough, it's him!"

Edward smiled and narrowed his eyes, stretched his waist and said helplessly:

"Sure enough, power and money can change a person!"

"According to the intelligence, the Huaxia monk who helped Ren Cai has been killed by Ye Tian, and Ren Cai was also broken by Ye Tian, and was finally driven out of Ren's house by Ren Tingting!"

"After all, it's a girl, and her heart is soft!"

Edward pursed his lips and said with a smile.

"Young Master, there is a piece of news, maybe you will be interested!"


Edward looked at Anthony and nodded in response.

"We found out that the train that Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan took to the provincial capital today is the same train as the train that Young Master William and the three of them took!

And I also got the news that when I was on the train, William once had a conflict with Ye Tian because of that Hua Yanyan, and he was knocked to the ground by him! "


Edward, who was still smiling, stood up from the sofa in an instant, listened to all this reported by Anthony, and suddenly realized:

"No wonder that Hua Yanyan is so surprised by my name, it seems that he has already learned the identity of my blood clan from William's mouth!"

"That's how it should be!"

Anthony nodded and continued:

"Although no one saw Ye Tian personally kill the three of Young Master William, but judging from the situation, it is obvious that Young Master William has encountered an accident!"

Cold and headache, I'm panicking now, fortunately I don't have a fever, hey...

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