During the Qin Dynasty, Fang Shi Xu Fu led 3,000 boys and girls to the sea to visit the legendary fairy island Penglai, looking for the elixir of immortality for the first emperor, and has not been heard from since.

It is rumored that Xu Fu and 3,000 boys and girls were all killed when they crossed the sea; It is also rumored that they found the legendary Penglai Immortal Island, but they never lost the direction of return.

However, the most rumored thing is that Xu Fu and others found an uncivilized island, and since then they have multiplied and established the country!

This island country is what later generations called Dongying Fuso!

Listening to the word "Xu Fu" in Na Zi's mouth, the first thought that flashed through Ye Tian's mind was these thoughts just now.

He couldn't help but look at Ah Zi with some surprise, and asked curiously:

"The Xu Fu you are talking about, but Xu Fu who is looking for the elixir of life for Qin Shi Huang?"

"The elixir?"

Ah Zi looked at Ye Tian with some doubts, shook his head and said:

"I don't know what the elixir is, I only know that it was a monk named Xu Fu who led others to suppress and seal me here!"

After speaking, Ah Zi rubbed his head, as if he remembered something, but his thoughts were extremely confused, and he frowned and said:

"What happened at that time, I really can't remember clearly, as for the Qin Shi Huang in the master's mouth, who is he? Why look for elixir? "

"Forget it, if you can't think of it, you don't have to think about it again."

If it is really as Ah Zi said, then it is very likely that during the Qin Dynasty, she was already stiff!

The seal is nearly 2,000 years ago!

Seeing her confused and somewhat painful look, Ye Tian waved his hand, and then said:

"You stay here in the future, and when the time is right, I will let you out!"

"Yes, master!"

Ah Zi didn't think much about it anymore when he heard this, nodded and said with a smile:

"There is aura here, and it is also very helpful for my cultivation, thank you so much, master!"

For a super top-level zombie like Ah Zi, there is no need to suck the blood of living people to maintain cultivation.

Relying on aura, you can improve your own strength and gradually get closer to the level of stiffness!

"Alright, it's okay, I'm leaving!"

For the special realm of the spirit servant space, Ye Tian also had a little surprise.

Seeing that Ah Zi's matter had been settled, Ye Tian smiled, turned around and disappeared in front of her eyes, returning to his main consciousness.

Seeing that the surroundings had changed back to their normal appearance, Ye Tian disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the direction of the provincial capital in front of him.

Ye Tian's figure disappeared from the woods, and a figure slowly walked out from behind a big tree not far away.

Looking at the direction in which Ye Tian disappeared, the figure nodded with satisfaction, and then turned into a shadow and disappeared.


At this time, in the provincial capital, it can be said that there is a mess.

All the streets were crowded with people and were in chaos.

The appearance of zombies on the construction site is now known all over the city!

Many people even witnessed the zombie killing the second son of the Zuo family, Zuo Jiatang, and many villagers present.

For a while, everyone packed their bags and rushed towards the outside of the city.

Although it is rumored that the zombie has disappeared, everyone thinks that it is an unknown hidden danger!

If that zombie reappears, I'm afraid that there will be no chance to escape by then.

In the Ren family's manor, all the family members were already in a panic, and everyone packed up their packages and fled towards the outside of the courtyard.

Looking at this scene, Ren Tingting didn't know what to do!

Ye Tian didn't find it, and Hua Yanyan didn't know where to go at this time!

At this moment, Edward rushed in with a group of people, saw Ren Tingting staying in front, and hurriedly said:

"Miss Ren, I heard that there are zombies outside the city, and now that Mr. Ye is not here, I'll take you out of the city!"


Ren Tingting was a little surprised, and didn't understand why Edward appeared here at this time, so she couldn't help but be a little puzzled, and looked at the other party in surprise.

And at this moment, Hua Yanyan's figure galloped from outside the courtyard, flashed in the middle of the two parties, pointed at Edward, and said loudly:

"Edward, what are you going to do!"

Ren Tingting didn't know the identity of Edward's blood, but Hua Yanyan was very clear.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the other party actually took advantage of the chaos to kidnap Ren Tingting, which made Hua Yanyan feel extremely angry!

If it weren't for the fear that the stiffness would reappear, there wouldn't be so much time to entangle, but I was afraid that Hua Yanyan would start a battle with Edward now!

"Miss Hua, it's not what you think!"

Seeing Hua Yanyan pointing his sword at him, Edward immediately took two steps back, signaling the internal guards behind him not to act rashly.

Because of Ye Tian's order, Edward did not dare to easily reveal his relationship with the other party.

Therefore, in the eyes of the other party at this time, the sudden appearance of his blood clan here must have some kind of ulterior conspiracy!

In fact, when he heard that there were zombies outside the city, Edward was also a little messy, and Ye Tian also rushed outside the city, in Edward's opinion, Ye Tian might also encounter accidents.

But the natal soul mark that Ye Tian entered into his brain just proved that his idea was wrong, and that natal soul mark is still imprinted in the depths of his mind!

Based on this, Edward knew that Ye Tian was not in any danger!

If he didn't come forward to protect Ren Tingting at this time, he was afraid that Ye Tian would appear when he turned around, and the first one to punish would be himself!

"Fuck off! Don't think I don't know who you really are! If you don't want to die, get out of the way! "

Hua Yanyan shouted angrily, and then a flash of fire flew out from the tip of the sword, instantly striking towards Edward's chest.

"Fire Curse!"

Edward's brows furrowed, and when he saw the flames turning into pillars of fire coming towards him, he immediately showed a body of yin qi and resisted in front of him.


However, unexpectedly, the Yin Qi in front of Edward was not damaged in the slightest. 、

On the contrary, the pillar of fire was struck by a golden light, and it disappeared in an instant.

"Mr. Ye!"

"Brother Ye!"

Edward and Hua Yanyan recognized the familiar golden light just now at the same time, and couldn't help but be surprised.

And Ren Tingting also looked at the young man who appeared in front of her with tears on her face, as if she had a backer in an instant.

"What's wrong? What's going on? "

Ye Tian exerted his magical power of shrinking the ground into inches, and as soon as he came to the Ren family courtyard, he saw Hua Yanyan and Edward fighting.

If it had been before, Ye Tian promised that he would definitely kill Edward here as soon as possible!

But at this time, the other party has already surrendered to himself, and if he makes a fuss, he can't say anything.

"Stinky guy, you're finally willing to show up!"

Hua Yanyan stepped forward and punched Ye Tian on the shoulder, but her face was filled with a happy smile.

Then he turned and pointed at Edward, and said loudly:

"This guy brought someone to kidnap Tingting, but fortunately I found out in time, so I didn't let him succeed!"

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