Although Hua Yanyan had tried her best to prevent the continued construction of Zuojiatang, it was already too late at this time!

A huge explosion erupted from a large crater not far away, and a thick black gas burst out and went straight to the sky!

At this time, the ground of the entire construction site was shaking violently, and many people had already knelt on the ground, looking at everything in front of them, panicking!

"! Who the told you to put explosives! "

At this time, in Zuo Jiatang's opinion, he still didn't realize the seriousness of this matter, and looked at the black smoke rising from the deep pit, and scolded loudly.

Hua Yanyan stepped forward, slapped him in the face hard, and shouted angrily:

"Now you're satisfied! Do you know if you're in trouble! Run! "

"! You dare to hit me! "

Zuo Jiatang was furious, and when he looked at Hua Yanyan in front of him, he immediately raised his pistol.

And Hua Yanyan rose into the air in an instant, and landed elsewhere and shouted loudly:

"Run! There's zombies down there! "


Many of the people present are aware of the zombies!

Especially when the rich merchants heard this, they immediately got up from the ground one by one, and although the ground kept shaking, they still crawled step by step towards the distance.

The rest of the workers fled privately when they heard this, and the strong men who had originally come here with Zuo Jiatang also seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter and began to scatter, completely ignoring the safety of Zuo Jiatang.

Looking at this, Zuo Jiatang couldn't help but roar angrily and shouted loudly:

"Come back the for Lao Tzu! Come back! "





Just when Zuo Jiatang roared angrily, the rest of the big pits erupted into loud noises one after another, and the rich black qi rushed straight into the sky!

It seemed as if the whole sky had been dyed black.

Looking at this, Hua Yanyan felt extremely shocked in her heart, and couldn't help frowning, and said loudly:

"Oh no, the zombie broke the seal!"

If it was an ordinary zombie, Hua Yanyan would still have the confidence to dare to fight with it!

But how could the zombies sealed under the Seven Star Lock Dragon Array be something they could resist!

Just with this sky-high and rich corpse qi, winning is not something Hua Yanyan can imagine!

I'm afraid that under this seal, there is a flying zombie trapped!

Flying zombie can resist the wind, sucking the blood of living people and the three souls and seven spirits in the air, ordinary real realm masters encounter flying zombies, but I am afraid that there is no possibility of escape at all.

Hua Yanyan is just the realm of the earth master, how can she be a stiff opponent!

Even if Ye Tian was present, it would probably be impossible to defeat Fei Zhuang.

Thinking of this, Hua Yanyan instantly galloped up and rushed out of the construction site.

You must know that not far from here at this time is where the provincial capital is located, if Fei Zombie is in the world, I am afraid that the entire provincial capital will become the blood food of the Fei Zombie!

At that time, there will be a lot of life and blood!

"Hey, how did you go! Take me with you! "

At this time, Zuo Jiatang finally realized the seriousness of the problem, looking at the ground that was constantly shaking violently in front of him, as well as the black gas rising into the sky.

Could it be that there really is a zombie here?

Thinking that all this was because Zuo Jiatang did not listen to his own opinions and acted rashly, Hua Yanyan was angry in her heart.

Completely ignore the Zuo Jiatang who was half lying on the ground!

All she can do now is to rush back to the provincial capital as soon as possible, inform the residents, and evacuate this place as soon as possible!

"! Bastard! "

Seeing that everyone was fleeing in all directions, Hua Yanyan didn't pay attention to herself and threw herself aside.

Zuo Jiatang was angry, and immediately stood up straight and began to run forward.


However, at this moment, the entire ground exploded in an instant.

Zuo Jiatang only felt that his eyes were dark, and then he no longer had any consciousness.

A black shadow burst forth, and instantly boiled in the air.

The shadow's body was wrapped with a thick black aura, and it was completely impossible to see the true appearance.

Only the scarlet eyes exuded a cold gaze like ghosts, looking at the fleeing people in front of them, and their throats gurgled in their throats.

"Mom! It's so high! "

At this time, Zuo Jiatang heard a scream, and looked at the people on the ground who were the size of ants fleeing in all directions, and exclaimed loudly.

When he turned around, he found that he was grabbed by a black figure on the back, and he was hanging in the air.

"Damn it!"

Hua Yanyan was agile, and at this time she had already crossed everyone and ran to the front.

But the sound of the zombie coming out still shocked everyone who was fleeing, and Hua Yanyan looked back and couldn't help but be shocked!

At this time, the black shadow was holding Zuojiatang and levitating in the sky, and his corpse was soaring into the sky, as if he was about to devour heaven and earth!

But what shocked Hua Yanyan the most was that the black corpse qi on the black shadow's body was changing!

The originally pitch-black corpse qi has begun to gradually transform into a purple state, as if it is transforming and evolving!


Hua Yanyan exclaimed, shocked!

She originally thought that the zombies suppressed in this seal would be flying zombies, but after seeing the corpse qi that gradually turned into a purple state, Hua Yanyan's heart was full of waves!

The corpse turns purple, and the zombie is in the world!

The zombie is the super-top zombie that exists second only to the zombie!

If you want to kill the zombie, you must at least have the strength and cultivation of the God Realm!


The stiff stiffness in mid-air let out an earth-shattering roar, and then look at Zuo Jiatang's body began to festering and dissipating at an extremely fast speed!

Streams of blood turned into pillars of blood and flew out of Zuo Jiatang's body, and even the illusory soul fell into the stiff body.



As the bones of the Zuo family hall were gone, bursts of explosions erupted around the stiff body!

The black corpse qi had already begun to change rapidly, and in less than a few seconds, all the corpse qi around the stiffened body had turned into a thick purple brilliance!

"Everyone, run! Fast! "

Zuo Jiatang's death was seen by many people, listening to Hua Yanyan's shout, everyone seemed to be full of strength in an instant, and ran desperately into the distance.


Sucked fresh blood and soul, and instantly stimulated that stiff and bloodthirsty desire!

Looking at the people who were fleeing in a rout, the stiff roared, and then more than a dozen people's bodies erupted with red pillars of blood, like fountains, rushing into the stiff mouth.

Seeing that the stiff had begun to mutilate others, Hua Yanyan was anxious, but she was powerless to fight against it at all, so she could only struggle to escape and rush to the provincial capital!



As the blood and souls of the living people were devoured by the stiffness, the corpse qi of their bodies was gradually rising!

At that moment, he turned into a purple figure and fell to the ground in an instant, looking at the people who were fleeing in front of him, his eyes burst out with terrifying light again!

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