"How could this happen?"

Ren Tingting whispered puzzled, while Hua Yanyan sat beside her, looking at the other party's surprised expression and the staff member standing behind her to report the situation, she felt a little surprised, and asked curiously:

"Tingting, is something wrong?"

"Sister Hua, there are some problems on the construction site, let's talk about it while we go!"

"Okay, talk as you go!"

After speaking, Ren Tingting took Hua Yanyan's followers, the staff member who had just reported the situation, and walked out of the office quickly and set off towards the construction site.

On the way, Ren Tingting also told Hua Yanyan what happened, and the other party was also very surprised.

It turned out that at the foot of a mountain in the northern suburbs outside the provincial capital, the Ren family and several wealthy businessmen in the provincial capital bought a piece of land in a joint venture to build a factory and make money together.

But today, when the workers were digging the ground, they found several large pits.

And every pit is crawling with snakes of various colors and sizes, intricately intertwined.

The snakes saw the light of day, but they did not leave, but continued to stay in the pit, spitting out scarlet snake hyacinths.

The staff had never seen such a scene, for fear of provoking these snakes and being bitten by them!

But so many snakes gathered together had a lot of delays in the progress of the project.

Therefore, the person in charge of the construction site went to find the wealthy businessmen and seek their opinions.

After all, the situation of so many snakes gathering together is really weird, and everyone is afraid of angering them and getting into trouble again, so they don't dare to make good claims!

The matter was urgent, Ye Tian didn't know where to go, and Ren Tingting also felt the weirdness of this matter.

It happened that Hua Yanyan was by her side, and she was also the heir of the Yin and Yang family, maybe she could see some clues, so she took her to the construction site.

At this time, the workers on the construction site had already avoided from a distance, and did not dare to move forward.

And a few wealthy businessmen have also come to the construction site, and everyone is frowning, not knowing what they are communicating.

As soon as they saw Ren Tingting coming, several people showed a hint of joy on their faces, and they quickly stepped forward to discuss with Ren Tingting.

No way, although they also participated in the stake in the factory, they are small shareholders after all.

The Ren family is the second largest shareholder, and the first largest shareholder, the people of the Zuo family, have not yet arrived.

Therefore, everyone regards Ren Tingting as the backbone, after all, Ren Cai has left the provincial capital, and the current Ren family is up to Ren Tingting!

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll see the situation first!"

Looking at the noisy words of the few wealthy businessmen in front of her, Ren Tingting felt a little annoyed, so she pulled Hua Yanyan and walked in the direction of the big pits.

"Miss Ren, Miss Hua, be careful!"

The construction site had been suspended at this time, and such a big thing had happened, and the workers had long been hiding to the side and did not dare to move forward.

Although those snakes were intricately mixed in the pit and did not leave, but seeing Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan approaching alone, several wealthy businessmen still said with some concern.

"Then you come with us!"

Hua Yanyan turned her head and pouted and said, and the rest of the rich businessmen looked at each other and smiled awkwardly, and no one dared to step forward to join.

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan muttered disdainfully, and said angrily:

"A bunch of cowards, and they're big old men!"

"Sister Hua, you can't blame them! When encountering this kind of thing, ordinary people will be afraid! If I hadn't stayed with Brother Ye for a long time and was used to seeing this kind of thing, I wouldn't have dared to approach! "

Ren Tingting took Hua Yanyan's hand and walked forward, then pointed to the big pit that was getting closer and closer, and asked curiously:

"Sister Hua, you said this thing is so strange, could it be that the snake demon is doing it!"

Ren Tingting's worries were not unreasonable, and suddenly there were hundreds of snakes gathered together, not the snake demon was a monster, it was not normal.

"Probably not!"

Hua Yanyan shook her head and explained:

"There's no demonic aura here, and I don't see anything special about this place!"

When she came back, Hua Yanyan also had the same idea as Ren Tingting in her heart, but after coming to this construction site, this idea was rejected by Hua Yanyan.

Not only is there no demonic energy, but also from the perspective of the mountains and topography of this place, it is not a big place.

But after all, his cultivation is still shallow, and the Hua family is not very profound in the art of feng shui, so he doesn't know what secrets are there, so he can't help but shake his head and say:

"If only that stinky guy were here, he'd definitely be able to see some clues here!"

"I've already sent someone back to find Brother Ye, I hope to find him!"

Ren Tingting also knew that Ye Tian's cultivation was very high, but she couldn't delay it at the moment, so she walked into one of the big pits with Hua Yanyan.

When they came closer, looking at this big pit more than three meters deep, Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting's brows were furrowed together.

I saw that in the big pit, there were countless snakes woven intricately and difficultly, and these snakes were of different colors and sizes.

Some look at it as little as a few centimeters, and some look like it's more than a meter long!

These snakes also seemed to feel the gaze of Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting, and they raised their heads for a while, and looked at the two of them with a pair of pupils glowing with cold light.

Some of the poisonous snakes even opened their mouths full of fangs, making a clattering sound, staring at the two of them, as if defending their territory.

"Good boy, where did these snakes come from, why are there so many!"

At a glance, there are six more of the same as this big pit!

Each pit is crawling with all kinds of snakes, intricately and intricately.

Hua Yanyan looked at this scene, and was also surprised in her heart, and she had no idea for a while, and said to Ren Tingting:

"Tingting, I'm not sure what the reason for the situation here is! Maybe there's something in the ground that brings these snakes together!

I think it's better to wait for Brother Ye to come and listen to his opinion before making a decision! "

"Okay, let's wait until he comes!"

Ren Tingting also agreed with Hua Yanyan's idea, so she walked back to the open space outside the construction site with her, and explained her thoughts to those wealthy businessmen.

The great changes that happened in the Ren family last night, these rich businessmen already know that Ren Tingting's man is a Maoshan Taoist, and everyone knows it very well.

Since Ren Tingting has made a decision on this matter, everyone will not say more, and wait on the sidelines, waiting for Ye Tian's arrival.

But it didn't take long for me to see a car and a big truck driving in the distance.

There were several oil drums stacked behind the body of the big truck, and next to the oil drums, stood a dozen burly men with hideous faces.

Looking at this scene, and seeing the appearance of the car clearly, several wealthy businessmen had already guessed who the person who came.

"It's the Zuo family, the Zuo family is here!"

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