After the golden mark was submerged in his mind, Edward could clearly feel that some kind of special prohibition had been imposed on his body.

This prohibition is different from the puppetry between Western blood clans, and more, like the kind of mark that can manipulate life and death!

Although Edward didn't know whether the power that Ye Tian said was true or false, Edward didn't dare to question it, because the young man opposite was too strong!

"Don't dare! my subordinates only hope that Mr. Ye can protect me and wait for me!"

Edward's eyes were full of respect, and he looked up at Ye Tian in front of him, not daring to have a trace of disobedience!

Looking at this scene, Anthony and the rest of the blood clan internal guards set off boundless waves in their hearts.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, nodded with satisfaction, turned his head and said:

"What about you, will you submit to me like he did, or will you resist to the end?"

"This... "

Anthony looked at each other when he heard this, then let out a long sigh, knelt on the ground in unison, and said respectfully:

"We are willing to serve Mr. Ye as the master, and we will never betray in this life!"


Ye Tian smiled slightly, and immediately several golden rays of light flew out of his fingertips.

The golden light also turned into a golden "seal" word, and all of them disappeared into the minds of the blood clans.

At this point, the purpose of Ye Tian's trip has been achieved, and all the blood clans of the Rothschild family have surrendered to him!

"Get up!"

"Yes, Mr. Ye!"

Because of the natal soul seal, the original sense of dissatisfaction with Ye Tian in the hearts of Edward and the other fifteen blood clan members also disappeared.

Now in the hearts of the fifteen blood clans, Ye Tian has become his true master!

"All the resources and help that the Ren family needs in the future, you all need full support, and you can't be slack, do you hear clearly?"

"Hear me clearly, Mr. Ye!"

Ye Tian had already informed himself and the others of his true purpose just now, how could Edward hesitate at all.

For fear that he would react slowly or be dissatisfied and be noticed by Ye Tian, then maybe he would die in the hands of the other party in an instant in the next second.

"Well, that's good!"

Ye Tian sat back on the sofa, while Edward and the others stood respectfully aside, waiting for Ye Tian's next command:

"Don't tell anyone else about our master-servant relationship, if you have any trouble, you can come to me, and I'll help you settle it!

As for the revenge of the family that you are most worried about, I will carry it for you!

"Understood, understood!"

Edward's biggest concern now is William's death and who the family will send!

So far, I can only put all the bets on Ye Tian, hoping that I can really deal with it easily like the formation I showed just now!

"I know that you are a blood clan, and you will need to suck the blood of living people as a source of energy, and I will not care about how many lives you have killed in the past, and I don't want to care!

But now you have to remember clearly for me that if you want to suck blood in the future, you can only target those foreigners!

While speaking, Ye Tian's eyes also narrowed into a slit, and two cold lights burst out in an instant, and he said coldly:

"If you let me know that any of you fifteen of you dare to disobey my orders and hurt any of the Huaxia people, I guarantee that he will be tortured in the most cruel way in the world before he dies!

"Subordinates obey orders! Subordinates will never hurt a Chinese person! Never!"

Ye Tian's words were like knives, stabbing into the hearts of Edward and the others one by one.

For a while, everyone's backs seemed to be poured into the cold wind, and it was extremely cold!

You must know that after these people came to China, everyone had sucked the blood of the Chinese people.

But fortunately, Ye Tian no longer pursues the past!

Fortunately, this is a provincial capital, and now the forces of various countries have begun to enter China.

On the streets of this provincial capital, you can also see the faces of foreigners everywhere, especially the Fuso people from the East, the largest number!

Although I don't know why Ye Tian let himself and others regard the Oriental Fuso people as the primary target, he can't care so much!

Anyway, as long as you don't disobey Ye Tian's order, you will bite all the Dongyang Fusang people in the provincial capital to death, and there will be no problem!



However, just as Edward nodded in response, suddenly several deafening noises reached everyone's ears.

"What's going on?"

Ye Tian stood up from the sofa in an instant, and following the direction from which the sound came, he saw black clouds surging in the sky, exploding continuously.

Even if there was a long distance, Ye Tian could smell the smell coming from the distant direction.

"Corpse gas!"

How could there be such a big corpse qi attacking!

It's unimaginable!


I saw that Ye Tian's figure crossed by, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared from the front of Edward and the others, leaving the manor hall.


Ye Tian's departure made Edward and his party breathe a sigh of relief.

But the eyes of several people also became solemn, looking at the black clouds in the distance in the sky, and couldn't help frowning.

"What the hell is going on?"

Edward had never seen such a big change in his long time in the provincial capital.

Although I don't know what the word "corpse gas" in Ye Tian's mouth means!

But you can clearly feel that this is an evil force, and you can't help but feel like your own blood is boiling!

"Young master, what should I do now! Will this provincial city be in danger?"

Anthony stared at the sky in the distance, and asked Edward beside him a little anxiously.

"I don't know!"

Edward shook his head and said with a solemn face:

"Now that Mr. Ye has gone, let's not interfere anymore!"


When Anthony saw that Edward had made a decision, he didn't ask any more questions, but stared in the direction in the distance with everyone, frowning!


What's going on in the distance?

Why is there such a strong corpse qi attacking!

What kind of things will Ye Tian encounter!

All of this is due to, let's start at the beginning.

The words were divided into two ends, after Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan had breakfast, they went to the Ren family's trading company together and took over everything.

Things are going very smoothly, and many rights that originally belonged to Ren Cai's jurisdiction are now all in Ren Tingting's hands.

But just when Ren Tingting was about to continue to arrange the next things, a news came into Ren Tingting's ears, which made her feel very surprised and surprised!

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