"Is this the strength of the Blood Earl? But that's it! "

Seeing Edward's attack in front of him, Ye Tian smiled coldly.

Although he had never fought with a blood vampire, Ye Tian still had some understanding of the division of the blood clan's level strength!

Princes, dukes, marquises, counts, viscounts and barons!

As for the legendary emperor rank, I don't know if it exists in the world!

Although he didn't know what their rank division looked like compared to the Huaxia cultivation world, at this time, in Ye Tian's opinion, this blood clan count did not pose any threat to him!

Not much to say, Ye Tian's figure flashed, and how could the divine power of shrinking into inches be something that the Western Blood Clan could recognize!

In an instant, Ye Tian appeared behind Edward, and without waiting for the other party to react, a punch burst out, hitting the opponent's back.


"Young Master!"

With Anthony's scream and a muffled sound, Edward's figure flew out like a black light and shadow, and immediately slammed into the wall.

Worried about Edward's safety and shocked Ye Tian's terrifying strength, Anthony rose up angrily, quickly came to Edward's side, pulled him out of the wall, and asked nervously:

"Young Master, how are you? Is there anything going on! "

"Bastard! Bastard! "

How could Edward have thought that a young man in front of him would beat himself up with a single move, and for a while, full of anger filled his mind.

Ignoring Anthony's concern beside him, the black bat wings instantly opened up behind him, and the face frame became slender, like a huge bat!

The claws seemed to be able to tear through the barrier in the air, and the yin qi of his body exploded in an instant, rushing towards Ye Tian again!

"Get down on your knees!"

Ye Tian smiled coldly, and flew into the air in an instant, his body was like a swallow, and his steps were light.

It seems to be fluttering, slowly rising in the air.

However, with boundless terrifying power, it struck in an instant!

"How so?"

Edward knew that the power that erupted at this time, even if it was the realm cultivation of the Huaxia Cultivator's Seventh-Rank Heavenly Master, it was impossible for him to resist this fierce blow!

But the current situation was greatly beyond Edward's expectations, and he saw that Ye Tian flying in front of him with such light steps.

Then, like a white bolt of lightning, he stepped on his shoulders in an instant.



A sound like a crack of bones continued to strike, and then a terrifying coercion like the top of the Five Mountains spread throughout Edward's body.


The floor exploded in an instant, and Edward's knees fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, and the cracks around him spread out like cracks.

The bones on Edward's knees and shoulders were bursting, and beads of sweat the size of beans were dripping down the ground like rain.

Edward's face was full of pain and shock, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him!

"Young Master!"

Anthony was shocked in his heart, Edward, the peak strength of the earl, was defeated so quickly!

But out of loyalty to his master, Anthony also burst out with an amazing momentum in an instant, rushing towards Ye Tian who was standing on Edward's shoulders!


Ye Tian didn't pay attention to the other party at all, but a fireball burst out from his body in an instant, and then hit Anthony's lower abdomen heavily in an instant!


With a loud bang, Anthony's body flew upside down in the blink of an eye, landing on the ground.

It was even darker all around, emitting thick black smoke and wailing and howling.

At this point, all the vampire members of the entire Rothschild family in the provincial capital were knocked to the ground by Ye Tian, and they were in pain.

And Edward looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart set off incomparably waves.

Seeing that all of his loyal men fell in front of him, Edward knew that he was still defeated, and there was no room for reversal!

"How? Do you still want to kill me? "

Ye Tian looked down at Edward with a painful and resentful face at his feet, and asked coldly.

Edward, on the other hand, gritted his teeth and tried his best to use the dark energy of his body, trying to get up, but he couldn't do it.

Finally, Edward glanced at the group of men in front of him and said loudly:

"If you want to kill, you will kill! Kill me today! The Rothschilds will not let you go! "

"Very good, backbone!"

Ye Tian sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then jumped from Edward's body and landed on the ground.

Suddenly, the stress vanished, as if Edward had been given a new lease of life.

As the Earl of the Bloodline, Edward's recovery ability is also quite amazing!

Without Ye Tian's deterrence, Edward's originally broken bones and tendons were recovering at a terrifying speed!

In a few moments, Edward had already stood up from the ground again, but his momentum was not as good as before!

"The Earl of the Bloodline, it doesn't seem to be that wasteful!"

It was the first time Ye Tian had seen the recovery ability of a blood vampire, and it was even better than the zombies he had seen on weekdays!

Edward, on the other hand, looked at the subordinates lying on the ground in pain with a solemn face, and then his face sank, and he asked Ye Tian in a cold voice:

"Ye Tian! You don't kill me! What the hell is going to be! "

"Not good!"

Ye Tian spread out his hands, with a relaxed and natural appearance, and said with a smile:

"I just want you to surrender to me, and from now on serve me as Lord, it's that simple!"


Edward didn't expect Ye Tian to make such a request, and he was shocked for a while.

"What? Don't want to? "

"Of course not!"

Edward glared at Ye Tian angrily and said loudly:

"I, Edward, am a noble Earl of the Bloodline, one of the heirs of the Rothschilds! It would be a pipe dream to want me to betray my family and surrender to a foreign master! "

"Put away your Bloodline Count's gesture! Do you think you have something to show off in front of me? "

Ye Tian glanced at Edward with disdain, raised his hand and pointed at Edward's nose, and said disdainfully:

"You, the heir of the Rothschilds, are just a gimmick to deceive yourself! What is your own status in the family, do you still need me to explain it to you?

William, a baron, has a strength level similar to that of these of your subordinates, and he can replace you! Do you think your death will really deserve your family's attention? "

Ye Tian's words seemed to touch Edward's heart, looking at the other party's indignant accusation, Edward was so angry in his heart that his fists clenched, and there was a burst of crisp bone sounds!

"Now that William is dead, it won't be long before the members of your family will find out, do you think that with your words, they will easily let you go? It's ridiculous! "

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