Sure enough, it was really as Ye Tian had guessed, and the master Tianxu Zhenren knew about his subduing of the stiffness, which made Ye Tian feel a little overwhelmed.

Ren Tingting doesn't know how to practice, and Hua Yanyan's cultivation is not high.

Ye Tian originally planned to find an excuse to fool the past, so he said that the stiffness suddenly disappeared, and he didn't plan to tell them about Ah Zi for the time being.

However, if the appearance of the virtual real person today completely disrupted Ye Tian's thoughts, the matter of the detaining spirit sending the card himself could not be explained to the master at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian could only bite the bullet, pretending to be very confused, and said with a smile:

"Master, it's a coincidence, I don't know why, that stiff was subdued by me!"

Ye Tian still looked at the Tianxu real person with a very puzzled expression, and continued:

"Since I advanced to the realm of a real person, I have inexplicably learned some very powerful supernatural powers!"

As he spoke, Ye Tian raised his hand and shook it, and a golden Samadhi True Fire was suspended in his hand, and the Tianxu True People on the side were extremely surprised when they saw it.

"Good boy! Good boy! Little leaf, this is the real fire of Samadhi! "

What is the Samadhi True Fire, the Heavenly Void True Man couldn't be clearer, and it is not difficult to summon this Taoist Divine Fire with his own strength to cross the Tribulation Realm.

But for Ye Tian, who had just stepped into the realm of a first-class real person, he could summon such a strong Samadhi True Fire, it was definitely a rare thing.

Afraid that he was dazzled, the heavenly real person kept looking at this samadhi true fire, and said with admiration:

"Good boy, good boy! This is really Samadhi! You're amazing! "

Tianxu Zhenren began to laugh proudly, kept patting Ye Tian's shoulder, and said approvingly:

"Poor Dao accepted you as an apprentice, it is simply the happiest thing in my life! Do you know that Mao Xiaofang, the personal disciple of the head of the family, is also a real person who has just advanced to the first grade!

But he can only summon a trace of spark of samadhi true fire through the talisman, like a flame like you, he will never be able to achieve this now! "

Ye Tian listened to the praise of the Tianxu Zhenren to himself, and he was also very happy in his heart, and immediately flipped his palm, and the Samadhi True Fire disappeared in an instant.

Everything is so easy and natural, and there is no hard work at all.

"Master, when that stiff appeared just now, I was also very anxious, and somehow, many unlearned Taoist techniques appeared in my mind."

Seeing the opportunity, Ye Tian continued to add fuel and vinegar, and began to talk nonsense:

"That Dao technique seems to be called the Soul Restraint General, and the situation at that time was also very chaotic, so I silently recited that mantra, and then that stiff was subdued by me in a spirit servant space in my body!"


Listening to Ye Tian's explanation, although the Tianxu Zhenren still had a very surprised expression on his face, he didn't say anything.

I just nodded quietly in response, not knowing what I was thinking.

"Hahaha! I took in a good apprentice! What an apprentice! "

A moment later, the Void Man stood up again and laughed out loud!

Compared to the excitement just now, he was even more proud and happy, as if it was himself who suddenly comprehended these magical powers, not Ye Tian himself!

"Good boy, you are really a genius in the cultivation world, I am not mistaken!"

Tianxu Zhenren couldn't hide the excitement on his face, looked at Ye Tian in front of him, and said with admiration:

"It is an incredible thing to comprehend the true fire of samadhi and the supernatural powers of the spirit of detention on your own! I have a successor in Maoshan, and there are successors! "

"The master praised it falsely!"

Seeing that the real person seemed to have been temporarily fooled by his own nonsense, Ye Tian really pinched a cold sweat for himself in his heart.

Immediately, I saw the Tianxu real person pouting, and said a little unhappily:

"Hey, such a good seedling, it's a pity that the head didn't choose you back then, but chose that Mao Xiaofang! Otherwise, with your qualifications, you will inherit the position of the head of Maoshan in the future, and you will definitely be the only one! "

"Master, don't say that, you know my character, if I become the true legend of the head, looking at the face of the head every day, I will definitely be depressed to the point of exploding!"

"Stinky boy, I also learned to laugh at the boss, I owe a beating!"

Having said that, the innocent man still nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile:

"You're right, the temper and personality of the senior brother in charge is indeed too serious, I have been with him for so many years, and I still don't get used to it!

Besides, if such a good apprentice is really given to him, I am still reluctant, how good it is to leave it to myself! Hahaha! "

"That's it, that's it!"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile, then helped the Tianxu Zhenren back onto the sofa and asked with a smile:

"Master, you haven't said it yet, why did you suddenly come to the provincial capital?"

The sudden appearance of the Heavenly Void True Man was something Ye Tian didn't expect, and seeing that everything had been temporarily resolved, he asked curiously.

Seeing this, the Tianxu Zhenren waved his hand to put away the barrier outside the door, and in the eyes of outsiders, the two masters and apprentices in the room were still chatting happily as they did just now.

"The Extreme Dao Alliance has been showing more and more signs recently, and from Shi Jian's body, I know that he also has a connection with the Extreme Dao Alliance!"

"What? Big Brother is connected to the Extreme Dao Alliance? "

Ye Tian was a little surprised, he thought that Shi Jian became tyrannical because of his temper and character, but he didn't expect that it was related to the Extreme Dao Alliance, it was simply incredible.

"That's right!"

Tianxu Zhenren nodded and continued:

"According to the interrogation of the torture hall, Shi Jian has been in contact with a demon of the Extreme Dao Alliance who is in Shanghai, and that person's name is Shi Zhongyu, and he is the deacon of the Extreme Dao Alliance!"

"Then master, you went down the mountain this time, are you going to capture that jade in the stone?"


Tianxu Zhenren shook his head and continued:

After learning the news at that time, the second senior brother went to Hucheng with the Elder of the Torture Hall, but when he got there, he found that Shi Zhongyu had already left there.

And the rest of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals didn't know where the jade in the stone had gone, as if it had disappeared out of thin air!

The senior brother in charge sensed that this matter was a bit serious, and the whereabouts of the demons of the Extreme Dao Alliance had also appeared in many places.

Therefore, the head of the sect sent we, the elders of the sect, to personally go to the various sects and families to inform all the heads and family masters of the reappearance of the Extreme Dao Alliance in the cultivation world!

In order to prevent those demons from doing evil again and resurrecting the ashes!

This time, I am going to go to Shaomu Mountain Daluo Temple and Jiangnan Zhuge Family, thinking that you have not seen this apprentice for a long time, so I plan to go to Renjia Town to see you first!

Who knew that when I first arrived in the provincial capital, I encountered the stiff things in the world, but coincidentally, I actually saw you, do you say that it is the fate of our master and apprentice! Hahaha! "

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