"Who's coming?"

Although Hua Yanyan didn't know who the people were in this car and a truck, she still felt a little bad when she saw the hideous faces of those burly men.

immediately grabbed Ren Tingting's arm and asked in a low voice.

"It's someone from the Zuo family! The largest shareholder of this factory! "

Ren Tingting doesn't have much contact with the people of the Zuo family on weekdays, and many times it's Ren Cai's outreach.

But Ren Tingting still has some knowledge of the Zuo family's car, and when she saw them coming so aggressively, she didn't know what they were going to do.

With curious eyes, the crowd approached.

And the two cars also stopped as they slowly drove in front of the crowd.

Then, a young man in a suit, but with a sinister eyebrow and a proud face, stepped out of the car.

Behind him, there were two big men dressed in black.

The two big men were two meters tall, more sturdy than the burly men who got out of the trucks.

Especially the two burly men still carried two pistols in their waists, and in the eyes of the wealthy businessmen, they couldn't help but feel their hearts tremble.

"It's all here!"

The young man approached, looked at everyone disdainfully, and then stopped his gaze on Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan.

"Miss Ren, it's been a long time!"

The young man squinted his eyes and smiled, then looked at Hua Yanyan who was standing next to Ren Tingting, and said with a grin:

"Presumably this should be Miss Hua Yanyanhua!"

What happened in Renfu last night has been spread all over the provincial capital, and it can be said that everyone knows the names of Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan, and no one knows it.


Hua Yanyan was very disgusted by the young man's eyes looking at her, but because of the relationship between Ren Tingting beside her, she just nodded slightly and didn't say anything more.

"Young Master Zuo, what are you doing with so many people?"

The young man in front of him is Zuo Jiatang, the second son of the wealthy businessman Zuo family in the provincial capital.

On weekdays, he is an idle gentleman, and he went to Yangcheng for a trip some time ago, but he didn't expect to return to the provincial capital so soon.

For this Zuo Jiatang, Ren Tingting has no good impression in her heart at all.

"What? If something so big happens, can't our Zuo family come? "

Zuo Jiatang immediately straightened his waist with his hands behind his back, no longer bothered Ren Tingting, but walked to the front of those wealthy businessmen, and said:

"My father and my eldest brother went to the capital to discuss business, I came back today, and I happened to encounter this incident, you say, can I ignore it?"

"Can't! No! "

"That's right, how can Young Master Zuo ignore this?"

"Young Master Zuo, we have no opinion, everything here is up to you!"


Although the age of many wealthy businessmen is much older than Zuo Jiatang, it is not an exaggeration to be an uncle.

But after all, the power of the Zuo family is huge, even if the Ren family is in the provincial capital, it can't be compared.

How could the heads of these small families and rich businessmen be willing to offend this Zuo family, since the people of the Zuo family are here now, there is no need to listen to Ren Tingting's advice anymore.

"Excellent! Very good! "

Zuo Jiatang was happy in his heart, nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Ren Tingting, and asked:

"How? Miss Ren, I call the shots on behalf of the Zuo family, do you have any opinions? "

"What do you want to do?"

Ren Tingting already had a bad premonition in her heart, and she didn't know what this Zuo Jiatang was going to do.

This factory was built as a joint venture, but the Zuo family is the largest shareholder and the largest shareholder.

Now that Zuo Jiatang is suppressing himself with the name of the Zuo family and the identity of the largest shareholder, Ren Tingting has nothing else to say.

But the situation here is very weird, if it really seems like Hua Yanyan said that there is something special underground.

In case of improper handling, Ye Tian is not around, but I am afraid that it will cause a lot of things to happen.

"I don't need to ask for your opinion if I want to do anything! Everyone present, who supports me, raise your hand! "


As soon as Zuo Jiatang's voice fell, those wealthy businessmen instantly raised their hands high, indicating that they and the other party had the same position.

Seeing this, Zuo Jiatang smiled and said:

"How about it, Miss Ren, the minority obeys the majority, you don't have to worry about these things anymore!"

After that, Zuo Jiatang stretched lazily:

"If this construction site delays the process for a day, we will have to pay a lot of extra money, how can we stop it!"

After that, Zuo Jiatang raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and when the burly men not far away saw this, they immediately transported the oil drums on the truck one by one and sent them to the construction site.

"What are you going to do!"

Now, Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting finally figured out what Zuo Jiatang wanted.

This is going to burn the snake pit!

The strong smell of fire oil came into everyone's mouths and noses, it was very unpleasant, Hua Yanyan stepped forward, pointed to Zuo Jiatang's nose and said loudly:

"We don't know the situation here, if you rashly burn these snakes, it is likely to cause a lot of trouble!"

"Huh, huh?"

Zuo Jiatang smiled disdainfully, and then the two strong bodyguards behind him instantly took out the pistols on their waists and aimed them at Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting.

"Miss Hua, I know that you are the heir of a family of medical Taoists, and that Ye Tian is still a Maoshan Taoist! But this is the provincial city, and it is the chassis of our left home!

What do we need to do, it's not your turn to dictate, do you hear me clearly? "


Hua Yanyan was extremely angry, and with a shake of her cuffs, the sword she carried instantly appeared in her hand.

Seeing this, for fear that the two parties would have a conflict and cause unnecessary trouble, Ren Tingting hurriedly came to the middle of the two parties and said loudly:

"Young Master Zuo, Sister Hua is also kind enough to persuade you! The situation here is too strange to be handled in the usual way!

Brother Ye is a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain, and he has a lot of research on yin and yang, so let him take a look at what the situation is here, and it is not too late to make a decision! "

"Joke, why should we people wait for him? Bullshit Maoshan Taoist, I think it's just some charlatans who can fool people! "

Zuo Jiatang's face was full of disdain, then he turned his head and looked coldly at several wealthy businessmen on the side, and asked loudly:

"What's your opinion? What kind of Ye Tian are you waiting for, or do you listen to me? "

"Listen to you! Listen to you! "

The wealthy businessmen nodded in unison, how could they have half an opinion.

"Tingting, after all, the Zuo family is the majority shareholder, they have the right to decide, you and Miss Hua don't make trouble!"

"That's right, Tingting, obedient, Young Master Zuo is right, if this construction site is delayed for one minute, you will have to lose a lot of money, and you can't get it!"

"That's it, that's it, Tingting, listen to the words of a few uncles, don't get along with Young Master Zuo!"


For a while, the wealthy businessmen each put on a bitter posture of persuasion, and loudly persuaded Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan on the side, for fear of causing conflict and trouble.

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