
Ye Tian's words were sharp, and every sentence hit Edward's vital point, and he couldn't help but look solemn and tremble!

He's right, the people of the family know about William's death, will they really let themselves go?

Thinking of this, dissatisfaction and resentment also instantly filled Edward's mind.

I have worked hard for so many years, and I have worked hard for the development of the family, and I have made great contributions!

But because he is a concubine and an illegitimate child, this has become the biggest stain in his life!

Even if he already has the strength of being an earl, he must hand over the power that the provincial city has worked so hard to build up to the hands of William, one of the direct heirs of the blood clan---!

A baron two levels below himself!

A gentleman who only knows beauty and is greedy for pleasure!

"How? I was right! "

Looking at the continuous change of Edward's face, Ye Tian knew that his words had been deeply imprinted in his mind by the other party.

Seeing Ye Tian smiling, Edward frowned, and asked in a deep voice:

"What do you want me to surrender to you, exactly! You're a cultivator in Huaxia! How can you be with our blood! "


Ye Tian looked at each other with a smile, and then sat back on the sofa and said:

"Because Tingting needs to do business in the provincial capital, and I won't allow any presence and threat around her!"

"Just for a woman?"

Edward was shocked, he didn't expect that Ye Tian's reason for making himself surrender to him would be so simple!

In Edward's heart just now, he was still thinking about whether the other party had some conspiracy!

But I never expected that it would be such a reason!

"What? Can't you? "

Ye Tian waved his hand and continued:

"I thought about it for a while, uprooting you will surely alarm the entire Rothschilds! I'm not worried that your family will come out to seek revenge, but your family has done some small troubles and threats! "

After speaking, Ye Tian stood up again, looked at Edward with a frightened face, and said:

"I'm going to leave the lives of all your bloodlines as a cover, so that I can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble!"


Edward didn't know how to describe Ye Tiancai, so he immediately pointed to the men who were screaming in pain on the ground, and asked loudly:

"Can you really let go of these men of mine and let Anthony go?"

Edward has always been unpopular in the Rothschild family, and the only people close to him are the faithful old servant Anthony and the thirteen internal guards!

Edward didn't want to see, and he didn't want to see these men die in front of him!

Of course, Edward didn't want to die!

He will continue to work hard to improve his strength and become an existence that the family can never ignore!

"Of course!"

Ye Tian raised his hand and pointed at it, and the golden needles on those blood clan internal guards instantly flew out of their bodies, and then quickly fell into Ye Tian's hands.

And a burst of white mist instantly appeared on Anthony's body, and then everyone lay on the ground panting, as if relieved, and gulped for breath!

"Good! I can surrender to you! "

Seeing this, Edward nodded heavily and continued:

"But I also want to warn you that sooner or later, William's death will be known to the family, and they will also send someone to the provincial capital to investigate the cause of his death!

Although your strength is very strong, I can't judge! But if the family sends a marquis or duke to the provincial capital, I'm afraid you won't be their opponent at all!

What kind of countermeasures will you have when you are in the situation? Have you thought it through? "

"I know about this, you don't have to worry about it!"

Ye Tian didn't take it seriously at all, and his relaxed appearance surprised Edward.

Of course he didn't know that Ye Tian still had the spirit detaching card given by the system!

Even if it is the prince of the blood family, Ye Tian can guarantee that he will completely surrender to his feet!

"Aren't you afraid?"

Edward couldn't believe that Ye Tian would be so calm and calm, and he explained in surprise:

"The Marquis of the Blood Clan can fight against your Huaxia Seven Rank True Person! And the powerhouse of the Duke's peak is even stronger in the ability to fight the seventh-grade Jindan realm!

You are very powerful, but I am sure that you will not be a seven-rank real person or a powerhouse of the seven-rank Jindan realm! "

"That's your concern, it's not a threat to me!"

Looking at Edward's nervous expression, Ye Tian still looked relaxed, and said with a smile:

"You just need to know that if you submit to me, I will protect you all! You don't need to worry about the rest! "


Edward didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time.

He looked at Ye Tian's words so easily, like a crazy drunk, but he also had a feeling that made him feel a little convinced!

Does this Ye Tian really have the ability to fight against the Marquis or Duke of the Blood Clan?

Could it be that he still has some secret magic weapon?

No wonder there are always people in the dark world who warn the clansmen that the mystery of Oriental China is definitely not something that they and others can imagine!

This is also the reason why for so many years, the power of the Western Dark World has never expanded to Huaxia!

Edward was now able to temporarily gain a foothold in Huaxia and have some territory of his own, but it was only with the help of worldly forces!

Even so, he would never dare to rely on the strength of being just an earl to develop the power of blood slaves and blood clans!

He knew that if he did this, he would inevitably bring disaster to himself!

"Young master, you have to think twice!"

Although he was full of pain and torture just now, Anthony and the other blood clans listened to the conversation between Ye Tian and Edward.

If you really serve Ye Tian as the master, it will be tantamount to betraying the Rothschild family!

And the lives of his own blood clan members are in the hands of others!

"Needless to say!"

Knowing that Anthony would dissuade him, Edward waved his hand, then knelt down on one knee, assumed a respectful gesture, and said:

"Mr. Ye! I, Edward, want to serve you as Lord! In this life, never betray! "


Ye Tian nodded and smiled, and immediately raised his palm, which instantly slapped on Edward's forehead.


In an instant, Edward's forehead emitted golden light!

Then a golden glow of the word "Yin" appeared on his forehead!

Then it disappeared in the blink of an eye, and disappeared into the other person's mind.

"I have put my natal soul mark on you, and from now on, you are my subordinate! Don't try to be treacherous, I'll kill you the moment you have this idea! If you don't believe me, you can give it a try! "

Ye Tian's words were full of coercion, and when Edward heard it, he only felt like Mount Tai was overwhelmed!

It's like the gap between the other party and yourself, like a gulf that is insurmountable!

Happy Lantern Festival to all!

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