"Did they really kill William?"

It can be said that Edward's mood at this time can be described as complicated!

He was glad that William, who was in the way, was finally dead, but worried that his family's blood identity had been revealed.

And the origin of the other party should not be taken lightly, it is very likely that the two sides will become enemies!

Thinking of this, Edward sat back on the couch and thought for a long time.

Then he looked at Anthony beside him, nodded and said:

"Now that we have to take more precautions, for that Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan, we can't act rashly for the time being!"

After speaking, Edward crossed his arms, placed them in front of his chest, and said with a solemn face:

"Also, William's news can't be leaked, especially if the family can't know about it, we should not know anything!

That William has always been idle, messing with flowers and grass, and did not come to the provincial capital on time, and it will not arouse the suspicion of the family! "

"Young master, I'm afraid that this matter won't be covered up for long!"

Anthony knew what Edward was worried about, but he kindly put forward his idea and told the other party.

"I know this, after all, William is a direct bloodline, and disappearing out of thin air will definitely attract the vigilance of the family! Maybe even me will become the object of suspicion in the family! "

"That's right, that's what I think!"

"But this matter is not in a hurry, I need to observe the strength of Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan first, if it really threatens me, it is not too late to make a decision then!"

"Got it, that subordinate retreated first!"

"Go ahead!"

Edward nodded, looked at Anthony leaving, and then stood in front of the window.

Looking at the starry night sky outside the window, he smiled and said:

"Maoshan! Family! I'm really interested in seeing how good you are! "


In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tian had already gotten up early and sat at the stone table in the courtyard, absorbing the faint aura contained in the early morning air.

Although Ye Tian has a systematic body, he can continuously improve his cultivation realm without cultivating.

But for Ye Tian, meditation and refining spiritual energy have become a part of ordinary life.

It is only when you practice and meditate that you can truly appreciate the true meaning of the existence of the Tao!

The maids and family members of the Ren Mansion don't know much about Ye Tian, except for Xiaoru, the personal maid by Ren Tingting's side, not many people know Ye Tian's identity.

But what Ye Tian did last night made the entire Ren Mansion shake.

Now seeing Ye Tian sitting alone in the courtyard meditating and cultivating, the family members and maids all cast curious glances at him and discussed in a low voice.

Many maids even looked at Ye Tian's appearance, the more the deer on her chest kept bumping, such an elegant and handsome sunny young man is rare on weekdays!


As Ye Tian exhaled a long mouthful of turbid air, the muscles and bones of his body felt extremely happy.

At this time, a shadow walked closer, looked at Ye Tian in front of him, gently served a cup of tea, and said with a smile:

"Brother Ye, get up so early to meditate and cultivate!"

"Well, did you sleep well last night?"

Ye Tian took the teacup with a smile, looked at the woman in front of him, and asked.

"Well, I slept okay!"

This woman is the helmsman of Ren Mansion, Ren Tingting.

When Ye Tian was meditating and cultivating, Ren Tingting was already standing far away in the hall and did not come forward to disturb.

Looking at the man in front of her who would miss every day, Ren Tingting's heart swelled with warmth.

Taking a sip of tea, Ye Tian felt very useful.

immediately stood up, took Ren Tingting's little hand, nodded and said:

"Some things, don't think about it anymore, you've done a good job, don't worry about it anymore, you know?"

"Got it, Brother Ye!"

Ren Tingting's eyes were a little red, and she looked at Ye Tian's gentle gaze and nodded movingly.

And Ye Tian stretched out his hand and gently pinched Ren Tingting's pink cheeks, and said with a smile:

"Let's go, go to breakfast, and call that guy Yan Yan by the way, what time is it, don't get up yet!"


Ren Tingting nodded with a smile, gently grabbed Ye Tian's arm, followed the other party's pace, and slowly walked towards the hall.

At this time, Ren Tingting looked at Ye Tian beside her, and her heart was full of love.

It seemed that for a moment, Ren Tingting thought that this time would stop, and she could hold Ye Tian's arm like this forever, how good it would be!

The breakfast was very rich, and Ren Tingting seemed to have really come out of Ren Cai's affairs and unloaded the burden on her body.

Now Ren Cai has been driven out of the Ren family and out of the provincial capital.

The top priority is that Ren Tingting needs to take over all kinds of rights as soon as possible and become the real helmsman!

With last night's knock on the mountain and the tiger, now all the senior executives of the Ren family industry are afraid of Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan behind Ren Tingting.

After breakfast, Hua Yanyan accompanied Ren Tingting to the Ren family's trading company to deal with the next matters.

And Ye Tian made an excuse and said that he wanted to continue cultivating, but in fact, at this time, Ye Tian had already come to the Rothschild family's manor in the provincial capital.

"Hello, is there anything wrong with you?"

Standing at the gate of the manor was a local middle-aged man, watching Ye Tian approach, the middle-aged man walked quickly to the front and asked politely.

"I'm looking for Edward!"

Ye Tian smiled and didn't say much, but stood quietly at the door, looking at each other.

"May I ask if you have anything to do with the young master?"

The middle-aged man had never seen Ye Tian and was very unfamiliar with him.

But Ye Tian has a unique and noble temperament, which makes middle-aged people feel a little surprised.

Afraid that the other party would be the son of a chaebol or the young master of a family, the middle-aged man did not dare to slack off, and asked humbly.

"You tell him, my name is Ye Tian, and I know about William, it's okay!"


The middle-aged man was obviously a little surprised, and William knew a little about it.

For this young master of the family who was supposed to be his new master and never appeared, the middle-aged man never thought of any reason.

Now seeing Ye Tian mention this matter, the middle-aged man couldn't help but be shocked, then nodded, pointed to the chair on the side, and said with a smile:

"Then you sit here and wait, the young master is having breakfast, I'll go and report!"

"It's hard work!"

Ye Tian was not in a hurry, he sat on the chair in a big way, looked at the surrounding scene, and whistled softly.

After a while, the middle-aged man ran out of the manor quickly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a Westerner with a grim face, who looked to be about forty or fifty years old!

"Hello, Mr. Ye, my young master is invited!"

This Westerner is none other than Edward's old servant, Anthony.

I thought of sending someone to observe Ye Tian's every move later, but what I didn't expect was that the other party took the initiative to find the door.

But it was to Edward and Anthony who were surprised!

The tonsils are inflamed, damn, it's uncomfortable! But fortunately, it's not a new virus infection! Lucky!

Everyone must protect themselves at home and pay attention to safety!

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