


Since Ye Tian noticed the sky-high corpse qi in the Rothschild family's manor, he hurriedly used his magical power to shrink the ground into inches, and soon came to the construction site outside the city.

Like Hua Yanyan, after seeing the zombies surrounded by purple corpses, Ye Tian was also extremely shocked!


This super top zombie that has not appeared for nearly a thousand years, and now that it has reappeared, Ye Tian seems to be able to feel his scalp constantly exploding!

That's right, he has the strength of the real human realm, and he also has that extraordinary and domineering Samadhi True Fire Divine Power!

But now what we are facing is a stiffness!

The stiffness that has been appearing alive in front of you!

Seeing that stiff and crazy hair, constantly sucking everyone's blood, Ye Tianyi's figure flew forward, and the blessing system was summoned in his mind.

"System, for this stiffness, use the Detention Soul Dispatch Card!"

"Okay, confirm the host's request, I'm using the Detention Commander Card on the zombie!"

Originally, this treasure at the bottom of the box, Ye Tian, was going to use it against the blood clan powerhouse, but now it seems that he has to deal with this stiff one!


Looking at the scattered crowd, the stiff roared into the sky, and instantly turned into a purple light and shadow, rushing towards everyone.

At this time, everyone was desperately fleeing, but Hua Yanyan looked back uneasily, and saw that the purple stiff came to the back of the crowd in the blink of an eye, and with a wave of his hand, he tore a strong man alive!

"Damn it!"

Hua Yanyan was shocked, but there was no way to do it, if she didn't escape as soon as possible, she was afraid that everyone present would fall into that stiff blood food.

Seeing all this, everyone instantly quickened their pace, as if they had used their strength to eat, and ran forward.


There was another monstrous roar behind him, and some people seemed to be frightened, and both legs involuntarily lost their feeling and fell to the ground.

However, just when those who fell to the ground felt that the end was coming, suddenly the roar of the zombies behind them was gone.

Looking at it, there is still half of the figure of the zombie, only the messy construction site is reflected in everyone's eyes.

"What's going on?"

Hua Yanyan also noticed the changes behind her, and when she looked back, she saw that the stiff figure was gone.

"How could it suddenly disappear!"

At this time, Hua Yanyan's heart was clouded with a layer of doubt, she couldn't imagine that the stiffness that was still crazy just now disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye, as if it had never existed at all!

I'm afraid that the stiff is hiding in some corner, serving secrets and planning big things.

But when I looked around left and right, I didn't see the stiff figure at all!

Even the monstrous purple corpse qi disappeared and disappeared in front of him!

Although there are doubts in her heart, she has no time to pay attention to these for Hua Yanyan!

Now it is the most important thing to rush back to the provincial capital as soon as possible, otherwise the stiffness will reappear, and I am afraid that if I want to run again, I will have no chance!


No one noticed that the stiffness suddenly disappeared.

At this time, a white figure flashed on the mountainside not far from the construction site, looking at the lack of people around, Ye Tian's heart moved, and his consciousness had sunk into a bright space.

The bright space here is called the Spirit Servant Space, which exists in Ye Tian's consciousness.

After using the Spirit Dispatch Card, this space was born in Ye Tian's consciousness, temporarily trapping the stiff that suddenly appeared on the construction site!


After entering the spirit servant space, the situation in front of him made Ye Tian a little surprised.

I saw a smooth girl lying flat on the empty ground not far from me.

The girl was not wearing any clothes around her, and her long black hair was scattered on her body, covering every inch of embarrassment just right.

At this time, the girl's body was still surrounded by the faint purple corpse qi, lingering.

The girl closed her eyes tightly, and a picture like a celestial appeared in front of Ye Tian, as if exuding a trace of holiness.

"Is this stiff a little girl?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, looking at the girl's sleeping appearance with her eyes closed, a little surprised.

This girl looked like she was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was in her prime, how she became such a top-level zombie as Zombie really surprised Ye Tian.


Just when Ye Tian was surprised, the girl slowly opened her eyes, and a fragrance exhaled from her mouth, and it smelled a little good.



As the girl woke up, a purple light gauze dress appeared around her out of thin air, attached to the girl's body.

Immediately after, the familiar system prompt sound also sounded in Ye Tian's ears instantly.

"It has been detected that all the stiff clothes have rotted, and the system has specially dressed it in a purple gauze dress, hoping that the host will be satisfied!"


Ye Tian was speechless, and secretly said that this system was so intimate.

And the girl had already stood up at this time, her eyes were no longer the terrifying bloody color, and the purple corpse qi on her body disappeared.

Bright eyes and bright teeth, delicate and delicate, a purple light gauze long skirt mopping the floor, the girl's perfect figure is vividly reflected!

Is this really a stiff one?

"Slave Ah Zi, I've seen my master!"

"Your name is Ah Zi?"

Seeing the girl bow towards him, Ye Tian nodded slightly and asked softly.

"Yes, master, the slave's name is Ah Zi!"

Ah Zi nodded, then stood up straight, and looked at Ye Tian with joy on his face, revealing his white teeth.

"Master, Ah Zi will always serve by your side in the future, I just ask the master not to abandon you!"

"Well, I can keep you around, but you must stay in this valet space, and when the time is right, I will let you out!"

"Yes, master!"

Ah Zi didn't have any opinion on Ye Tian's request, and bowed down again and nodded, with a bright smile on his face.

"How did you become a zombie?"

With a stiff as a slave, it can be said that it has added a lot of extremely strong combat power to Ye Tian!

It's just that at this time, Ye Tian is not concerned about these, but has a strong interest in Ah Zi's life experience.

"The slave doesn't remember."

Ah Zi shook his head, his face full of confusion.

In this regard, Ye Tian believed that Ah Zi was telling the truth, but his curiosity was not satisfied, but he made himself feel a little regretful.

Looking at Ye Tian with a helpless wry smile and shaking his head, Ah Zi replied again:

"The slave can't remember a lot of things in her head, only some scattered memories exist!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a smile:

"There hasn't been a stiff appearance here for a thousand years, and it's normal that you haven't been able to remember it after being sealed for so long!"

"What! Is it a thousand years old? "

Ah Zi looked surprised and said in surprise:

"Isn't Xu Fu, who suppressed me, already dead!"

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