"You people, do you know that if you do this, you will be in big trouble!"

Hua Yanyan watched these wealthy businessmen turn their rudders one after another, and they all stood on the side of Zuo Jiatang, feeling very angry.

The sword in his hand pointed at everyone, and cursed loudly:

"If an accident happens accidentally, it may implicate the people of the entire provincial capital at that time, and you can't afford it!"


For a while, all the rich businessmen were speechless, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do.

In fact, this kind of thing happened at this construction site, and in their opinion, it is also quite weird.

But after all, the Zuo family is rich and powerful, and it is the largest shareholder, and with only a few small roles, it is impossible to compete with the Zuo family!

Looking at Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan, and looking at the Zuojiatang forces next to them, these rich businessmen were in a dilemma for a while.

"His grandmother's! Our Zuo family does things, and we can use your little girl to point fingers! Whoever has a lot of trouble, Lao Tzu will kill him! "

Zuo Jiatang was furious and shouted angrily.

In this way, except for the two strong men's bodyguards behind him, the rest of the strong men who got off the truck also pulled out their pistols from their arms and pointed them at everyone present.

For a while, those rich businessmen were all so frightened that they didn't dare to say more.

And Ren Tingting was nervously watching the situation around her, Hua Yanyan had a sword in her hand, but she couldn't attack easily.

After all, there were nearly twenty muzzles of guns aimed at herself and the others at a glance, and even if Hua Yanyan was flexible, it was impossible for her to resist the attack of so many bullets in an instant.

What's more, Ren Tingting is still by her side, she is just an ordinary person, and it is impossible for her to dodge bullets.

In case of any accident, I'm afraid that I won't be able to explain to Ye Tian!

"Do you know you're playing with fire?"

"Playing with fire? Hehe! It's useless to me off! "

Zuo Jiatang smiled disdainfully, then took a step back, shook his head and said:

"Don't think that you have something to do with Ren Tingting, I don't dare to do anything to you, I angered Young Master Ben, and I don't have any love for the king of heaven when he comes!"

"Sister Hua, what should I do now? Brother Ye hasn't come yet, so nothing really will happen! "

Ren Tingting also encountered such a scene for the first time, looking at the muzzles of the guns aimed at herself and the others all around, and looking at the extremely arrogant attitude of Zuo Jiatang.

For a while, I felt uneasy in my heart, for fear that there would really be an accident as Hua Yanyan said.

"You go back first, find Brother Ye and ask him to come here quickly, I'll stay and pay attention to the situation here!"

"But what if there's danger?"

Hearing Hua Yanyan say this, Ren Tingting was very worried, and she was also afraid that Hua Yanyan would have an accident because of this.

"It's okay, I have cultivation, don't worry!"

Hua Yanyan held Ren Tingting's hand, nodded comfortingly and said:

"I can't delay any longer, hurry up and find Brother Ye, I'll wait for you here!"

"That... Then you have to be careful! "

Ren Tingting knew that she could no longer delay the matter because of this at this time, so she nodded and ran out of the crowd.

Seeing this, Zuo Jiatang laughed and said very proudly:

"Ren Tingting, it's useless who you go to, here our Zuo family has the final say! Hahaha! "

After speaking, Zuo Jiatang put away his pistol and said to the strong men behind him:

"Why are you still stunned, hurry up!"


When a group of strong men heard this, they began to take action one after another, carrying barrels and barrels of oil, heading towards the seven snake pits.

"I'll warn you one last time, if something really happens here, you won't be the first to run!"

Hua Yanyan knew that she couldn't stop so many people by herself, but out of concern for the seriousness of the matter, she couldn't help but say it loudly.

"You don't have to worry about it, let's take care of yourself!"

Zuo Jiatang was still as arrogant as ever, glanced at Hua Yanyan with disdain, and immediately stopped talking to the other party, but loudly reprimanded those strong men who were busy:

"Hurry, grind! Beware of Lao Tzu deducting your wages! "

Bang la blah.

Bang la blah.

Soon, in less than a moment, all the oil was poured into the seven large pits.

The snakes that had been writhing in the pit were drowning in the oil in an instant, but they still did not leave the place, but continued to entangle each other and swim around.


Zuo Jiatang gave an order, and one torch after another was thrown into the big pit.


For a while, the seven large pits were lit up with raging flames, and the flames were surging, more than a meter high, and others could not get close at all.

The snakes were engulfed in flames in an instant, and they didn't even have a chance to escape, so they were burned to death in the pit one after another.

Looking at the raging fire in front of her, Zuo Jiatang's face was filled with a bright smile, but Hua Yanyan frowned, not daring to be careless.

The rest of the wealthy businessmen watched this scene with apprehension, for fear that there would be an accident as Hua Yanyan said.

With the smoke drifting away, the stench, burnt smell mixed with many indescribable smells passed into everyone's mouths and noses, which was very unpleasant.

It took nearly half an hour for the flames to gradually extinguish and the black smoke to disappear.

When I got closer, it was already pitch black in the pit, and there were still some intricate snakes, and some were just the remains of the burned snakes.

Looking at this scene, Zuo Jiatang proudly pointed to the big pit in front of him and said to Hua Yanyan:

"How? Miss Hua, the snakes in this pit have all been burned to slag, is there something wrong? "


Hua Yanyan also looked at the truth, indeed as Zuo Jiatang said, these snakes have been burned to slag.

It's just that that feeling of uneasiness still lingers in Hua Yanyan's heart, and she always feels that the situation here is not as simple as she thought.

"Okay, Miss Hua, you can go back if you don't have anything to do, the construction site is still going to start, so I won't keep you!"

Zuo Jiatang glanced at Hua Yanyan with disdain, and then shook his hand and said to the rich businessmen not far away:

"The matter is solved, hurry up and let the workers start work, if the progress is delayed, our Zuo family will not be able to spare you!"

"Good! Good! "

The rich businessmen looked at this situation, and the stones in their hearts also fell, and they couldn't help but scoff at Hua Yanyan's words just now, thinking that she was alarmist.

Soon, the workers, who had been hiding far away, walked back to the construction site and began to continue construction.

As the remnants of the swarms of snakes were cleaned up and the project continued, one surprise after another came from the workers' mouths.

"Young Master Zuo, there's something in this pit!"

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